Chapter 24

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It was miserably hot and humid outside. I blew my bangs from my face and they were wet with gross forehead sweat.  I regretted letting Nicks cut my bangs because I couldn’t pull them behind my ear to free myself from the prickling hairs in my eyes. I eventually gave up and grabbed a bobby pin from the stash in my purse and pinned my bangs back. They did this weird flip thing at the end that annoyed me, but it was better than having my vision impaired.

I walked around campus after my first class of the day. Harry had asked me, no, more like told me to meet with him before I left for my parents’. I figured that he would be by the academic building, having a smoke, so I made my way over to the large brick building. When it came into view, I saw Harry standing there with his back against the red bricks. He had a cigarette between his lips, but it wasn’t lit.

When I walked a little closer I saw that he was talking to someone. He was equally as tall, but tanner than Harry. I had seen him only once before. The guy was Perrie’s boyfriend, Zayn, or at least I thought he still was. Who knew with that girl. I would just get mad thinking about her.

As I approached Harry, he looked up and stopped talking with Zayn. His lips formed a straight line and he didn’t look pleased to see me at all, even though his texts were so enthusiastic the night before.

“Listen here Styles.” Zayn jabbed Harry in the chest. I stood back, not wanting to get into whatever scuffle the two were in. “Tell that tramp to keep her mouth shut about my girl. Just because she had a temporary lapse in judgment doesn’t make her a whore.” Zayn spit. He pushed Harry again, this time; Harry’s back hit the bricks hard. He didn’t fight back; he just kept his eyes on me. Zayn stepped away and looked back at me. He glared and rolled his eyes as he walked away.

“I was just showing the world how much of whore she is. I’m not the only one she has slept with. Take that into note.” Harry quoted Zayn and chuckled. “I’d worry about your girlfriend’s wandering hands more than some stupid rumors.” Harry pulled his lighter from his pocket and lit up a cigarette. He left Zayn behind and walked by me, grabbing my arm lightly and leading me away.

“What was that about?” I asked. Harry kept silent, ignoring my question. “Okay…” I said, annoyed. Harry dropped his hand from my arm once we got to a secluded spot with a bench. It was a nice place and I always saw people hiding and studying there. Harry sat down, cigarette burning. I sat down next to him, sitting rigid. I don’t know why I was so uncomfortable, but I guess it was because I didn’t really know much about Harry and yet I was following him around, waiting for his next move.

“Why are you leaving?” He asked, blowing smoke into the air. I swatted some away from my face and shrugged.

“I need to get out of that apartment-“

“That’s why you were staying with me.” Harry stated. That was true, but I needed to get farther away.

“I can’t bother you at your place anymore.” I sighed. “I feel bad for imposing on you.”

Harry grumbled, sitting back. He pulled his cigarette from his mouth and threw it to the ground, crushing it with the heel of his boot. “Trust me, love, if you were imposing I would have kicked your arse to the curb.” I watched as he crossed his arms and ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “Plus, I like waking up and seeing you in those shorts, cooking in my kitchen.” Harry smirked, probably relishing in the memory. I instantly felt like I should have worn more clothing that day. I was wearing a longer skirt to cover the bruises on my thighs. I was also wearing a low cut tank top. I couldn’t stop myself from pulling it up. “Hey-“ Harry grabbed my shoulder and I looked up at him with wide eyes. He was staring at me deeply. “I like your company. I really do.”

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