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*it is about a week after Kingsley came. Harry says yes to the job of Auror and Ron is working with George in the joke shop. He isn't ready for Auror. Hermione and Ginny finish their Hogwarts year and arrived home... Hermione is at home and doesn't work yet. No one is engaged. Today Teddy arrives in Grimmauld Palace.*

Harry's POV...
"Harry!" Ginny's voice came from down. I hate waking up in the morning. "Blimey Harry Potter! Are you awake. You know Teddy is coming today don't you?" Ginny asks me coming into the room. "Good morning Gin" I say to her sleepy. Suddenly I shot awake. Teddy is coming home today.. yes! That's it "I'm up, I'm up!" I say. I find her standing next to the bed. I pull her down and kiss her good morning. She pulls away and hits me with the towel she has in her hand. "Help me clean the room. It has to be neat for the baby" she said and pulls me up.
We go to the room next to ours and find it a mess. I flick my wand around fixing it up and cleaning it.
It took us some time but we finished it looked great.

 It took us some time but we finished it looked great

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(Teddy's new baby room. Instead of the 'N' imagine a 'T')

Teddy was just 4/5 months old so we needed it to be cute and babyish.
We went down and waited for Andromeda to come with Teddy.

Andromeda POV.
(I thought I should try it)
"Teddy wake up please," I call from the kitchen. I walk into Teddy's room and fine him still asleep. I pick him up and give him a kiss on the cheek. He starts giggling. "Come on my boy, we need to go to Harry's home. Teddy is too small to talk yet and none of his magic is showing. Yes his metamorphagus ability is showing as his feeling changes. Right now it's bright pink. I laugh and change his clothes and go down to feed him and then I floo him to Grimmauld Palace, where Harry was staying with Ginny.

Ginny's POV
"Harry, when are you starting your job at the ministry?" I ask him as we sat on the couch. He came closer to me and put an arm around my shoulder. He kisses my head softly. "You talk as if you want me out of the house!" Harry says pretend shocked. "Oh! I do actually, some time alone will be fun!" I say laughing. "Fine! Unfortunately for you, I'm starting next Thursday!" He says mock sad. "Harry! That's early." I say and sit up. "Don't worry babe. It'll be fine. We have to round up a couple of death eaters who broke out of Azkaban. And some paperwork" He says and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back fully. I can feel the passion and love in him for me, and as we were kissing, Andromeda appeared from the fireplace. "Ahem!" She says and we break apart blushing. "Oh no problem Ginny's ok. Just wanted to drop Teddy off." She said waving it off.
We took her to the room we made for Teddy. It also had a few photos of Remus and Tonks, some with Teddy and others just some of the photos which Harry took with Sirius and Lupin. There was one which I know Harry loved a lot, we took a copy and hung it in our room also, it was a photo of the marauders and Lily Evans in it. They were laughing happily.
Andromeda was so happy with the room. "Wow. You made a wonderful job of it dears. It looks great. She sets Teddy on the ground and he crawls up to the crib grabbing it, trying to get up. I go and lift him onto the crib and tickle his chin as I set him down. He giggles and his hair turns bright blue with happiness.
"Ginny, can you make something for her to eat please" Harry said to me indicating Andromeda. I nodded and left . I knew the reason for me going. It was for talking privately with her.

Harry's POV.
"Ginny,can you please make something for Andromeda. I say and she goes away nodding. I know I could have called Kreacher, but I wanted to be alone with Andromeda.
"Thanks a lot for letting Teddy be with me" I say. "Harry, it's ok. You are his legal guardian. He is your responsibility." She said hugging me.
"I want to promise something." I say. "Harry, you don't need to do this. I trust you." She says. I say nothing but continue.
"I promise to never take Remus and Tonks place as parents. And I promise to tell Teddy the truth when he is old enough. I promise that I will be the best Godfather anyone has had. I'll be his Sirius Black. I will love him with all my heart. I promise to keep him safe" I say. She nods and Hugs me hard . I hug back and tell her that Ginny would have made something to eat so we can go. We leave Teddy to play in his room.
*After Andromeda leaves*
3rd person
"Hey Ted!" Harry calls to him and pick him up for the floor and puts him on his lap and sits down. Ginny from behind and hugs him. "Hey Ginny" Harry says. "Teddy! You want to play?" She asks. He nods and gets up and brings his toy truck from under the crib. "Hey Ted, want to see something?" Harry says and he flicks his wand as the truck flies in the air and floats above Teddy's head, He giggles loudly. Ginny smiles at Harry and he puts the truck on the ground. Suddenly Teddy crawls over and grabs Harry's wand. "Woah Tedster! No grabbing the wand out of my hand." Harry says and pulls it back. He rubs Teddy's nose. He puts an arm around Ginny and pulled her closer.
"I couldn't ask for anything else" he says and kisses her. She smiled through the kiss and pulls away saying "I would. You" Ginny says.

So I hope you're happy with the update..just a filler actually..I'm planning on something about proposal, but i don't know whose to do first ...comment please and tell me - Harry and Ginny's?
Ronald and Hermione's? share....

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