Chapter 19

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I was frozen in place, not sure what to do about my current situation. There were people in my house and they didn’t seem all too friendly, after all, they were tearing my apartment apart. I scavenged my brain for any useful tips and tricks for a break-in, and all I could think of was to move something in front of my door. I frantically circled my room and could only think of pushing my dresser over to block to door, but when I tried to push the large piece of furniture, it wouldn’t budge.

My dad’s mocking words about how I had brought to much stuff with me sang through my head. Flashing images of the Crime Alert email notifications also came to though. I should have locked up better, but what’s a lock going to do if someone really wants to get in? I groaned and grabbed at my hair. I stumbled around my room, hissing at the pain shooting up from my ankle.

“Shit.” I said under my breath as the handle of my bedroom door jiggled. I didn’t know what to do. Everyone in the movies always went for the closet, but that’s the first place for someone to look. I limped over to my window, but being on the second floor was too far of a drop and I was already hurt.

“She’s definitely in there.” I heard the muffled, deep voice, say. I shook uncontrollably and opened my window up. The cool air of the summer night rushed into my room and I looked out. The ground was too far down and there weren’t any bushes that could cushion the blow. “Come on little chicken. I just want to play.” The man mocked me through the door and I became sick to my stomach.

My last option, after all, was the closet. I kept my window open to hopefully deter the guys from looking any further. I stepped inside, climbed over a pile of shoes and sat in the back, covering my mouth with my hand to stifle my quick, crying breaths. I kept silent in my closet and listened for the door to bust open into my room. I didn’t have to wait long. Only a few seconds after I had hid myself in the closet I heard my bedroom door open with a crack.

I pushed my back against the back part of my closet and pulled my knees to my chest. I tried to hide behind some of the clothes hanging, but I knew that when that closet door opened, I would be found.

“I think she jumped out the window.” I heard the man say. I sighed with relief, but then the sound of footsteps came up to the closet and I could see the man’s shadow underneath the door. “Wait.” He said, stopping just before the closet.

I curled into myself and shook terribly. If that door were to open, I had no means of protecting myself. Or at least I didn’t think I did. I looked over and saw a pair of heels. I grabbed one and held it so that the sharp heel was pointing outwards. It was better than nothing. Just hit him and run. Hit and run. You can do this, Ashleigh. My fears became reality when my closet door opened the shadow of a man stepped in front of the light. I stared up at him and my heart dropped in my chest. He was the man from the sketches in the email. The scar above his brow was proof enough.

“There you are.” He reached forward. It was my chance to get out of there and away from him. I kicked forward my good leg and hit him in the shin. He stumbled back, away from the closet. “You little-“ I crawled out of my closet quickly, still holding onto my shoe. I hopped to my feet and ran for the door. I barely got a few feet before I was grabbed around the waist and yanked back.

“Let go of me!” I screamed, hoping that someone in the apartment building would hear me. “LET GO!” He pulled me away from the door and lifted me from the ground. I kicked my legs in the air and brought them back to kick the man in the shins, but my attempt failed.

“Shut your mouth.” A hand crept around my face and covered my mouth. I screamed harder as the man brought me over to my bed. No. No. No. I tried biting the man’s hand for him to let me go, but I had no such luck. “You’re feisty.” He hissed into my ear as he pushed me down to the bed. The tears were flowing from my eyes. “Now you’re going to keep quiet. I won’t hurt you if you keep quiet.” I breathed deeply, ready to stay as quiet as possible. His hands smelled like stale cigarettes and I gagged a little until he pulled his hand away and I was left laying on the bed, breathing heavily, and praying to whatever god was out there to save me from this mess.

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