I Didn't Order This

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Nico was having a bad day. He woke up this morning 30 minutes later than usual, rendering him almost late to class. On his way there, he tripped on nothing not once, but twice. Once he got to class, he was surprised with a test that he didn't study for. And he did this all without coffee.

Alas, Nico didn't have time to go the campus coffee shop like he usually did.

Nico sighed as he left the college campus. It was now late afternoon and he had just finished all his classes. And he was not in a good mood. Not only was he sore from falling over nothing, he was also very cranky.

As he walked to his car, he found a parking ticket on his windshield. Of course. Nico angrily took the parking ticket and stuffed it into his pockets.

He was about to get into his car when he spotted something. A coffee shop. Thank the gods!

Might as well get some coffee now. Maybe it'll whisk all my troubles away. Nico scoffed at his own thoughts and started his path towards the shop.


"Hi, can I get a large coffee with milk and sugar," Nico asked the barista. The barista looked bored out of her mind. She also had the classic emo look with purple streaks in her hair and the dark eyeshadow.

"Name?" Nico gave the barista his name, and with that, she turned around to get started on his drink.

Nico took this time to look around the interior. A few people were seated in various spots around the cafe. Most of them had their laptops out, furiously typing away. Others read and sat there talking with their friends. The lights were dim and combined with the rustic wallpaper, the coffee shop gave off a cozy vibe.

"A coffee for Nico?" The barista was holding his coffee in her hands.

Nico took his cup eagerly and walked towards the back to find a place to sit. He found an armchair that was one of many placed around a fireplace. He sat down on the comfortable seat and relaxed.

Finally, some coffee. He took a sip, waiting for the taste of his favorite coffee order to wash over him.

Why was it his favorite? Because it was simple. No one could possibly mess up this order. Nico could always count on his coffee being just the way he liked it. Well, apparently not this time.

As soon as he tasted the drink, he made a sour face. This wasn't his coffee order. Nico groaned out of frustration. The barista had somehow messed it up. Great. Another event that he could add to his growing list of bad things that happened today.

He angrily got up and stomped his way over the counter and shoved the drink in the barista's face.

"I didn't order this," Nico said grumpily while looking at the ground.

"Oh, sorry sir, but what was your order again?"

Wait, this isn't the same barista. That's when Nico looked up to see the most gorgeous human being ever.

Unlike the previous barista, this one radiated friendliness. He had curly golden hair that went along with his tan skin. He had a bunch of freckles scattered on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. But what stood out the most was his eyes. They were a mesmerizing shade of blue, one that reminded Nico of his happy childhood back in Italy.

"Oh, um, large coffee with milk and sugar," Nico managed to get out.

"Sure, coming right up!" The barista smiled cheekily. He took his cup and looked at it. "Nico," he said, reading it off the cup. "I like your name. My name's Will." Will gave Nico another smile and turned around to make his coffee.

Nico could only give him a small, dopey grin in return. All thoughts of his horrible day suddenly flew out of his mind. Instead, it was replaced with the name Will.

I guess coffee did whisk my worries away, Nico thought with a smile.

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