Lay With Me

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Will opened the door to his shared bedroom, his eyes droopy and his whole body aching from fatigue. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, the only light coming from the moonlight streaming in through the window. He saw a figure rustle around under the sheets in the bed and Will felt a small smile creep up his face.

He shuffled over to the side of the bed and slowly peeled the blanket off his husband's head. Will took a moment to admire Nico. He looked...angelic. His mouth was parted a little and his eyes were closed peacefully. Then Nico slowly blinked awake, his eyes becoming more focused onto the form in front of him.

"Will?" Nico half mumbled almost unintelligently.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't cover your head or you'll suffocate?" Will whispered playfully, though a bit lethargically.

Nico huffed and responded with, "It's cold without you here." And with that Nico used his arms to grab Will and pull him into bed. Will landed with an grunt and on top of Nico.

Nico was now more awake than before and his dark eyes held the light from the moon outside.

"Hi," Nico said, his breath brushing over Will's face.

Will smiled. "Hi, love." He leaned down and placed a couple of lazy kisses on Nico's face.

Nico giggled a little and commented, "You smell like toothpaste."

"Well I did just brush my teeth," Will countered.

"Yeah, yeah," Nico said absently. He turned around and forced Will into laying down beside him. Will got the hint and pulled the cover over him too so that it was covering both of them. Immediately, Nico curled in towards Will's chest and tangled his own legs with Will's.

Will chuckled lowly and wrapped his arms around the smaller body. "Love you. Sweet dreams."

Will felt Nico nodding. "Love you too," Nico whispered.

Will pulled Nico closer and fell asleep to his husband's even and rhythmic breathing.

• • •

A/n: me: I'm gonna write such a good one shot this week YEET

also me: well shit, I procrastinated too much so now I have to resort to a short, fluffy one if I wanna get one out this week since I still haven't done my hw (edit: though I'm not saying short, fluffy ones are bad. In fact, I love those. But I feel like I always write that and maybe it's getting repetitive?? I dunno, but they are fun to write tho lol)

(Hhhhnnnn sorry guys but I'll try and get a longer one shot up next week,,, ya know, if I don't procrastinate again)

-Victoria :)

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