Chapter 6

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Since it’s the weekend, I figured Harry would be out with his friends or something, but no, he stayed in. He stayed in with another girl. It was obvious from the giggling in the beginning that had to have been a girl, or else I would have become concerned about Harry. Then there were a couple thumps, some silence, and then it hit full force. This girl was loud, unlike the other girls that had stopped by during the past week, including Niall’s ex, a tall brunette who came twice, and the bleach blonde, all of which I had ran into the morning after as I was on my way to school. Harry must have a hell of lot of stamina, because it was like he was never tired. Even after messing around with all these girls, he still found it in his power to mess with me, not sexually, but pretty damn close.

I didn’t know how he did it, but he did. Every Night. Every. Night. There must have been something that kept these girls coming. Sure he had a nice body, but his attitude was sour. His voice was dark and sultry, but everything he said was rude to an extent. What could these girls get from him, other than a good fuck? He had to have been good in bed if they kept coming. But what else was there?

Harry Styles was a complete and utter mystery to me. All I could say, though with embarrassment, was that I was a little jealous of these girls that came in at night and left in the morning with their hair messy and their mind in a haze. It was like Harry was a drug they were addicted to. A drug that I wanted to try. These thoughts frequented my mind the rest of the night when I couldn’t help but listen to the on goings of my upstairs neighbor and his…acquaintance.

“Well…” I huffed, rolling over on my side and pulling my pillow over my head to block out the noise. It was useless, but eventually I got to a point where I couldn’t stay awake any longer and let my conscience slip away.

I woke up the next morning, well, I should say afternoon. I flopped over and reached for my phone on my nightstand. I tapped the screen and it was nearing one in the afternoon. I groaned, having slept all the morning away. There was not much I could do about it then. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and got up from bed, making my way to my kitchen to make myself some coffee. While the coffee brewed and made that gurgling noise, I opened my laptop and checked my emails. Several were spam; a few were shopping coupons that looked tempting. I saved them to my desktop to print later. Then a single email caught my eye from Eastern’s crime alert system.

Crime Alert!


August 31, 2013


Incident: Armed Robbery


A house was broken this past Wednesday near the North side of campus. The owners of the home said they saw two or three men, ages 18-25, with weapons such as a handgun and knives in their home. A television set, and several other expensive electronics were stolen. Fortunately no one was injured in this incident, but police ask for homeowners and the university community to lock up at night and call is any strange incidents occur.


Local police remind the community to not try and approach these men. They are armed and dangerous. Please contact the local authorities if you have any information about the incident.


  Attached to the email was a sketch of one of the suspects. He looked young, with scruff, but a noticeable scar over his brow. He must have not hidden his face very well if the witness was able to remember his features. I sighed, the guy looked so normal. I could have passed him on the street and not have thought twice about it. I thought about the location. North campus. William lived on the North side of campus. I hoped it wasn’t his house that got broken into. I would call him later.

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