The Duck One

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(inspired by the pic above - credit: otp--prompts on tumblr)

Nico wouldn't say he was an outdoor person. In fact, he spends most of his time in his dorm painting or watching reruns of his favorite TV shows. However, the art class he was taking was doing a unit on photography and Nico was assigned to take pictures of nature.

Now, even though he wasn't an outdoor person, he could always count on somewhere to go when he wasn't feeling like himself or if he was having a bad day. The park.

He enjoyed sitting on one of the many benches and relaxing there. He closed his eyes and relied on his hearing to paint a picture for him.

So that's how he found himself in the park with a camera slung around his neck. He surveyed the area, trying to find something to take a picture of. Trees? Nah, too basic. Grass? Nope. The pond? Hmm, could work. And that's when Nico zeroed in on the group of ducks occupying said pond. Perfect.

He walked all the way to the edge and bent down. He lifted the camera up to one eye and focused on one of the ducks nearby. Just as he was about to take a picture though, the duck turned its head away and started wading towards the left.

"God damn it," Nico hissed under his breath. He looked up and followed the duck all the way to where it was going. He was taken aback when he saw a gorgeous man on the other side. He was throwing some bread crumbs into the pond, which explains why the ducks were swimming that way. His golden hair glinted in the sunlight and his smile as he greeted the ducks gave off a welcoming warmth.

But Nico needed a picture and he wasn't about to give up his subjects. He took no time to call the other man out.

"Hey! You, the guy with the blonde hair!"

The man looked up and tilted his head. He pointed a finger to his chest as if to say "who, me?"

"Yes, you! Can you stop feeding the damn ducks? Cuz I need a picture and you're kinda distracting them!"

The other man looked shocked for a second before he smirked and threw a bread crumb towards Nico's side of the pond.

"Here ya go! The ducks should come to you now!" the other guy said.

Nico gave him a distracted thumbs up, already bending down to snap a photo of the nearest duck coming towards him. He found the perfect angle and adjusted the lighting and his finger hovered above the button.

But then the duck turned away.

"What the..." Nico trailed off when he looked up again to see that the man was feeding them again. But this time the man was staring directly at Nico. And was that a victory smile on his face?

"Hey, what the heck man? I'm just trying to take a picture of a duck!"

The guy seemed to giggle. "Oops, my bad!"

Nico groaned but a smile tugged on the corner of his mouth. He couldn't deny that he found amusement in this too. Plus, who was he to ignore a cute stranger?

Nico made his way over the man and stood next to him.

"Tell me why you're luring the ducks away from me?" Nico asked, his tone filled with light-heartedness.

Will chuckled. "Well, I was trying to attract the ducks but I guess I attracted you too." He wiggled his eyebrows at Nico and Nico couldn't stop the flutter in his chest.

"That was really bad," Nico replied.

"But did it work?" the guy asked, his voice holding a bit of hope in it.

"Maybe," Nico admitted. "But I don't even know your name."

"How about I give you my name and my number?" Nico looked up at the man pleasantly surprised. No doubt his face was probably pink right now. The man's suave voice was betrayed by his slight fidgeting of his hands, his fingers maneuvering a bread crumb back and forth.

Nico smiled. "That and we go out together sometime."

The man smiled back, his blue eyes lighting up. Then he said in the poshest British accent ever, "That is a deal, sir." He reached out his hand for Nico to shake and Nico gladly took it. They clasped onto each other a little longer than necessary but neither of them seemed to mind.

After they finally let go, the other man cleared his throat. "So, my name's Will and here is my number." He then proceeded to input his number into Nico's phone.

"Text me and we'll make good on that deal..." Will paused, waiting for a name.

"Nico," Nico supplied.

"Nico," Will said thoughtfully. "I like that."

Nico blushed. "Thanks."

They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Nico may not have gotten a picture of a duck but he ended up with something better.


A/n: idek about this one. I just wrote on a whim. I had the crappiest day yesterday and I'm practically failing every class and I'm so mentally drained and sooo much streeessss...

-Victoria :)

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