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~~~~3 weeks later~~~~~

It was a fine day and Harry was outside , in the garden, when Ginny came out... "Gin!" Harry called out .. "Harry!!I was wondering where you had been!" She said hugging him. "Why? Hmmm missing me already huh??"he said pulling her closer..
"You know, it feels like years since I saw you." Harry had been on a 3 week trip for work and had returned yesterday night...Ginny had been to Shell Cottage for a day "I got the news that you came yesterday...and I came to see you!" She said. "Gin! We saw each other 3 weeks ago! You can't possibly miss me already?!!" He said.
"Excuse me, you do realize that it was you who said that it felt like years since you saw me!" Ginny said indignant. "Calm down, Gin.. calm down...I was joking" Harry said, pulling her into a most amazing kiss...
His soft lips and her smooth ones touched as she closed her eyes at the pleasure she got from it. "Oi! What'ya think you're doing! Snogging my sister?!!!" Ron's voice sounded from the other side..."Ignore" Ginny said . They broke apart and Harry looked most displeased! "Hey Ron, where's Hermione? Go find her will you?" Harry said. "Good thinking!"Ron said turning around... Ginny came closer and Harry kissed her...."thanks for being mine Gin" Harry said.
As Ron turned around and went, he realized that Harry didn't want him around. He turned to face him and saw them kissing. "Excuse me ! What are you doing ?? She is my sister...stop snogging her will ya?!"
"Ron! I am your sister, but I'm his girlfriend and I have every right to snog him..."Ginny said pulling Harry around and they walked around the garden as Ron walked away looking for Hermione.
"Harry? What's wrong" Ginny asked him . Harry had touched the lightning shaped scar on his forehead. "He's back ! I don't know how but yes! He is back Gin" Harry said. "Harry, are you sure? Voldemort is back? How? You killed all his horcruxes!! Let's go find Hermione and Ron and tell them...quick or something may happen !"Ginny said pulling Harry towards the house. They ran towards the house and found Hermione and Ron in the hall snogging! "Oi...what you doin there?" Harry called.....they broke apart and looked at Harry. "What's up Harry?" Hermione asked him calmly as if nothing had happened ... "His scar... It's hurting he said" Ginny interrupted before Harry could get a word in. "No way! Harry !!! We killed all the horcruxes..how is it possible?" Ron said. "I dunno how, but I know he's back. At least- I think he's back" Harry said sitting down. Ginny came and sat next to him. Harry was rubbing his scar with one hand. She took his other hand and held it in hers. "Harry? Harry, I promise I will always be with you and never leave your side. I promise" she said and kissed his hand. "Umm sorry to interrupt, but a reminder that me and 'Mione have helped him more than you Gin." Ron said pulling Harry up and hugging him "Mate , we're in this together...We all are" he said. They know that their troubles hadn't ended and now they were 4 of them, not 3 .

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