Chapter 10

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“Yeah, I’ve gotten those emails. Scary stuff.” Liam shrugged. “Not on our side of campus though.”

“Yeah, that’s a relief.” It really was. Hopefully they would catch the guys before they made it to the side of campus I lived on. I didn’t want to have to deal with an armed robber if I didn’t have to. I'm pretty sure I would just scream and hide instead of fight anyways. I was kind of a wuss. 

“I told Danielle to lock up extra tight just in case. She’s there by herself half the time with me at school and work.”

“She doesn’t go to school?” I asked, assuming she went to school with Liam. It seemed they had been dating for a while, but now that I think about it, I hadn’t seen Danielle around our small campus.

“She took the semester off to help teach at a dance studio.” Liam smiled. I guess he wasn’t too upset about his girlfriend not being in school with him. We talked a little more about Danielle and how she was a brilliant dancer. I believed Liam when he said so. She just looked like she could dance. She had the perfect body for it.



A catchy ringtone sounded next to me and I looked over at Nicks as she was digging though her large purse, trying to find her phone. “Hey, yeah. Where have you been, Will?” Nicks answered. We all went silent and stared.


Nicks had her phone pressed to her ear. She sent me a glance and purposefully said Will’s name loudly so that I would know he was on the phone. “Give me that phone.” I reached out and grabbed Nicks’ hand, pulling her cell phone from her grasp. “Will. What the hell, man?”

“Oh hey.” He said softly.

“How come you didn’t call back?” Man, I sounded clingy. I wasn’t even dating the guy. There was no need for me to be that clingy, but I was worried about those break ins. Will was a bigger guy so I wasn’t worried if he could handle herself or not, but I was worried because the emails said that the robbers were arms. No amount of brute strength could stand against a gun.

“I was, uhm, on a date?”

“Date? You went on a date?” That was a shocker, but it would explain why Will didn’t text or call back.

“Hill Billy went on a date? Oh! Gimme!” Nicks grabbed her phone back and I let her converse with Will about the events of his date. At least Will was okay. No burglar ransacked his house and shanked him, so all was good.

“Who's Will? Friend? Ex?” Niall wiggled his eyebrows, quoting his fingers in the air when he said friend. I gave him a sour look. No, that was Jake. I grumbled. It was like my ex was a constant memory that was there every time I turned around. Everyone seemed to be in the mood to figure out my love life. It was my love life, not theirs. Why were they so interested?

“Will is just a friend. Our friend.” I pointed between Nicks and I. She was still on the phone, yapping away with Will. “Apparently he’s not dead and he went on a date.” I shrugged.  Please be more interested in his love life rather than mine. I silently begged. To move on from the conversation I checked my phone for the time. It was still too early to go to my next class with ten extra minutes on my plate. “Hey, I forgot my books in my car, so I’ll see you guys later.” I stood up from the table, grabbing my things and headed off to class without another word. I wasn’t feeling the whole “mores company” that day. Especially since it felt like everyone was trying to weasel his or her way into the mind that is Ashleigh’s.

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