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"good morning!" Harry said kissing Ginny softly. He got up and went to the shower as Ginny went to check on Teddy. Today was a Thursday, and today, Harry started his job as an Auror. "Gin? I have to leave in sometime!" He shouted as he came downstairs. "Fine. Eat and then go." She replied. He ate his food and kissed both, Ginny and Teddy goodbye and apparated away to the ministry. "Harry! Mate . Good to see you." Ron's voice came from behind. "Ron! You here? I thought you works with George!" Harry said surprised. He hugged Ron and they walked up to the Minister office. "I think I have to become Auror after all actually. George sacked me. It's too crowded and he doesn't want anyone working with him. It reminds him of ...Fred" Ron said sadly. Harry's smile faded and a frown came in it's place. Fred had died in the war because of him. It's his fault. "Mate? It isn't your fault. And I keep saying this." Ron said comfortingly.
"Harry! Come in. I was waiting for you" Kingsley said as they walked in the office. "And you too Ronald"
"Thanks Min- Kingsley." Harry said smiling and sat on the chair opposite. 
Harry sat on the chair in front of his desk in his room, going through paperwork, when he heard an owl to the window. He opened the window and untied the letter from it's legs.
Dear Harry,
I wanted to tell you that Hogwarts is having a ceremony for telling the students about the war. And who better to know this , than you? So I would like you, Ginny, Ron and Hermione to come to Hogwarts, on this coming Sunday. I will hope to see you all soon.
Yours lovingly,
(Headmistress of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry)
Minerva McGonagall.

Harry read the letter and decided that he would definitely go. Everyone should definitely understand the troubles people went through to give them the present time school they went to.
There was a knock on the door."come in!" He said. Being an Auror was a tiring job. "Mr. Potter, Few death eaters were sighted in Godric's Hollow." A man with pale face and broad shoulders entered. He had brown hair they was cut short and a mustache. "Thank you Willows. I think, we should take few more Auror with us and we'll leave now. Come on" Harry said and they apparated to Godric's Hollow.
"Ginny? I'm home" Harry called as he walked through the house. Ginny was nowhere to be seen. "Hello?" He called again. He looked around saw a letter on the kitchen counter. It was from Ginny.
If you come home before I do, I wanted you to know that I have taken Teddy with me and we are in the Burrow. I hope you're ok and your first day as an Auror went well. We are all waiting at the Burrow for you. I love you.
Harry read the letter and then apparated to the Burrow. He saw everyone waiting for him. It was like a party. "Ginny?" He called . She came running from the kitchen and he hugged her. "You don't know how scared I was." He said sighing. "Harry!" Hermione's voice called. He ran and hugged her tight. "What is happening here. Party?" He asked. "this is for George and Angelina. He proposed!" Ginny said exited. "Cool" Harry said and walked in. He was greeted by Mrs Weasley with a bone crushing hug. "Congrats guys" he said smiling and sat down on the table next to Ginny.
They talked and ate and enjoying every minute, when suddenly, a crash exploded. Everyone looked out for the source, but saw nothing. Harry got up and grabbing his wand ran out of the house. "Harry!" Ginny's voice screamed. But he didn't stop.
He ran outside with Ginny following. She was followed by all of the people in the house one after another. Harry reached a spot and stopped. He looked around expecting curses to be shouted at him, but everything was quite. Meanwhile, all the others came next to him and stood. Harry saw Ginny, and took her hand. He didn't want her getting hurt. Suddenly a ball of black smoke came from the grass and a death eater flew into the air, and landed in front of them. He shot red sparks at Harry , but he ducked avoiding it. He looks around to see more death eaters shooting curses at everyone else. The death eater, he was fighting, came closer he shot a curse at Harry, but Harry failed in deflecting it and fell to the ground with a thud. He heard Ginny scream and the death eater say "Yes. He's gone. And you my beautiful, are coming with me. If I take you, he will come after you." And then Harry blacked out as all the death eaters rose into the air and vanished.
He woke up and looked around expecting Ginny, but then he remembered what happened last night and he shot awake. "Where has he taken her?" He asked Ron who was standing next to him. He was in St.Mungos, he realized. "Ginny! Ginny! Where is she. Will you tell me?" Harry screamed at Ron. "Calm down Harry." Ron said loudly, but you could see the sadness on his face. "She's... she's..kid- kidnapped" he said. "Harry jumped out of the bed, but room stopped him. "No mate. You are not allowed to go anywhere." He said and pushed him back down. "I have to. Shut Up! I have to . Ginny!" He screamed. A nurse entered the room and he was asked it lay back down on the bed.

