1:00 am

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It was 1:00 am in the morning and the 4 of them were sleeping with their love. Suddenly, Harry's eyes opened and he looked around ... realizing where he has he looked at his side and saw Ginny sleeping close to him, arm around him and head on his shoulder....he looked at her fondly , kissed her forehead and slowly got up. He looked at his watch and saw the time-1:00 in the morning!!!
Why was he up at 1?? He asked himself.
Slowly he understood, he could smell smoke! How? Where? He got out of bed took out his wand and came to the Hall. He saw the place was calm except for the smell of stronger smoke. He ran back inside and woke up Ginny. "Ginny...come on..get up..please! There's fire somewhere"he said ..she stirred and sat up at the word fire. She tied her hair, took her wand and stood up with Harry. "Do you think Ron and Hermy are safe Harry?" She asked him looking worried. "I dunno, I hope so" he replied. Taking her hand he went to the entrance of the tent and opened the door.
"OH MY GOD HARRY!!!!" Ginny screamed as the tent door flew open . There was fire everywhere. Harry stepped outside and looked around. "What happened here?" He asked. "Harry! HARRY! look there... Ron's tent!" She screamed. Harry looked at their tent and saw the fire very close to their entrance. But the fire was not close to their tent. Ginny pulled Harry closer and held his arm in fear. "Gin! Please, don't be scared.... I'll go get them okay?" Harry said, releasing himself from her. "You stay here Harry, I'll go ...you try to put out the fire" Ginny said and bravely stepped forward. " No, stay here and, be safe " Harry said and kissing her cheeks, he went to save the other 2. He stepped in front of their tent and started pouring water out of his wand...when the fire became a little less, Ron and Hermione came out of their tent holding hands and wands with brave faces.
"Ron! Hermione! You're okay!" Harry's said, hugging them both in joy. "Where is Ginny , Harry? Is she safe?" Ron asked him, worried.
"She's , over there" Harry replied pointing to the place where Ginny was putting out the fire with her wand. "Come on Ron, let's go help her" Hermione said. They all stood next to Ginny and started pouring out water with their wands.
Slowly, the fire died down and the 4 of them sat on the ground. Hermione conjured up four glass of hot chocolate and the 4 of them talked .
"Why did you come out so late form your tent. Did you not smell the snoke Ron?" Ginny asked him ,her head on Harry's shoulder. Hermione was doing the same. "We couldn't come out 'cause our tent door was burning and if we touched it , we burned ourselves. As you put water on the fire with your wand, the fire became less and we brought our wands and started doing the same." Ron said. "Our tent is destroyed" Hermione said sitting up and looking back. "What do we do now."
" It's not that bad 'Mione... I can fix it , I think" Ron said. He flicked his wand and the burn on the tent started vanishing.
"But Harry, who could have done it? And why? Ginny asked him sitting up straight.  "I dunno who, but I think that someone is around. I don't think he or she could have of next very far."
Harry said getting up and brushing his clothes. "And I'm gonna find out who it is." Harry said pulling out his wand and walking inside the forest slowly. "Harry! No , you shouldn't go alone! Well all come with you!" Hermione called out , she too pulled her wand and got up. Ron and Ginny got up after her and walked towards Harry. "Yes Harry, we'll come" Ginny said sternly..
"No! It's too dangerous for four people. Whoever it is , I can manage on my own. I'll go alone" Harry said turning to face them.
"No mate. We can't let you walk into danger alone!"Ron said. "Ron! Shut up okay? I'm going alone and that's it. I will not let everyone get hurt because of me. That's final." Harry said looking angry. 
"Ginny, do something" Hermione whispered urgently. "Ya. Let me try" she said and stepped forward to face Harry.
"Harry, I will not let you go alone, no matter what you say or what you do. I promised you I will stay with you through danger and now, I WILL COME!" Ginny said half shouting. "Ginny! Understand the situation. I can't let you come, Any of you. You may die!" Harry said pleading her.
"So what? What if you die? Alone? No one will know! Harry you have to let us come." Hermione said. The 3 of then face Harry and he looked annoyed. "Stupefy! Harry yelled at Ron. "Expelliarmus" Ginny said pointing towards Harry, and his wand flew out of his hand . Hermione performed the counter curse and Ron stood up ,normal. "Whoa! You did that to me ? " Ron asked Harry. "Yes . And Gin, I need my wand " Harry said looking first at Rona and Ginny.
"I'll give you on one condition" Ginny said looking at him. "Kissing you?" Harry asked looking at her for a second and pulling her to a kiss. "Hello? We're here!" Ron said and Ginny freed herself. "No! You should take us with you" she said holding his wand back. "Fine! Come !" Harry said defeated, putting his hand out for his wand. "Come on then, let's go!" Ginny said taking his hand. And the 4 of them walked into the forest slowly, wands at the ready for any intruder.

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