Chapter 8

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"Here, have a drink." Niall handed me a red cup. I took it, thanking him in the process. Sure Liam had offered me a drink before, but after seeing Harry again, I needed a drink. Especially, if I wanted to clear my head from the thoughts of him sleeping with yet another taken woman and ruining another relationship. I brought the cup to my lips and as the burning liquid ran down my throat, I coughed. I wasn't used to drinking and the amount of rum in the mixed drink caught me off guard. "Strong, eh?" Niall clapped me on the shoulder. "Just how I like it!"

"Yeah, strong." My eyes were watering as the heat rose from my core and ran up my neck to my face. "What's in this?" I asked, eyeing the drink.

"Everything." Niall chuckled again, this time doubling over at his own words. I laughed along with him, drinking more of the concoction Niall created for the party.

After what seemed like only two drinks, but more around four, later, Niall and I were sitting on Liam's countertop, eating the last few cupcakes and drinking the last of the jungle juice. I don't think I had ever gotten as drunk as I was then. "Niall, you should meet my friend, Nicks!" I shouted a little too loud, throwing my arms in the air. "You would absolutely love her!"

"Why don't you-" Niall hiccupped. "Call her up and get her here?" He held up a finger, telling me to wait one second. He hopped from the counter and searched his pockets. "Wait for it. Here!" Niall pulled out a small flip phone and handed it to me. I grabbed for it, my vision slightly blurred.

"Niall, she won't come over this late." I laughed, checking the time. It was close to three in the morning. I had spent the whole night upstairs at the third floor party. All I wanted to do was meet my neighbors and give them cupcakes. How did I get sucked into a party? "I need some fresh air." I placed Niall's phone on the counter and hopped down, swaying on my feet at first, but eventually getting my footing.

"Need help?" Niall offered, but I declined.

"Nope." I smiled, popping the P. "I'm just going to go outside for a bit and then go back to my place. I'll see you around." I lazily waved at Niall and he gave a wide grin in response. I made my way out the door without finding Liam and Danielle to say goodbye. I would see them around the building no doubt. I ignored the wide-eyed look that turned into a glare that Perrie gave me and found my way to the elevator. I hit the ground floor button, or at least tried, stopping on the second floor anyways because of my drunken movements. I was about to get off and just head straight to bed, but fresh air was what I needed to sober me up, at least a little.

Once on the first floor I tripped out of the elevator and held the wall for support. Okay, so maybe trying to get outside for some fresh air wasn't a good idea. But, I was already half way there, so the only reasonable action was to continue on. I could feel myself feeling better the farther I got away from the music and the booze. The front entrance was within reach, but when I grabbed for the handle, I slipped, hitting the door with my body, forcing it open. I fell forward, hitting a warm mass upon impact.

"You mind?"

Sweet honey.

"What?" I pulled back, steadying myself. My hair was in my face and I pushed it back, looking for whom I bumped into. I could see black, but that was from the shirt he was wearing. Then I saw brown curls. Then those plump lips with an unlit cigarette between them. "Harry?"

"The one the only. Now, do you mind?" Harry moved past me, taking his spot near the entrance, leaning against the brick wall. He pulled the cigarette from his lips and reached for something in his pocket, probably a lighter.

"You shouldn't smoke. It's bad for you." I said, almost instantly when I realized he was about to light the cigarette up. He smirked, face lit by the small flame. He burned the end of the cigarette before inhaling and the letting smoke fall out of his mouth in a flowing wave.

"You shouldn't be so judgmental. It's bad for you." He fought back. I huffed and leaned against the wall as well, the entrance separating us. "What are you doing out here?"

"What? A girl can't get some fresh air?" I crossed my arms over my chest and grumbled. The air was cool for a September night. When the wind blew past, goose bumps rose on my bare legs and arms.

"You look cold." Harry mentioned. He blew out another puff of smoke from his cigarette before throwing it to the ground and crushing it with the heel of his boot. "You should go back inside."

"I don't want to." I pouted. My body still felt groggy from the alcohol. "You can't tell me what to do." I tightened my arms around my chest. "Why don't you go inside and get yourself another girl to screw around with. Maybe go for Liam's girlfriend this time." I knew I hit a sore spot when Harry's usually stoic face faltered and his brows furrowed.

"Whoever I sleep with is none of your business." He crushed the cigarette further into the concrete, smearing the tobacco in a line over the rough surface.

"Why do you sleep with those girls? You're obviously compensating for something." I shrugged. "What, did your ex not love you back or something?" I hit another nerve. I jumped when Harry's fist hit the bricks above my head. He stood close and his heavy breathing came down upon me. I looked up at him and he grabbed my chin.

