The final straw

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*1 week later*

"Harry! enough. This is getting ridiculous!" Ginny shouted at Harry.
"What happened Ginny?" Harry asked puzzled. She was alright until now!
"Harry? Why? This is getting stupid  Ok? I mean, we've had attacks all week. Are you kidding me. Do you still want to stay?" Ginny said angrily.

Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny's waist and pulled her closer. She angrily pushed him away and stormed away from him and sat on the couch.

Harry sighed softly and walked to her and knelt down in front of her. He took her hand and looked at her.
Ginny half wanted to pull her hands away, but held him and looked at him in the eyes. "Ginny, we have had success with every attack. Lucius- we sent him away. He is alive , but still. Daxley- hurt.

And the others...some have their memories modified."Harry said calmly. "But Harry! I know I promised, But I can't keep putting your life in danger. I love you too much Harry Potter!" She said standing up and crying.

Harry pulled her closer and kissed her lips softly. "Ginny , you panic a lot" he said laughing.  "Sorry! It's just...I want this over . I want to be together. Just the two of us." She said sitting back down.
"Me too. And I promise it will be. ok?" He asked her. She nodded and they walked out of the tent to Hogwarts to talk to Professor McGonagall.
"Dumbledore" Ron said and they walked into the office. They saw the headmistress sitting at her table doing work. She didn't notice them. "Professor McGonagall?" Harry asked. She looked up and on seeing them, she stood up. "Yes Harry?" She said "Any news?"
"Actually, we do have news" Harry said. "Sit , please" she said and they all sat down.  "Yes. So Harry?" She asked him. "Voldemort will attack tonight. I am sure of it" he said...

(A/N- surprise!)

"What are you saying Harry!" McGonagall asked him.
"Yes... tonight. We have to be ready." Harry said seriously.
He got up and went to the door. He looked around at the others. "You guys go. Ginny, I'll come later.okay?" He told them and opened the door for them when they left the room he turned to the headmistress.
He walked up to her and she took his hands he looked at her in the eyes. "Thank you headmistress" he said looking at his hands now. "Harry, look at me. I love you. I have always. From the time you were a baby on the doorstep of the Dursley's
I am proud of you Harry Potter. You can do this." She said softly. But even softly, it had an effect on Harry deeply. "Thanks professor McGonagall" he said and hugged her tightly. She patted his back and facing him, she told him, "you can do this. You have done this before. Now go and do your best. And don't think you are alone. 'Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who need and deserve it' and you, deserve and need it. Okay?" She told him reassuringly.
"Bye professor." He told her and walked out.
Voldemort had brought his troops and was heading for Hogwarts. The 4 of them were standing with wands held high and shooting curses and hexes and the death eaters. 'haarrry pootter'
A voice rang out. Voldemort. He appeared in front of Harry and he began shooting curses. Harry blocked them. The other 3 of them were shooting curses at Voldemort. Him against 4 and sadly, he was winning. Suddenly, McGonagall appeared and started a sending the statues to attack him and she herself attacked him. Voldemort was weakening. Ginny then shot a bat-bogey he and he turned to protect himself. Harry took that minute, to shout expelliarmus at him and his wand flew out of his hand and Harry caught it. Reducto! Harry cried pointing- now two- wand at him and he burst into peices. "Yes! We did it again !" Harry said na dran to professor McGonagall. He hugged her tightly with happiness. She hugged him back and he looked at her. "I told you Harry Potter. You can do it" she said "thank you professor McGonagall. It is all because of your help" he said modestly. He ran to the other 3 and hugged Ron. "Mate! You did it!" He said. "We. Did it Ron" Harry corrected him. "Hermione!" He said and hugged her tightly. He turned and saw Ginny waiting. He kissed her super hard and she kissed him back. They hugged for a long time and when they stopped, they looked around laughing.
"Let's go. No! Not to the tent. To the Burrow." Harry said and they apparated to the Burrow.

They got a grand welcome and good news from Mrs Weasley.
"Harry, Remus.. baby...Tonks...godson...Teddy....Their will!" She said happily. Harry couldn't understand anything.
"Remus has left Teddy in your care legally. Andromeda passed by to tell us. And there's more. Tonks and Remus have left all their money to Teddy when he is 17 -after Hogwarts, but till then, it is yours officially. Harry looked at Mrs Weasley and smiled happily. Teddy Remus Lupin was in his care. But he wanted Ginny to stay with him. And he didn't want the money. He had enough. He looked at everyone and then quietly apparated from there to the Ministry. "Minister Shacklebolt? Are you there?" He called after reaching his place. "Yes Harry?" He said. "Kingsley, I want to transfer all my wealth in Edward Remus Lupin's name. I don't want it to be mine... ever" he said. "Done." Kingsley said and after all the paperwork, he returned to the Burrow. "Harry! Lunch." Ginny called inside. Harry walked in to see her standi and setting up the table. He suddenly realized how beautiful she was- he hair, eyes, body, lips... EVERYTHING! He walked up to her and kissed her forehead softly, She smiled.

After lunch, they went to sleep. Harry was laying on the bed, shirtless- he always sleeps without his shirt- when Ginny walked in. She sat down next to him and rubbed his hair. "Gin, you wanna stay with me in Grimmauld Palace? Teddy can stay with us there if you want" he said softly. "Sure..but mum? I mean I have to ask her..." She leant and kissed his forehead softly. He sat up and kissed her lips and his tounge rubbed her lips for entrance, and she gave it. They had a war with their tounge and Harry's hand slid up Ginny's shirt. She suddenly pulled away. "I'm not ready..." She said. He nodded and they laid down snogged each other for a long time, deriving absolute pleasure from it.
Suddenly the door opened and Ron came in. He saw Harry's hand around his sister and them snogging each other. "hello? My sister's safety please?" He said. "Bloody hell Ron! Shut it. What do you want anyway?" Ginny asked him sighing. "Kingsley is here. Something about Job for us.
"Coming...Ginny  I'll be back ok?" He said and pecked her lips and walked out.

Hello...I know it's been ages since I updated, so I thought of updating 2 chapters at once..hope u liked it... thanks for reading.
Love you all

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