Someone Special

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Nico walked into the crowded gymnasium that had been transformed into an "Under the Sea" paradise. He currently sported a black suit, complete with a black tie. Nico looked around at the decorations around the gym, staring in awe at how it didn't even seem like the gym.

Leave it to Percy, who was on the decorating committee, to make the theme water related. Blue and green streamers hung from the ceiling. Tables were set up along one of the walls, showcasing a variety of blue-colored foods. (Who knew that blue cookies existed?)

Multiple orb lights were set up around the room, giving off a crystal blue aura. An area was reserved for a backdrop where people could take pictures. The backdrop featured some seaweed, colorful fish, and in the distance, you could see an underwater castle.

Nico had to admit that Percy did a great job turning the smelly gym into something actually decent.

Nico sighed. Even though the place looked amazing, Nico didn't even want to be here. He thought that staying home and watching old-timey movies was a better plan than this.

But that's what Nico gets when he makes a bet with Percy. (How can someone even hold their breath that long underwater?!)

He scanned the room to try and spot his few friends. He saw Jason and Piper dancing on the dance floor. They looked so happy and Nico felt a pang of jealousy. He wouldn't admit this anytime soon but despite his icy exterior, he actually liked to interact with people. Well, they had to bypass his standards first.

He saw Percy and Annabeth rushing around the place, making sure everything was okay. Annabeth slapped Percy's hand away from what Nico would assume was probably his 10th cookie.

He spotted Hazel and Frank talking and laughing and just having a good time with each other.

Everyone was having fun with their significant other. Even Reyna managed to score a date with some girl from another school.

Nico sighed again. "This is going to be fun," he muttered sarcastically.

"Yeah, I know right?" said someone with as much sarcasm as Nico.

He looked up to see a guy about his age. He had golden blonde hair and blue eyes, just like the blue lights around them. He wore a similar suit to Nico's but instead of a black tie, he had a bright yellow bowtie. He had a grin on his face and his eyes held an amused gleam in them.

Nico stared at him for longer than what was considered normal but the other person didn't seem to look away either.

Then the other person said, "My name's Will. Will Solace. What's yours?"

"Nico. Nico di Angelo," Nico replied with a half smile, imitating Will. "What's your excuse for being here?"

"My friends dragged me here and said that staying at home staring at my laptop was a waste of time." He said.

"Oh my gods, that's what I wanted to do too! I lost a bet to my friend and it resulted in me attending this dance." Nico replied excitedly. At least he wasn't the only one who didn't want to be here.

"You know, as long as we're here, we might as well make the best of it, right? So would you be my date to prom, even though we're already here? You seem like a cool person and I want to get to know you better." Will asked nervously, but with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Nico was too stunned to say anything at first. This amazing person wants to be his date? After he got over his shock, he finally said yes to Will's offer.

Will smiled so big, Nico didn't even know how one could do that.

Will jokingly bowed to Nico, offering his hand. "Shall we go, sir?" Will asked in a terrible British accent.

Nico took his hand and said, "Yes we shall."

And off they went.


It had been an hour since Nico accepted Will's request to be his date. And during that time, they got along stupendously.

They talked about their personalities and what they liked and disliked. They talked about how Will wanted to become a doctor and how Nico wanted to be an artist. They discussed every little thing in between, like their fears and places they wanted to visit.

In fact, Nico was pretty sure he opened up to Will more than he did to his friends. Maybe it was because Nico thought that Will was trustworthy. Something about Will made Nico want to tell his life story to him. And he did.

They sat at one of the tables and Nico told Will about his childhood in Italy, how he lost his mother and sister, his distant father, and how he wished he was back in his little neighborhood, playing with Bianca while waiting for their mom to call them back inside.

Throughout the whole thing, Will listened intently. He nodded occasionally and his attention was focused on Nico. At the end of the story, Will gave Nico a hug and wiped away his tears that Nico didn't even know he shed.

"C'mon, let's go dance!" Will exclaimed, lightening the mood. He grabbed Nico's hand and dragged him onto the middle of the gym floor.

"Umm, I don't really know how to dance..." Nico said awkwardly.

"Don't worry. It's easy. All you have to do is sway." Will assured. He guided Nico's hands to his neck and Nico wrapped his arms around it. Will put his hands on Nico's waist.

So there they were, swaying along to the slow music. They both admired how the other one looked, gazing intently at each other's eyes.

As the song slowed to an end, Will leaned down a bit and Nico got on his tiptoes and tilted his head up. Time seemed to stop as their lips met. It was soft and sweet and Nico didn't want it to end.

However, they were interrupted by several gasps and "Oh my gods." Nico looked up to see that it was from his friends who had formed a circle around the pair. Percy and Piper stared at them in shock. Annabeth and Jason gave each other a knowing look, as if they were watching the two the whole night and knew that they would end up together. Frank and Hazel just smiled because they were happy for them.

Reyna was the only one who said something. "Okay, first of all, I'm happy for you, Neeks. But if he ever hurts you, tell me and I'll kick his—"

Nico interrupted Reyna. "It's fine, Reyna. He wouldn't harm a fly."

Reyna gave Will a once-over and before giving him a grin. "You must be someone special if Nico chose to kiss you the day he met you."

Will blushed and looked at Nico, who also had a hint of pink on his cheeks.

Nico cleared his throat and announced, "Guys, I think you already know this, but I'm gay..."

Everyone laughed.

"Oh we know. We were watching you two the whole night," Percy informed them. Annabeth nudged Percy's side before adding, "In a non-creepy way of course."

"We're happy for you Nico," Hazel told him.

As everyone started asking Will questions (more like interrogating him), Nico looked at his group of friends and at Will. He couldn't help thinking that maybe coming to prom wasn't such a bad thing.

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