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Ginny's POV
I take out my blue dress from the cupboard in the common room and walk into the bathroom. It's the day of the party. And I'm so happy that Harry Potter asked me as his date. We've been dating a while so I kinda felt hopeful.
I come out of the bathroom and curl my straight hair with my wand. I tied it in a bun and leave a few strands here and there.
I put on little makeup and walk down the stairs. I was meeting Harry in the lobby.
I walk down and out of the room I came to the lobby and saw they Harry wasn't there yet.
After a few minutes of waiting, Harry turns up. I sigh and walk to him "thanks God you're fine" I say. "What can go wrong when I'm with you. You look amazing today as always. But better." he says and with that kisses me softly. I always blush when he does that. Still. After all this time. He manages to make me feel shy. I put my hand around his neck. We pull away and I take his hand and we walk inside the Great Hall.
Lots and lots of Teachers and Students are around either with their dates or dancing or snogging or drinking, or talking or- this can go on...I'll stop.
"Come on" Harry whispered. I smile and walk in with him. As we walk, the whole hall turned to look at us. I knew this should happen. Everyone would want to know who is Harry Potters date! After a few looks and all that, they turn back to normal. I spot Hermione and Ron talking in the side. I shake my head. Those two were unpredictable!
We get into he dance floor and I dance with Harry for sometime.
I head off to get drinks for the both of us, when I'm stopped by ....
Dean Thomas!
I stare at him. I broke up with I dunno what he was doing here. He pulls me to the corner and comes closer. My back hits the wall. He leans to kiss me. I frantically trying to push him off me, but my struggle fails. He's way stronger. I reach for my wand and point it at his face. He grabs it by force and throws it on the ground. I close my eyes. This was bad.
"I still love you" he whispered
"I don't." I whispered back and smirked.
"Do I care? I want you" he says.
"I don't. Now get off me Dean" I say. I try to mind message Harry but I'm too scared and worried to focus. As our lips are about to touch, Dean is blasted away and likes on the ground.
I look and see Harry standing with his wand out. I look on the he floor for my wand and grab it and run to Harry. He puts his arm around mu waist protectively. I bury my head in his chest. I hate this. I suddenly get over it and turn to face Dean.
"Mr. Dean Thomas, what do you think you were doing?" I voice came from he back. I turn to see McGonagall.
She was standing there angrily. She walked to him and took out her wand. "Before Harry can do anything, I will." She says. "Please professor McGonagall." Harry says. "Let him be" Harry says. "I know what to do."
"Harry?" She asked. "Yes. Send him to Azkaban, for 2 days. I know it's harsh, but this is what you get for messing with my love. I'm an Auror and I have the right to do that. I don't know why you did that Dean. You know Ginny is mine. I love her. You should not have done that. Remember, it's only 2 days this time. Worse will come if you are not careful." Harry system gravely.
He takes my hand and walks to the dance floor.
I look at him. He suddenly sits on one knee. I gasp. I could hear muttering, but I didn't care. "Ginny, I've known you for a long time. It was love at first sight. When we shared our first kiss in the common room, I knew that you are mine. I'm still sorry for breaking up with you. I've loved you more each day for the past few weeks.
So I want to ask you, Will you Ginerva Molly Weasley, marry me and make my life complete?" Harry says and pulls out a ring box from his pocket.
I put my hand up to my mouth. I nod my head not sure of what to say. Harry proposed me in front of almost entire Hogwarts? 
Harry's POV
I walked in the Burrow, where all the Weaslys, except for Ginny, were waiting for me.
I walk in and clear my throat and start shyly.
"Umm..I wanted to propose to Ginny." I say getting to the point quickly.
Mrs Weasley gasped and Ron's eyes widened in shock. George smiled and Mr Weasley was nodding.
I look around, "Of course Harry! I couldn't find someone better for Ginny!" She says happily giving me a hug. "No! She too young!" Ron shouts  at me. "Take care of her. Go ahead. Come on won won" George says happily.
"Yes Harry. We're all happy for her."
"Did we miss anything?" Percy, Bill and Charlie walk in together. "Come in." Mrs Weasley says happily and they tell the others about it. "Harry, that's very good" Percy says. The other two nod. I look to Ron and he is frowning. "Please Ron. I promise I'll love her a lot and take care of her" I plead. He gets up and walks to me. He hugs me and says "fine mate. I'm thinking of proposing Mione. Dunno when..but it's fine. Go ahead. All the best" he says.
Present time
"Will you marry me?" I ask Ginny.
She nods and I slip the ring on her finger I get up and kiss her. She is my soon to be Ginny Potter! I hear clapping and whistles from the side. I pull away and hug her happily. "Thanks" I say softly. We look around and find tears in McGonagall's eyes. We walk to her. "Harry dear. You both remind me of James and Lily Potter." She says happily. We hug her and we continue the party. I received loads of congrats from everyone. I saw Ginny hugging Ron and Hermione.
After the party, we were walking together hand in hand. "You love me enough for proposing me in front of everyone?" She asks. I kiss her forehead softly and reply, "I love you enough to give my life." She smiles. We walk around the grounds and kiss each other and talk.
"Harry, and Ginny, you've been called to Headmistress office." I hear someone says. I nod and we walk to her office wondering what she had to say.
Hey this was 20th chapter!!!!!! Yay...thanks for so many reads...44 reads!!! Share vote and comment please...thanks....

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