"You don't know a damn thing about me, so stop pretending that you do." His hand ripped away from my chin and I turned my face to the side, refusing to look him in the eye. He stood intimidatingly close and the small hairs on my neck rose. "Besides...." Harry stood back and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small carton of cigarettes and tapped one out. "Like this cigarette, I like the taste of those girls when they are spread across my tongue." A smirk graced his features. He held the cigarette between his lips and watched me like a predator.

There Harry Styles went again, saying the worst things, yet still being absolutely enthralling.


"Ashleigh, do you have any eggs? Cereal? Really, anything for breakfast?" A smooth, male voice drifted into my ears from the kitchen. It was early morning, only hours after I had fallen asleep, or rather passed out after the third floor party. The voice was followed by the clatter of pans and cabinets opening and closing. I snuggled into my pillows, searching for the warmth that resided there. Then my eyes shot wide open and I sat straight up. It was a bad move on my part. My head instantly began to spin and I lunged over my bed for my wastebasket. I emptied my stomach into the can and groaned. "You okay in there, Ashleigh?" I pulled my hair back and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

I lived alone.

Who the hell was in my apartment?

I sat on my bed and gained some composure before pushing myself off my bed and to the doorway. My body was heavy and my head was pounding. I remember sobering up a little after being outside in the fresh air, but after talking with Harry I went back upstairs and drank more with Niall. Wait, Niall.

He did help me get my keys back into my door. The memory came back. "Niall?"


"Oh, thank god." I stumbled to the doorway and leaned there for a second. I looked up and there was Niall, in my kitchen, searching through my cabinets. "What are you looking for?" I asked, shielding my eyes from the bright sunlight coming in through my kitchen window.

"Breakfast things, but you seem to have none." Niall shut the cabinet he was searching in and pouted.

"I don't eat breakfast." I said flatly, rubbing my eyes and taking a seat at my small kitchen table. "How come you're-"

"You invited me to stay the night. Remember?" Niall made his way towards me. His blue eyes scanned me. I probably looked like crap. His hand rested on my shoulder. "It was nice." He smirked. I felt dread wash over my body.

Shit. "Did we- oh god." I pushed away, eyes wide. I wasn't that type of person. I couldn't have. I looked down at what I was wearing and realized I remained in the same clothes I wore the night before. Then Niall started laughing.

"Ashleigh, calm down. I slept on the couch. I wouldn't take advantage of you like that." Niall reassured me and I calmed down instantly. He chuckled again. "The look on your face, though." He slapped his leg and kept laughing. I pouted and fisted the bottom of my shirt in my hands.

"Blondie's a joker. It's cute."

My head whipped over to the familiar girly voice of my best friend. "Nicks? What are you doing here?" She was stepping out from my bathroom, steam following her. Her hair was wet, which led me to believe she had taken a shower. "I'm so confused."

"You called me last night, drunk out of your mind. You demanded I come over and then you yapped my ear off about that Harold guy upstairs." Nicks glared at me, but sat down opposite of me and tapped her fingers on the counter. "Also, you're a blanket hog." She combed her fingers through her hair and pulled it back into a tight ponytail. Her wet bangs fell in her eyes.

"She likes Harry?" Niall spoke up. He shook his head in disbelief. "The guy's a prick."

"I do not like Harry." I stated.

"Oh honey. You want that boy more than that asteroid wanted to take out the dinosaurs." Nicks clapped her hands together and pushed back from the table. "So go get a shower, put some make up on. You look like shit. We're going to breakfast before Niall here eats his own hand." She hooked her arm with Niall's and he blushed at her contact. "Oh and guess what?"

I stood up and headed towards the bathroom, stopping to listen to whatever else Nicks had to say. "What?"

Nicks smirked, looking up at Niall and then back at me. "I'm inviting Harry." She let go of Niall and skipped towards the door.

My heart dropped in my chest. That was a bad idea. "Nicole Lynne Dante. I will murder you. You cannot invite him." She laughed off my threat and ran out the door. I slouched, defeated.

"You might as well go take a shower." Niall laughed. "Harry probably won't even come anyways. He's not the kind of guy who goes on friendly outings. I wouldn't worry about it." I believed Niall, but there was still a small doubt in my mind that Nicks would somehow manage to get Harry to come along. That would make for an awkward hung-over breakfast.

A/N: HEY DINOS! I absolutely loved this chapter! I really wish my silent readers out there would comment and vote. It would make me very happy! Please show your love! Also, thanks for reading even if you do not comment or vote. Just seeing the views makes me happy as well. I'm working on getting onto weekly updates. I think I will start those when I get back to school mid January.

Much Love


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