Ginny's POV
I woke up to find my entire body aching like mad. I couldn't make out anything, but suddenly I saw that I was on a chair, in a room that was completely different form usual. What? I asked myself. Wait...I remember. It striked me suddenly, that I was kidnapped and yesterday's events a name flooding into my mind. "Hello?" I screamed, hoping someone would come to me. And I was right. A man walked in and he was wearing a mask. When he removed it, I gasped
Him? Why him? Seriously Him? that was like all I could think if . Standing in front of me, was.... LUCIUS MALFOY! that son of an ass. I wanted to get free, but as I struggled, the ropes that bound me, just got tighter. I looks around for my wand and found it lying on the floor about a meter away from me- no hope of using my wand anymore. I thought. "Helloooo...dear Ginny Weasley" Lucius softly said. He walked towards me and I felt shivers down my spine. Even softly, there was something about him, that made me feel creepy. Why did he kidnap me? "Why have you taken me?" He asked. Not softly mind you. "My dear...Harry Potter cannot stay away from his love can he? Now that you are with us, he is sure to come to us and we are ready for him. You can go after Potter is killed" he said and laughed an evil laugh loudly. "Shut up. Harry Potter will not die. He will take me with him and he will live. GO TO HELL" I screamed. "Oh my, brave Ginny Weasley! You sure know how to make yourself get into trouble don't you? Malfoy said he walked closer to me, and ran his hand on my cheeks. Oh he is not getting away after touching me. "Get off me. NOW!" I shouted. He backed off, but he laughed. "Idiot" I murmured. I looked around at the room.
It had a light on he top, that have away very little indeed. It also had a window which was long but thin. I wondered how to get out of here other than the door.
I couldn't. But I knew Harry would come.

Harry's POV
I can't stay without Ginny. 2 days since she has gone. Taking care of Teddy is getting hard, now that she isn't there. I miss her. Her touch, her skin, her lips, her soft brown eyes. Her everything. I want her next to me. I walked into the office and looked at the file I had prepared for the kidnap of Ginny Weasley. Sorry Gin. I'll come and rescue you for sure. Just wait. I thought of mind messaging her, but I didn't get any response after a few tries. She must have been sleeping. "Come in" I called as a knock came on he door. "Mr. Potter? We found something you would like" He said. "Ginny Weasley is being traced by the head Auror and she found out that she has been kidnapped by Lucius Malfoy." I got up quickly and walked into the office next to mine, that was shared by Ron and Willows.
"Ron! Ginny, she has been kidnapped by Lucius. He has her" I said angrily. I was pleased we know little more than yesterday, but we still didn't know where. We walked into the head Auror office. "Hello Tracy" I said and walked in. Tracy, was like my older sister. She is 2 years older than me and she has a boyfriend, so don't get me wrong.
"Hey Harry! Hey Ron" she said. "Ginny hasn't been found yet though." She said with a sad look. I nodded and sat down Ron sat down next to me. "I swear when I get my hands on Lucius Malfoy, he is so freaking DEAD!" Ron shouted. "Ron! Please. Don't get so angry. We're doing our best." Tracy said smiling. Ron calmed down and let out a breath. "Why have they taken her?" I asked. I know they want me. So why should they take her. I mean, I was unconscious when they took her so why not me? "I mean, I'm their target. Not Ginny!"
"I think that they think you will come to get her, and then they can kill you in front of her. I mean, there's more fun for them when you die in front of them and Ginny!" She said sadly.
I nodded at her. Suddenly, I heard something in my brain. Harry, help me
Who send it?
Hello..I love you guys so much for reading...oh and just to make clear, Harry and Ginny dis not have sex or anything. Who's message is that? Who send it? I hope I can update more..omg look at how long this chapter is. 1760 words. Thanks for reading.

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