Chapter 34

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“That’s great news! Have you set the date yet?” I spoke into the phone. It had been a week since the emotion incident and I was finally on my own, in my apartment, with no one around to bother me. Harry had even left for the weekend, to where I didn’t know, but at least I knew that I could relax without thinking about his footsteps above my head. I had been talking to my brother on and off to help him through the process of asking his girlfriend to marry him. I was just informed that she had said yes. It wasn’t really a surprise. Hanna was the perfect girl for him, really.

“We were thinking sometime this winter.” Mitch spoke and I could hear the sheer happiness in his voice. Though, the date for the upcoming winter was coming up quickly. It was already the end of September. “January actually.”

“So soon?” I asked, pacing around my apartment with my phone placed between my ear and my shoulder. I had gone grocery shopping for the first time in what seemed like forever. Bags were scattered along my countertop and I was in the process of putting it all away. “Does this mean I have to find a date?” I joked. I would most likely being going stag.

“You’ve got that jerk.” Mitch grumbled. He knew some things about Harry. Some were good, but mostly bad. I groaned into the phone, not wanting to be reminded of the guy I wanted to keep off my mind. “Sorry, sis. I just don’t know how to feel about the guy. You’re always so secretive.”


“I tell you everything.” I reminded my brother. He began to laugh, signaling to me that he knew that it was the truth.

“I guess, but you need a date. Hanna wants you to be her maid of honor- SHIT. I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.” Mitch cursed at himself for letting me know the news. I was shocked to say the least. Hanna and I had gotten along well, sure, but I would have never guessed that she would want me to be her maid of honor. “Don’t tell her I told you.” Mitch made me promised. I let him know that I wouldn’t ruin that for Hanna and he thanked me repeatedly.

“My lips are sealed.” I promised.

“You’re the best.”


“It’s genetic.” I chirped and Mitch started to laugh.

“Does that mean I’m the best too?”

“No, you’re adopted.” I joked, putting the last of my groceries away. “Hey, listen. I have to get some things done around here. I can’t be on the phone with you all day.” I adjusted my phone and held it with my hand instead of my shoulder. “Homework, cleaning, you know…”

“I guess I’ll talk to you late then.” The line went dead and I huffed in response. He didn’t even say goodbye. I grumbled for a moment before setting my phone down on the counter and taking a good look around me. My kitchen couldn’t get any cleaner and really the only homework I had was a paper that wasn’t due until the end of the week. I could have kept talking to my brother, but he tended to go on and on about things he had already told me before. I didn’t need that. I had the day to myself and I was going to enjoy it.

Well, at least I tried? My free day to do anything I wished ended up being boring. I didn’t buy cable for my television so I was stuck with Netflix and there is only so many episodes of Grey’s Anatomy that you can watch during the day before realizing that you were starting to call real people in your life McDreamy and McSteamy. McDreamy being Harry, whom I kept telling myself that I would stop thinking of, and McSteamy had yet to assigned. I started to think about other guys in my life and Liam’s name popped into my head. I shook the thought away. Sure, I thought he was extremely attractive. Almost like a young David Beckham mixed with someone else, but Liam was too good of a friend (and he was taken) for me to think of him that way. Next was Niall who was a golden ball of sunshine, not ‘steamy’ in any sense. And then there was Will. Will was definitely a possibility. Jake as well, but that ship had sailed a long time ago.

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