Chapter 14

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“Ashleigh! I’m glad I caught you here-“ Liam approached me. No. No. No. I wasn’t going to stand there and have him think that I had slept with Harry. “About what Harry said earlier-“ Great, he was going to ask about what happened with Harry, which was nothing. I huffed and tried getting past him, but Liam was adamant on getting me to talk. There was something with these British boys and trying to get me to talk with them.

“What?” I snapped. Liam stood back, raising his hands in surrender.

“I know you didn’t sleep with him.” Liam clarified. I relaxed a little, but still wanted to know why Liam wanted to hear about what happened between Harry and I. “Harry has a tendency to lie through his teeth.”

“I see that.” I grumbled, grinding my teeth against each other. “He really has a way with people.” I began to twist my fingers in my hair as a way to distract myself from thinking about Harry and getting angrier at each passing second.

“I just wanted to apologize for him. He doesn’t know what he’s got right in front of him.” Liam shrugged. “And then he just went and said those things about you. I knew you weren’t like that. I told him to shut his damn mouth after you ran off.” It was Liam’s turn to grit his teeth together. He was getting as angry as I was and the rumors weren’t even about him.

“Thanks for that.” I crossed my arms over my chest and swayed on my feet. “I’m going to head upstairs then.” I lazily pointed towards the stairway and nodded at Liam. “Thanks again.” Before I could get away from that awkward situation, Liam caught up to me again, resting a hand on my arm.

“I made sure he didn’t tell anyone else. You’re a good person and I didn’t want people thinking that about you.” I nodded and he lifted his hand from my arm. “So, you’re okay?”

Really? Was I okay? I mean, I was as okay as I could get at that given moment. It wasn’t like I had run off crying only hours prior. I rubbed my eyes in reaction and Liam frowned. “You looked really upset.”

“Well, I was. Harry is a real dick.” I spat. I crossed my arms over my chest and stood there tapping my foot. No matter how much I appreciated Liam’s help with Harry, I was still eager to get back into my apartment and do nothing for the rest of the night. Maybe I should invest in an animal. Like a cat or a dog? They would be good company after all, better than any neighbor. “But, hey.” I shrugged. “I was warned by Will about Harry. I guess I should have listened to him.”

“Will warned you about Harry?” Liam asked, raising an eyebrow. I get that Harry is an arse, but I don’t think he deserves a warning label.” He chuckled to ease the tension growing in the air.

But he does. He isn’t good for my health. I grumbled and dropped my arms from my chest. “Actually…” I said, raising the tone in my voice. Liam smiled, understanding my current hatred for a certain curly haired boy. “But, yeah. My friend was just really against me talking to Harry. At first I thought it was just because Will was being territorial because he liked me, but now I get it.” Harry was just a bad person and I should have never got involved with him.

“Will…. William Hills?” Liam asked. I was sure that they had never met, but maybe I was wrong.

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