The Jerk Next Door

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Will lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling and contemplating his life. Everything was going great. He was working his way towards being a pediatrician and so far, it was all going according to plan.

Except that it was severely restraining in that he rarely had time to see his friends anymore and that he was in a state of perpetual tiredness. It was just one of those days where you can't help but feel down and sad. Normally, Will was the happy and go-lucky type of guy but everyone had their off days.

So yeah, there he was in bed and just thinking when he suddenly got an idea. He got up and walked over to his closet, almost tripping on a textbook that was lying in the floor. He rummaged around in his closet before pulling out a box and taking off the lid. He smiled. Ah, his trusty kazoo.

Now you're probably wondering why Will keeps a kazoo stashed away in his closet. Well, he got it as gag gift from the Stoll brothers but upon playing it, they all discovered Will's hidden talent as kazoo player. Granted, there weren't that many kazoo players out there for Will to be considered talented but still.

Anyways, Will thought that he could channel his sadness into a sad song via his kazoo. Maybe it'll help him feel a little better. And that's how he ended up in the same position in his bed as before but this time with a kazoo sticking out of his mouth.

And you wonder what Will does in his free time.

Will then started playing a sad tune. He played and played and just expressed what he was feeling through his kazoo. It was probably a stupid idea and it probably looked even stupider but hey, if it works, it works.

Unfortunately, his kazoo must've really loud because after five minutes, Will heard a few thumps coming from behind the wall beside his bed. Will took the kazoo out of his mouth and stared at the wall for moment. His neighbor must've been disturbed by the noise. Now, don't get him wrong, Will would've totally respected his neighbor's request to stop playing the kazoo.

You know, if his neighbor didn't rudely shout, "CAN YOU STOP WITH THAT DAMN KAZOO, YOU DICKWAD?"

Now Will was aggravated. He scoffed and glared at the wall even though his neighbor couldn't see him. Will couldn't possibly stop now! If the jerk next door was this much of an asshole then he'll just continue playing his kazoo if he wants to.

So he popped the kazoo back in his mouth and hummed into it as loudly as he could. He even decided to play a little Christmas music even though it had passed already.

And when Will heard a muffled groan through the wall, he might've smirked and continued his loud and obnoxious jingles.

• • •

Nico stormed into toy shop, his hair a mess and his shirt wrinkled. His sweatpants pooled around at his worn out sneakers but he didn't care. He didn't care if the few employees in the toy store gave him weird looks. He didn't care if a mom herded her daughter away from him.

He couldn't sleep a wink last night and it was all because of the jerk next door. Somewhere around 12 AM, Nico had woken up from a disturbance. It had took a moment for Nico to pinpoint what exactly had woken him up but he was quite miffed that it had been a kazoo.

A kazoo. Out of all things.

Nico took no time banging on the wall to get the idiot playing the kazoo to stop. Now, he could've stopped there but he was angry, tired, and still a little disoriented by the loud, buzzing from the kazoo. So he may or may not have yelled a few choice words.

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