Chapter 12

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I had fallen back against the soft sheets of Harry Styles bed. I raised my head slightly to see him standing there at the end of the bed, between my spread legs. His hands held a portion of each thigh and his thumbs rubbed circles into my skin. He smirked. That awful, beautiful smirk drove me crazy. His hair fell in dark curls over his forehead. My head lolled backward as I arched my back, shoulder blades digging into the mattress. He was pulling at my panties by then. How did I get into just my panties and my bra? I had no idea, but I wasn’t complaining. I breathed erratically as Harry’s large hand dipped under the fabric of my underwear.


“Mmmm…” I moaned, throwing my head against the mattress as Harry’s fingers played with the wetness of my core. He worked me over, rubbing circles over my clit, until I was screaming for more. I gripped the sheets of my bed as Harry moved my now wet pantie aside and I heard the zipped of his pants come undone. He didn’t speak. No sultry words slipped from his lips as he kissed my neck and fumbled with his jeans. He freed himself and I felt his erection press into me. My body felt hot against his. Even if I couldn’t figure out how I had gotten myself into that situation with Harry, I wasn’t complaining.


It felt right.




I woke up with a jolt and sweat dripping down my forehead. I also had that awkward boob sweat that always made me feel gross and uncomfortable. I looked around my dark room until my eyes found the bright alarm clock I had purchased. It was only five in the morning. I groaned, falling back down to my bed and trying to calm my breathing. Harry Styles was really getting to me lately. Not only in real life but also in my dreams.

I must have fallen asleep a few minutes later because I woke up to my eight o’ clock alarm as per usual. I flipped over onto my stomach and nuzzled my face into my soft pillow. Flashes of Harry’s soft hair, tickling between my legs made my eyes go wide and my face heat up. I couldn’t believe I had a dream like that. It had only happened once before, but not so vividly. I sat up and pushed my blonde hair from my face, which was probably red from embarrassment. My legs swung over the side of my bed as I finally got out from underneath the warmth of my blankets.

I hated being sweaty. It was gross and I didn’t like feeling gross. I needed a major shower, complete with shaving my legs and the full beauty regiment. I wasn’t going to let that dream frazzle the rest of my day, or at least I didn’t think I would let it get to me.

I finished my shower and hung around my apartment for a while, cooking myself breakfast and cleaning up before my first class. I decided to skip out on coffee that morning. I had already woken up with a fast beating heart; there was no need to add caffeine to that. Above my head I could hear Harry’s footsteps as he walked across his living room floor. I smiled as I thought about how well ‘hanging out’ with him went the night before, even though it led to that, uhm, strange dream. I wondered if his face was feeling better. I wasn’t any kind of trained medical professional, but I do have a brother who gets in a lot of messes and sometimes that comes with the job of being a sister.

Speaking of Mitch, I hadn’t called him since the other day, and that was cut short because he was going on a date with Hanna, his girlfriend. I promised myself to call him later, as well as the rest of my family, since I had basically dropped all contact since I went to school. I checked my phone for missed calls and text, both from Nicks. Apparently I was getting lunch with her, Will, and Will’s new girlfriend who Nicks said, ‘I just had to see for myself.’ I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but lunch with friends was normal and I needed something normal in my already strange day.

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