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I likes this picture..its cute.

3rd person POV
"Morning" Ginny's voice called.
"What?" Harry called back sleepily.
"Get up! We have to leave for Hogwarts!" She shouted. "FINE!" Harry huffed and walked to the washroom.
"Hey. You ready?" Ginny asked him as he came down the stairs. "Yup" he replied. He walked to her and kissed her quickly. "Eat" she ordered. "Ok" he mimicked.
After their food, they apparated to 3 Broomsticks. They found a table, and started down waiting for Ron and Mione.
Harry's POV
"Here they come" Ginny said and stood up to see them coming to us. "Hi!" Ron called.
We walked together to Hogwarts, Ginny close to me. I wouldn't want to loose her again. And it's also cold. He asked through the grounds, ignoring the stares that we received. After all, The Boy Who Lived, is bound to be special.
We walked to Professor McGonagall 's office and she greeted us. "Come in. Just in time. So are you ready?"
"Yes." We all said. "Fine then. Come along" she said. We followed her to the Great Hall and there stood the students in line, waiting to hear us speak.
"Today, with us we have someone who has made it possible for us to live in the magical world safely. Please Welcome Mr. HARRY POTTER!" McGonagall spoke. I walked to the front and start speaking.
"Hello. I know all of you know about me as 'The Boy Who Lived', but I never did anything to earn that name. Whoever did anything, it was my mum. She sacrificed her life for me, and made it possible for me to live. All of you, have a Hogwarts today, because of the children, adults, and many others who have died giving you a school and home. Thank them all for their courage without which you wouldn't have a Hogwarts.  Thank you" I said and walked down.
They cheer. I walk down and the others also speak.
After that we sat down to relax, I sat down next to Ginny.
"Hello Harry" a voice came and I saw a familiar face. "Romilda?" I ask. "Romilda?" Ginny also asked. "Hey Harry" she said again. "How are you?" I asked her. "Great" she replied smiling.
Ginny's POV
I have always hated Romilda Vane. And the way she looked at Harry just now, ughhhh...she was flirting! Like come on. He's taken. Back off!
I put my hand of Harry's which was on the table so that Romilda could see.
"You're taken" she smiles. "Sorry. Late" I tell her sarcastically.
She glared at me and smiles at Harry and walked away.
"Calm down Gin" Harry said smiling at me. He pecked my lips and got up.
"Where are you going?" I ask him. "Come with me" he says an pulls me with him.
We reached the quidditch pitch and sit in the grass. I cuddle close to Jim and he puts an arm around me. "Why did you bring me here" I ask confused.
"Just like that!" He said laughing. I lay my head on his shoulder.
We sat like that for a few minutes and then get up to go the hall to eat.
We sit down and start eating. We find the food and drink already there. We walk in and sit down. Harry pick up his pumpkin juice and gulps it down. "That was awesome" he says. I shake my head. Harry and Pumpkin juice were so close to each other. "I wonder if you love me more or the pumpkin juice?" I ask teasingly. He wonders for a moment, then kisses me softly, answering my question. "You" he says. We go back to the rooms to sleep. McGonagall told us that we could stay here for the day and tomorrow was a party, so we should bring a date. I knew Harry would take me. I hoped so.
Harry's POV
We had a party tomorow, I wanted to ask Ginny. Would she come? Thinking about my love, I fell asleep.
I wake up in the morning, and I walk down to the Great Hall for breakfast.
"Harry!" I voice calls. I turn to find Ginny. I've seen her before, I think. But does she know me that well?
"Hello?" I ask more than say. She walks to me and hugs me. I feel sparks, I want to hug back, but I ignore and push her away. She looked hurt, I don't know why, but I felt sad for her. But to walked away.
"Hey Romilda!" I call out and walk towards her. I kiss her lips softly, she gasps but kisses back. I pull away. We sit down to eat. "Romilda, would you come with me to the party tonight?" I ask her. I don't know why, but I don't want it happening. But I still ask.
I talk with her for sometime, and then I put an arm around her shoulder and we get up and walk around the castle.
Ginny's POV
