Chapter 33

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I felt my chest heave up and down just like Liam and Harry’s had. I was livid. Absolutely angered at the news that I had just received. I wanted to know what Harry was keeping from me, but I didn’t think for one second that it could be something as drastic as it really was.

“Well?” I placed my hands on my hips and stared at Harry. He looked frantic, green eyes wide and hands running through his hair over and over again. Danielle and Liam were still standing in the hallway with Harry and I. Donnie had long since disappeared into his own apartment. “Are you going to say anything?”

“I-“ Harry stumbled on his words. “I don’t know what to say.” He admitted and started to pace down the hallway. I sighed and stared as Liam and Danielle stood awkwardly in the hallway, watching everything unfold.

“Uh, we’re going to go.” Danielle laid a hand on my shoulder, silently wishing me luck with Harry. “Liam?” She called out to her boyfriend and he looked over to her and me, looking away from Harry who was still pacing the hallway.

He nodded and walked past me to get to his apartment door. Danielle followed him. Before they shut the door, leaving Harry and I to talk, Liam turned towards me and bit his lip before speaking. “If you need me-“ He didn’t have to finish his sentence. I knew Liam had my back. He didn’t have to remind me. I thanked them as they entered their apartment. I then looked back at Harry. He was then pulling at the roots of his hair.

“Harry.” I urgently said. He stopped pulling his hair out and looked up at me. His eyes narrowed at my power stance, with my hands on my hips. “Don’t look at me like that. Get into your apartment.” I ordered, dropping my hands. I walked into his place and waited for him to follow me. I frowned when I saw a pair of lace panties on Harry’s couch. They weren’t mine. They were that girl’s from the night before. I groaned and tossed them to the floor with a disgusting look on my face.

“What?” Harry asked, standing near the door. He leaned against the wall, farther away from me. “You wouldn’t give me anything, so I had to get it elsewhere.” He shrugged and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and hearing. There I was, sitting on Harry’s couch, wanting answers from him, and there he was, trying to turn the situation around on me.

“I’m not giving you anything. Especially if you don’t explain yourself.” I crossed my arms over my chest and Harry sighed heavily. “Just- Explain from the beginning.” I was willing to give him a chance to explain himself. Hell, I was willing to give him a lot, but at that moment, I wasn’t so sure about even being in the same room as him.

“It’s not that simple. You’ll probably start b.itching at me right away.” Harry grumbled, pushing away from the wall. “I can’t stand your goodie two shoe act.”

“And I can’t stand your cocky attitude. I guess we’re even.” I huffed.

“God, you’re insufferable.”

“Again, we’re even.” I dropped my arms from my chest and then stared at my nail, picking at my cuticles. Harry paced around his apartment and we were silent for about five minutes until he finally spoke.

“I didn’t think it would happen, you know?” Harry began. “The break in, I mean.”

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