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A fine day and Hermione, Harry were in The Burrow with the Weasleys.
Ron and Hermione were sitting together on one side of the table. They were holding hands. Harry and Ginny were sitting together too, they exchanged looks and Harry raised his eyebrows in question. Ginny pointed her eyes under the table and Harry, looked under the table making the excuse of tying his shoes. He looked down and almost hit his head on the under of the table. He sat on his seat, looked at Ginny and smiled, trying to control his laugh. Ginny smiled back understanding what he meant.

Suddenly Hermione got up ..."I'm done...thanks Mrs Weasley " she said...
"I'll come with you! I'm done too" Ron said standing up...Harry exchanged understanding looks with Ginny . Harry was about to get up but Ginny put a hand on his lap " no , let them's fine, give them privacy" Ginny whispered. the kitchen
Ron had gone behind Hermione and after she put the plate in the sink, she went to the washroom. Ron was waiting for her outside...the moment she came out front he washroom, he pulled her closer and they looked at by each other, " you know Hermy, I've always loved you ....always ...and I remember the time when you kissed me in the chess room in our first year at Hogwarts... And I also remember when I was given the love potion, it was you, whose name I called, and we kissed after Harry went out of the room....I do remember " Ron said looking at her. " I know Ron...whatever you may have said to me , I know you were worth everything I gave you..every tear .I loved you too" she replied. They came a step closer...... Hermione put her arms around his neck and they kissed......after what seemed like several minutes they broke apart. Hermione looked at him in his eyes and hugged hard as if that was the last time they could see each other...
Two minutes later, Harry came in with Ginny's arm around his neck. He looked at her and then at Ron. "Ron!! " He called out. " Let them be Harry come up with me , I have something for you" Ginny said pulling him up by his arm.. they reached Ginny's room...
Harry looked around "what is it?" He asked .."This" she said as she stepped closer and they kissed after a long time...Harry put his arm on her waist and she put her arms around his neck

"I love you Ginny" Harry said pulling her to the bed . "You know Harry, when I saw you first, when we met on platform 9 3/4? I had a crush on you? To tell the truth was half a celebrity crush. You were famous and you looked so cute too. I couldn't help it! " Ginny said laughing. " And when we kissed first in school? After the quidditch match? I just felt myself like the happiest girl in the world. I knew you liked me then Harry. I knew it ..I saw your face when you saw me and Dean snogging felt like you wanted to rip him apart for it!! " She said looking out the window.
"And also when you told me last year that it was the end of our relationship? I just felt like it was the end of the world!! But when I saw you at Hogwarts that day? I was so happy ..Harry I have always been happy when you were around...."
They looked at each other knowing that they could now be together forever. Nothing could separate them.
In the kitchen, Ron and Hermione looked at each other laughing . Knowing now that they needn't keep their love a secret from anyone.


Hey all of you, I wanted to tell you that this story will be about mostly hinny ....I will focus on ronmione also .. It is my first story so it may be horrible ..just comment if you didn't like it ..plsss...

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