Alone In The Darkness

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(inspired by the pic above - credit: otpdisaster on tumblr)

Warning: kinda angsty??

"I cheated on you."

As soon as Will heard those four words, his eyes went wide and his stomach twisted into knots. Was I hearing correctly? He searched his boyfriend's face for something, anything. He looked a little remosreful but overall, he looked indifferent. His shock quickly became anger.

"How could you?!" Will sobbed at his now ex-boyfriend. He shoved his ex-boyfriend's chest and he stumbled back a bit. "How could you cheat on me?" Will said in a much smaller voice. He could feel tears spring into his eyes. How did everything go wrong?

"I'm sorry," his ex-boyfriend said, though it didn't sound sincere. Will looked up and saw that his eyes were dull, almost like he was bored of this whole situation. The street light that was the only source of light in the darkness only emphasized his ex-boyfriend's careless eyes. This instantly set Will off again. "Just go away you asshole," Will growled. His ex-boyfriend scoffed and muttered a "whatever" before briskly walking away and leaving Will alone.

Will felt like his whole world came crashing down. Like someone grabbed his heart straight from his chest. Like he was drowning and drowning but now there was nobody to save him. He sat down on the ground with a heavy thud and pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. He placed his head in between his legs and let his tears fall. All the while, thoughts were scrambling through his mind. Was I not good enough for him? How could he? I thought I was the only one for him. God, I'm so pathetic. I'm just a pathetic loser who can't keep a boyfriend.

Then Will heard rumbling in the sky and soon after he felt rain lightly hitting his body. However, it quickly turned into a heavy downpour. He didn't have anything to protect himself but he didn't care. He let himself become soaked and let his tears mix with the rain. If anything the gloomy weather made his mood worse. All he thought about now, though, was how inadequate he was. How useless. How worthless.

However, something snapped Will out of his thoughts. A shadow had loomed over him. He looked up to meet another pair of deep, brown eyes that were full of concern, unlike Will's ex-boyfriend's cold eyes. The stranger was using his jacket to try and keep the rain from getting to Will, though it wasn't working very well.

"Are you okay?" The other person asked.

"No," Will croaked out. He looked back down and studied the wet, concrete ground.

Then Will felt someone beside him. He felt something being draped over his head. He looked up again to find that the other person was now sitting next to him and that he had shielded both of their heads with his leather jacket. Will smiled a small smile, despite his miserable circumstances.

Silence engulfed them but it wasn't like the deep, cold ocean that trapped people. More like the waves rolling up a sandy beach on a sunny day. Inviting. Comfortable.

So there they were. Two men sitting out in the rain by themselves, like they were in their own little bubble. It was the stranger who broke the silence. "So," he began tentatively. "Why were you crying?" Will turned his head to look at him. He roamed his sharp but delicate features and his wet, black hair that framed his face perfectly before deciding that this person was trustworthy. So Will told him everything about his recent and heartbreaking break up.

After finishing his story, Will looked away ashamed. He probably thinks that I'm pathetic now too.

"You know, my ex once broke up with me in the middle of my sister's wedding." Will heard the other person say.

Will let out a shaky laugh. "That sucks."

The other person chuckled. "Yeah, poor Hazel had to comfort my sorry ass during her own wedding."

This went for a long time, with the other person telling stories about his past break ups and Will laughing at the ridiculousness. Soon, the stranger's break up anecdotes turned into ones of his friends' crazy antics. Will enjoyed these stories and it slowly eased his shattered heart.

Somewhere in the middle of the storytelling, the rain had stopped and was replaced by a clear, night sky. After the stranger had run out of stories to tell, they had just opted for comfortable silence again. Will let his head fall onto the other person's shoulder, the jacket still over their heads.

"By the way, I never learned your name," Will said absentmindedly. "My name's Will."

"Nico," the stranger answered. He shifted a bit so that his head was resting on top of Will's.

Nico. Will had just found himself a new light in the darkness.

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