I look and see Harry in the Hall. I call over to him and hug him, but he pushes me away! I don't know why! I look hurt and I blink my tears away. Merlin! Look at me! Harry doesn't hug me and I start crying!
He walks over to Romilda Vane and kissed her on the lips. I watch in shock. I couldn't watch this. I wanted to run away, but my legs were frozen. I stand there for sometime and I hear them talk. I hear Harry say, "Romilda, would you come to the party with me?" She nods in delight. He puts an arm around her shoulder, the way he does to me! And they walk outside.
I still stay frozen! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!!! I ask myself. I start sobbing and run up to the common room. I run up to mt bed and sit there crying. After sobbing for what felt like hours, I come down to find Hermione, snogging my brother! I run up to her and they break away, looking surprised. She get up and walks to me. I just put my arms around her and  bury my head in her neck and start sobbing. She pats my head and pulls me to sit down. "What happened" Ron asked softly. I don't- can't reply. It's too hard. "Come on Ginny. Tell us" Hermione says softly. I look up and tell her softly what happened. She looks surprised and shocked and angry at the same time. 
"No! Harry wouldn't do this. I know" she shouts. Luckily, no on is in the room. "Then why would he do this?" I ask. I need Harry near me. I love him too much to let go. I want him. Merlin! Help me. "Ginny, let's go talk to Harry. Where is he?" Ron asks. "Probably snogging ROMILDA!" I shouted.
We get up, and search for Harry.
He's sitting with Romilda on his lap, snogging her. I look away. I can't bear to see Harry with her. Hermione puts her hand on my shoulder and we walk to him. He send out presence and looks up.
Harry's POV
I don't want to kiss Romilda Vane. I don't know why. I love her. Right? I find myself doubtful of it, but she kisses me and I kiss back. She sits on my lap and we snog each other.
I look up and find Ron, Hermione and the pretty girl called Ginny. I stand up and look at them.
"Harry, can you come with us for a moment" Ron asked me. He looked angry. I saw their faces and they all looked angry. I saw Ginny looking at me with her soft brown eyes. She looked sad. Out of nowhere, I hug her. Then I pull back quickly, embarrassed. What did I just do?
Who cares.
I want her
No I don't
I want to kiss her. Hold her
Shut up. I can't. I love Romilda. I look at Romilda, and see her shocked. I turn around and walk with the others inside. They take me to a small corner and ask me questions about Ginny.
"Do you like Ginny?" Ron asked.
"Umm...as a friend maybe" I reply uncertainly.
No I don't.like her just as a friend. I want her to be mine.
I fell my feeling changes for Ginny, despite loving Romilda.
"Okay, what is the last thing you remember with Ginny?" Hermione asked.
"Um... dunno. Oh wait, I remember yesterday, we were talking together." I say. I suddenly remembered that I had Ginny next to me till yesterday.
"Wait... HERMIONE! That's it. It's a love potion. We kissed yesterday, and then today morning, he didn't want me." Ginny says.
"Okay, what did he have last yesterday?" Hermione asked.
"Umm... PUMPKIN JUICE! Ginny shouts . I jump in shock.
"That's it then. Romilda must have put a love potion in Harry's drink." Ron said. They pulled me to a room, and knocked on the door. "Professor Slughorn?" Ginny calls loudly and urgently. What was this about a love potion?
The professor opens the door and we walk in. He make me sit down, while they others tell him something. He starts preparing a concoction, and after a few minutes, its ready. He hand it to me, and I take it. "Is this a love potion?" I ask. "Oh no Harry dear" he replied back. I drank the concoction and suddenly, I stood up. I shook my head because of the pain, and I find myself in front of Ginny. "Hey" I say.
What happened to me?

Ha lol..I'm evil I know...anyways..I'm about to make this better so don't kill me for this. Oh and the problem doesn't end here. Beware! Goodnight guys. At least, its Night where I stay...so bye ..hope you enjoyed..please comment, vote and share..thank you...I may stop writing sometime, if I don't have reads.. sorry..I don't want to, but whom should I write to...I hope you guys are enjoying..thanks for reading


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