The Club Trouble

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When the four of them reached the club, Harry took Ginny's hand and they stepped to the floor and started dancing. Harry kissed Ginny and his arms around her bare stomach.
Hermione and Ron headed to the bar and ordered a glass of wine. Hermione and Ron talked for sometime and then like the other two, stepped on the dance floor.
Hermione was wearing a black loose crop top- Ron's gift and denim shorts with a pair of knee length boots. Her hair was straightened and she left two thick strands curly in the front.
Ron, not unlike Harry, was keeping his hands around her waist and rubbing her skin softly while they kissed to the soft music.
They were enjoying every but if the party, when suddenly a crash sounded form outside.
Screams echoed everywhere.
Ron took Hermione's hand and Harry took Ginny's. Their wands were ready and suddenly a death eater - much different from Burton - stood there with a mask on his face.
He took off his mask......

Lucius Malfoy!!!!

"You!" Harry shouted.
"YES! Me!" He shouted back. He took out his wand and blasted the place Harry was standing on.
Harry and Ginny apparated.
Another Crack!
Hermione and Ron apparated
"Cowards!" Lucius screamed as they vanished.

"Sorry!" Harry said once all four of them had reached the place. "All of you, sorry. I wanted a bit of fun for you've always stayed by my side and I wanted to do something in I thought of this and ...I didn't mean for this to happen... Malfoy just came there and! I'm really very sorry" Harry said sitting down and crying softly. "Harry, it isn't your fault at all!" Ginny said kissing him softly. He put his arm around her.
Ron looked at Hermione. "Yes just sort of...happened.. don't hate yourself" He said.
"No! I'm going back and facing Malfoy! I heard him call me a coward as we apparated. And I'm a Gryffindor, and Gryffindors aren't allowed to be cowards. And I'm facing him alone..." Harry said standing up.
"Harry! No" Hermione screamed.
"Harry! I'm coming" Ginny said standing up.
"No! No one comes .just this once ok?"  Harry said and put charts to keep them behind and apparated away from there before anyone could come..

He reached the club and saw Malfoy killing muggles and destroying the place. "Hey Malfoy!" Harry shouted. "Face me! It's what you want right?"
"Potter! You're back...brave and facing me I see. Living up to Gryffindor standards." Lucius said and walked towards him.
Petrificius Totalus
... Spells flew in all colours.
Somehow, no one managed to hurt the other.
When Harry stopped for a breath, Lucius pointed his wand at him and screamed Crucio.
"Aaaargh" Harry screamed as he was tortured by Malfoy.
"Stop it! Expelliarmus" a voice came and Malfoy's wand flew in the air and the person caught it. Harry was in a bad condition to see who it was as he was tortured for 15 minutes, but as the spell stopped, he could see little by little. But it was still blur. Malfoy flew away quickly and the person broke his wand in two peices. "Who are you" Harry asked.
"Harry! Harry are you fine?" The voice came... slowly as Harry's vision cleared, he saw who it was.........

Neville Longbottom

"Neville? Is it you?" Harry asked.
"Yes Harry. It's me." Neville said.

Harry stood up and held Neville's hand and managed to apparate him to their tent, where the three of them were looking worried sick.
"Harry!" Ginny called as soon as he came. She ran to him and put her arms around him and kissed him hard. Harry jerked back and hugged her back tightly. When they stopped, Ginny started crying, out of happiness and fear. "Hey, Ginny..get a hold ..see? I'm back" Harry said.  "You-are-such-an-idiot-Harry-Potter!" She hit him with each word and he started pushing her away. "You know, I couldn't come because of the stupid charms and I didn't want to you to end up in trouble because of us, so we stayed back. You're an idiot Harry" she said and hugged him again tightly. "I was worried sick" she said. "Whoa! Ginny, please calm down. Sorry!" Harry said amused at her reaction. "You are an idiot Harry. You could have died!" Hermione said and he hugged her and Ron. "I couldn't have died. Neville here, rescued me as he was using the cruciatus curse on me." Harry said.
"Neville! You ? That means you got our message!" Ginny said happily and hugged him. "Neville, mate" Ron said punching his arm and Hermione hugged him laughing "wow Neville!"
"I guess the DA paid off huh?" He asked Harry hugging him.
"Thanks mate." Harry said. But, how did you? And Ginny, what message are you talking about? Harry asked, confused.
"When you left, I send a message on the coins that we had for our DA, and I wrote, 'Harry has gone to a club and we can't rescue him. Help' with the address of the club. Neville thankfully got the message as he had his coin in his pocket. Thanks Neville" Ginny explained to Harry and Harry hugged her. "Thanks Gin." He said.
"We couldn't let you die , could we?" She asked and they all started laughing.
"Okay then, bye guys...I want to stay , but Gran is waiting at home. Thanks. Bye!" Neville said getting up ,and one but one they said bye , hugged him and he apparated away.
"Let's go to sleep now. It's late." Harry said yawning.
They said Goodnight to each other and walked to their tents.
"Thanks a million Ginny"Harry said softly stroking her cheeks.
"Its ok Harry. But next time, you dare not take us with you and you'll be dead by me. Not Voldemort!" She said.
"Thanks again Ginny. I don't know how I can repay you or anything...but thanks" Harry said again.

Ginny took the cushion nearest to her and started hitting Harry with it. After a fierce battle, Ginny sat down tired and Harry took the pillow from her and there it away and kissed her lovingly. She hugged him back and kissed him equally lovingly. After a few minutes, they pulled away.
"Don't ever say sorry again." Ginny said. "Fine!" Harry huffed. "And, don't ever do what you did today again!" She said.... "Fine again!" He said again. "Now ...can we go to sleep?" He asked. "Sure! Just let me change."Ginny said and walked into the room. Harry was sitting on the couch, thinking about Ginny, and absent mindedly walked into the room while she was changing. "Hey!" She screamed.
"Sorry!" He said and ran away before she could hurt him. He sat down on the couch, but then decided to go see Ron and Hermione.
He walked to their tent an dsaw them snogging each other...
He coughed and revealed his presence.  "Umm...hello?" He asked
"Harry!" Hermione said and she pulled away blushing. "What happened?" She asked worried.
"Oh! Nothing" he said smiling. "I just..umm.. Ginny was changing and I was bored so I came to talk to you." Harry said. "Can I?" He asked "sure .. of course Harry" Hermione said and waved her wand and a glass of water appeared in the air. Harry took it and drank. "So? Are you and Ginny going to do something tomorrow!" Ron asked. "Us? Why?" He asked looking puzzled. "It's Ginny's BIRTHDAY Harry! You forgot?" Ron asked. "Oh ya right..I kind of did. But it's fine. I'll do something you'll see." And with that he walked to his tent to see Ginny waiting for him. "Hey" Harry called and put an arm around her shoulder.

" birthday tomorrow huh?" He asked her as they got in bed. "Yup...don't want anything special though. you know the situation of Voldemort and all that. " She said casually.
"Nothing can stop me from celebrating your birthday Gin" Harry thought cuddling close..and they fell asleep.

Hope you liked it...thanks for your love and reading all this....
See what happens as Harry celebrates Ginny's birthday....

Bye and thanks again

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