Slushie Love

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(inspired by the pic above - credit: demidorks on tumblr)

The bell above the door jingled as Nico and Will walked hand in hand into a classic, retro diner. A neon sign hung outside from the window, advertising the diner's name. Red, leather seats sat around metal tables. The black and white checkered patterned floor wrapped up the whole thing and gave the diner a homey vibe to it.

Will and Nico found a booth right next to the window and they took their seats across from each other. The sunlight streaming in from the afternoon sun hit the table smack dab in the middle and it made the metal glint.

"Wow, Will," Nico said in awe as he examined the place. "Where did you find this place?"

"Well, I wanted to bring you somewhere special for our two year anniversary and so I looked up a few places online but all of them were too far from the campus so then I went out by myself and did some exploring and eventually found—" Will gestured to his surroundings. "Here." Will took a deep breath. He grinned a bit shyly at Nico and the latter returned it with a small, adorable smile.

"That's really sweet, Will. Thanks." Nico's eyes softened just looking at Will and his bright, blue eyes and the numerous freckles dotting his tan skin. His happiness combined with the natural sunlight outside made him look like he was glowing. Will was absolutely breathtaking, no doubt about that.

Will only leaned over the table and pecked Nico on the nose before waving a waitress over to take their order. They ended up ordering a basket of fries, two burgers, and two different slushies for each boy ("Watermelon is the best flavor," Nico had declared. Will had scoffed and retorted with, "Blue raspberry can pummel watermelon's ass anyday." Nico had snickered at that ridiculous statement but had held back another comeback so that they could actually finish ordering).

While waiting for their food, the two boyfriends discussed silly things, easily switching from one topic to another. Will took in all of Nico's adorableness and hotness. Nico managed to pull these combination of traits off with such ease, it made Will's heart go hammering in his ribcage whenever Nico laughed and his whole face lit up.

Their food finally came and both of them dug into the burgers and fries with fervor. (Funnily enough, the basket of fries were placed right in the line of the sunlight coming in through the window so it looked like it was being illuminated by the gods themselves.) Nico was moaning every now and then and mumbling something about how good the food was. Will would have found it both amusing and maybe a bit arousing but he was also too busy focusing on the salty taste of the fries mixed with the familiar taste of sweet and sour sauce.

"Thank the gods, finals are finally over!" Will exclaimed over-dramatically. He was getting tired of living off of ramen for a few consecutive weeks in a row because of intense study sessions. He relished in the taste of an actual meal.

Nico and Will both moaned in sync when they both took a bite of their burger at the same time. They locked eyes over the table and burst out laughing.

"That...was...amazing," Will manage to choke out in between laughs.

Nico had choked on his food from his sudden outburst and he quickly snatched his watermelon slushie and took a few, big gulps to calm his coughing. The whole scene only made Will laugh more and Nico couldn't resist joining in too.


After finishing their food and paying for it, the pair had walked back to Nico's dorm room, their respective drinks in their hands. Currently, they were seated on Nico's small but big enough couch. Their slushies and Nico's laptop sat on the wooden table in front of them. Nico absentmindedly grabbed his drink and took a big and loud slurp of it which got the attention of the other boy who was cuddling into Nico's side.

Will poked at Nico's stomach. "Hush, I'm trying to watch the show here," he said teasingly.

Nico stuck out his tongue to which Will responded by chuckling a little. "Your tongue is really red."

Nico made a questioning hum and pouted a little as he stuck out his tongue again to try and look at it with his own two eyes. Will let out another, more gentle laugh at the sight of his boyfriend's cute expression.

"I bet your tongue's blue," Nico said in retaliation after he gave up on trying to scrutinize his own red one.

Will stuck out his tongue for Nico to see and Nico giggled. "Yep, it is definitely blue."

"Yeah, well, I bet it tastes like blue raspberry too," Will replied, his voice automatically turning a bit deeper.

Nico's eyes filled with a little bit of hunger. "Hmm," he hummed. "Wanna test that theory out?" Nico's voice had also grown a little huskier.

Will took no time to wrap his arms around the smaller boy's waist and pressed his lips against the other's. He gently lied them down onto the couch so that Will sandwiched Nico into the couch. Nico tugged at Will's hair and licked his lips for permission to open up and Will happily obliged. Will tasted watermelon on Nico's breath and he smiled a bit. Maybe watermelon wasn't so bad after all.

The slushies sat on the table, forgotten.


That night, the two strolled along the perimeter of their local park. The slight breeze rustled their hair and the trees that hung over them. Ducks were wading in the pond and some were waddling about on the shore.

Nico leaned his head against Will's shoulder and sighed contently. The warmth from Will's hand transfered to his smaller one and spread into his whole body. Will pressed a kiss to Nico's messy hair and mumbled an "I love you."

"Love you too," Nico replied, a small smile on his face.

Their trance was broken, however, when Piper and Jason beckoned them over to where they were sitting on a park bench.

"Hey guys! Over here!" Piper's melodic voice sounded across the park and Will and Nico made their way over to the other couple. They sat on the bench across from them and initiated a bit of small talk before Piper pointed something out.

"Woah, why are your tongues purple?"

"Yeah, is it like a trend or something?" Jason asked.

Nico gave Will a knowing look and Will returned it with a wink.

"I had blue slushie," Will said plainly, fighting the smile that was tugging at his lips.

"And I had a red one," Nico deadpanned.

They were met with Piper's eyes widening before she broke out into a sly grin.

"Daaamn, get it you guys," she said playfully.

Meanwhile, Jason was frowning a bit, his head cocked to the side. "I don't get it?" It came out as more of a question than a sentence.

Piper gave Jason a look, and Will and Nico could tell she was trying to her best not to laugh. They didn't blame her. Will was about to burst while Nico barely managed to stifle a few snorts. Then Jason perked his head up and widened his eyes before looking at the gay couple. "Oh" was all Jason said before the rest of the group broke down into laughing fits.


A/n: this came out longer than planned cuz it was gonna be like a short scene or two but then bless my imagination bc it came through and I actually wrote a bit more.

Also I'm going to be on an overnight trip soon so I'll probably not update for maybe 2-3 days.

Hope you guys liked this one!

-Victoria :)

P.S. Also it's 1 AM right now when I'm writing this and I'm not tired?? Like usually I pass out at 11 from reading fanfics but not tonight??

P.P.S. Update: It's currently 6 AM in the morning and I woke up like I came back from the dead and I regret staying up so late :/

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