New Beginnings

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Harry, Ron and Hermione walked to the hall to see Kingsley waiting for them. "Harry, Ronald and Hermione, Good to see you all safe." Kingsley said. "Good to see you too Minister" Harry said. "Call me Kingsley, Harry. It's fine." He said. "Congratulations on becoming Minister, Kingsley." Ron said. "Thank you. Anyway, I want to talk to you all about you Jobs. The Ministry of Magic would like you  three to become Aurors seeing as you all have done a very good job with Voldemort." He said business-like. "We're honoured Minister Shacklebolt." Harry said. "Yeah. Cool I'm in!" Ron said. "Kingsley, I want to tell you that Teddy will be living with me form now. So it may take me some time to make arrangements and then join the Ministry. Is it ok" Harry asked. He knew that making Teddy comfortable with them would take a while. After all he was just  months old. An also he was planning on taking Ginny with him. "Great! Hermione, what about you?" Kingsley asked her. "I don't know Minister. I think I'm not ready. I won't do it now. Can I take few years please?" She asked. "Definitely dear. Take your time. Harry you can inform me later. I'll be back in 2 weeks to ask you your decision. You have till then." He said and apparated back to the Ministry.

"Wicked! Harry, mate were going to be Aurors!" Ron's aid grinning.
"I know right! Cool. Anyway, I'll be back in sometime." Harry said and went up to see Ginny. When he got there, she was sleeping. She looked so beautiful when sleeping. He walked to her and sat down on he bed next to her and took her hand. He bent down and kissed her forehead softly not wanting to wake her. But, She stirred and her eyes opened. "Hey Harr" she said sleepy. "Hello Gin. Why you calling me Harr?" He asked surprised that she was giving him a nickname. "Fine Potter! She said huffing. "hey. Calm down" Harry said laughing.
"Oh Kingsley came to tell me that I can be an Auror!" Harry said to her.

*Few days later*

There was a tapping on the window as an owl arrived by post. All of them were eating breakfast when it came.
"It's letters from Hogwarts mum!" Ron said as he read the note. "There's one for Ginny and one for..... Hermione?" He asked surprised. "You never told me you're going back to Hogwarts!" Ron cried. "Ya...actually, I wanted to go and finish graduation. And anyway, Ginny's coming. So I won't be lonely. "Fine." He said.

Time lapse to the day to go to Hogwarts.

"Bye Gin" Harry said kissing her. He knew how much he would miss her.
"Bye! Oh and take care of Teddy" she said and got on the train.
"Bye mione. See ya" Ron said. He hugged her and snogged her. "Bye Ronnie. See you too" Hermione said and taking Ginny's hand, they got on and waved to the boys.
"Harry!" A voice called from the other side. Harry turned and saw Andromeda walking towards them with baby Teddy in her arms. He was sleeping calmly and his hair, was sea blue. Harry grinned looking at Teddy's hair colour- he had inherited his mum's ability to change face and hair according to choice and feelings- his mum Tonks was a  metamorphagus. "Hello Andromeda!" Harry's said and the others turned to look at her. Andromeda walked up to them and hugged Harry and Ron. Mrs Weasley was delighted to see her
"Andromeda, come home and then we'll talk." She said and trapped Andromeda's hand and apparated to the Burrow.
"So Harry, are you ready for Teddy?" Andromeda asked him.
(A/N- rhyming)
"I think so. I would love to and I promise, I won't take Lupin's and Tonks place of parents. I'll be just as a Godfather for Teddy,  as Sirius was to me." Harry said confidently.
"Thank you Harry. So when should I get Teddy?" Andromeda asked.
"Maybe after few months? I have to first make arrangements." Harry said.
"Bye then. See you soon" Andromeda called and with Teddy, she apparated.

*Harry's POV*

After saying goodbye to Andromeda, I was lying on my bed thinking of what Ginny was doing. I suddenly got up and went to the shed and called Ruth- my owl and sat down to write to Ginny.

Dear Ginny,
I miss you tons. I hope you're well and having fun. Andromeda passed by and asked about Teddy..i told her that after a month we can have him. I am planning on shifting somewhere with you so we can have time alone and with Teddy. Hope you agree..I missed you so I wrote this.
I'll tell more when you come home for Christmas... oh and give my love to Hermione and tell her that Ron misses her a lot. Hope you are having fun
Love you loads and loads,
Harry James Potter.

I tied the note on Ruth's leg and she flew away. I love Ginny, I thought.

*Ginny's POV*
I came out of transfiguration class and went down for lunch. I met Hermione sitting down and reading a book as usual. I thought of something and pulled her book away laughing. He didn't look pleased. "Oh come on mione! You can't want to read?" I told her she rolled her eyes but gave in. I sat down next to her. Suddenly an owl flew in and I saw that it was Ruth. I wondered how would have sent me that. I could actually think if only one person- Harry.
And it was him. I read the letter

Dear Ginny,
I miss you tons. I hope you're well and having fun. Andromeda passed by and asked about Teddy..i told her that after a month we can have him. I am planning on shifting somewhere with you so we can have time alone and with Teddy. Hope you agree..I missed you so I wrote this.
I'll tell more when you come home for Christmas... oh and give my love to Hermione and tell her that Ron misses her a lot. Hope you are having fun
Love you loads and loads,
Harry James Potter.
I told Hermione and then we went up for Charms. I could only think of one thing; actually person- Harry. I know he loved me so much and I loved him back.

Time lapse to Christmas Eve

*Back to 3rd person*
Harry sat down next to Ginny. He was so happy to see her when she came. He pulled her closer. They exchanged gifts and Harry opened Ginny's. It was a magnifying glass which could X-RAY anything , with audio. Ginny opened Harry's and saw it was a model.of a quidditch pitch with players on brooms and out could control them.
(A/N- I couldn't think of anything else.. sorry)
After dinner Harry went up to sleep and on reaching, he found Ginny.
"Hey!" She said laying down. "Hey" he said and sat down next to her.
She looked at his eyes and suddenly Harry felt happiness he had not felt in a long time. He leant closer and she tilted her head sideways, they were about to meet their lips when Ron walked in. He saw them almost kissing and shut the door; but he made noise so they would notice. Harry and Ginny looked at the door, but before Harry could look at her , she pulled his shirt and kissed him hard. He wanted to continue so he pushed forward and she pushed him back deeply. Their tounge fought with each other until Ginny fell on the bed and Harry on top. Harry managed to remove his shirt and played with the hem of Ginny's. She held his hand but continued. They did this for a long time and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

Thanks for all the love and do hope you are enjoying..please comment..i wanna know what you think. I do spend time with this story so I would appreciate it if you could vote comment and share..thanks....

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