A dance and some fun

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The four of them reached their tents.
"Let's sit here? I'm not sleepy" Hermione asked. They all sat down outside the tent. "What do you think Harry? How do you think he came back? I mean..." Ron asked
"I know what you mean Ron. But I don't know how he's back" Harry said looking around for anyone who may be there. "Harry, it's ok..no one's here now...I cast the spells around here..no one can find this place. So calm down" Ginny said calmly. She took his hand in hers and held it tight. He squeezed it back. "Thanks Ginny" Harry said nodding his head. "Hermione got up and walked to Ginny and whispered something in her ears. "Hello? What do you have to tell her. Now?" Ron asked. "oh shut up" Hermione replied. "So? Do you think I should ask them? Will they be ready? " She asked Ginny. "Duh! What are you waiting for..it's fine" Ginny said exited.. "what's up Gin" Harry asked her.
Before Ginny could tell him anything, Hermione stood up and  walked inside their tent and brought a radio. She tunes it with her wand and it started playing soft music. "Yes?" Ron asked her. "Ron!" Hermione said exasperated. "Mate! They wanna dance?" Harry called over. "Yay! Thanks Harry." Ginny said hugging Harry. Harry smiled. He stood up and held out his hand Ginny took it stood up. The music continued and they started dancing. "Hold my waist Harry! Do you need an invitation?" Ginny laughed. "Nope! I need a kiss" Harry said . Ginny leaned in and softly kissed him and pulled away. "Okay!now I'm ready...let's start" Harry said. "Oi! Wait .."Ron called. "Hermione?" He asked putting out a hand , she took it and the stood up. "Do you need a kiss too Ronald Weasley?" She asked him. "I could surely do with one!" He said and leaned in and kissed softly. They pulled away. "Fine! Let's start..."
They danced for sometime and ended up laughing. "Stop it Ron!" Hermione said...her head was on Ron's lap and be kept on tickling her. Ginny looked at Harry. "Go ahead" he said and she too put her head on his lap.
Ginny had woken up early in the morning and started preparing breakfast. "Good morning Ginny" Harry called, coming to the hall. He meant in and placed a soft kiss on her lips, she kissed back. "Harry!" Ginny said pulling away. "I want to take a bath...so will you take care of the food?" She said. "Sure!" He said and walked over to the stove. "Don't burn anything. I'll kill you if you do" she threatened him. "Fine!" He called.
"Harry?" Hermione called him. Harry flicked his wand and the tent door opened and Hermione walked in. "hey" he said hugging her. "I came in to say hi, to Ginny and you...breakfast?" She asked him. "Nope .. Its fine we're  making ..she gone to take a bath, so I'm doing it" he said. "Okay! Bye than Harry see you in 30 minutes outside." She said. She left the tent.
"Harry?" Ginny called from inside.
"Coming!" He called, and went inside. He walked into the room and saw Ginny in a bikini. "You're not planning to wear this, are you?" He asked her amused.
"No! Idiot" she said. "I wanted help in what to wear"
"And you think I can help you?" He asked holding her waist.
"Just choose, will you?" She asked.
He looked at the cupboard of dresses.
"Fine, wear this. He said and took out a crop top which was tight fit and showed a little above her belly button,  Black jeans and a jacket. "You sure" she asked.
"Why did you call me if you didn't want to wear what I choose?" he asked her.
"It's not that Harry, but, isn't it a bit revealing for the occasion?" She asked hesitant.
"Nope..." Harry said "I want to take you all somewhere, and this is perfect for that!"
"Harry? Where are you asking us and that too at this situation?" Ginny asked.
"Don't worry Ginny... we'll be perfectly fine okay? Not get changed to what I chose for you. He kissed her and his hands reached her stomach and he rubbed it softly. He raised his hands and reached her neck.
"Harry! Stop please..." Ginny said "Why? Don't you like it?" He asked her, his hand around her neck..
"I want to change" she said.
"Go on, I'll go meet Ron and come. Bye" he said and walked out. 

Harry walked to Ron's tent and called out for him. They both came out ..."what's up Harry?" They asked.
"Oh! Nothing..just that I'm taking you somewhere. So get ready. And umm like a disco ok..or a club...just change according to that.." Harry said and walked to his tent.

He saw Ginny inside and looked at her. She looked beautiful.
She was wearing the top Harry chose for her which was thinking sleeved and a deep neck, but it was a crop top which showed little above her belly button, she had jeans on and black ankle boots. Her hair was curled in places and left open. "Ginny, you look amazing" he said. He leant in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Thanks Harry" she said. "Now let's go ...come on..."Harry said he held out his arm and she locked hers with his and they stepped out to meet Hermione and Ron. "Let's go" Harry said. Hermione took Ron's hand and Harry took Ron's and they apparated to the club.

Hi...so my chapters are long ..if you want them shorter please tell me . .I have edited the next chapter so after that it can be shorter. ..thanks for your love and ignore my mistakes and Grammer please..


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