Dance With Me

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"May I have this dance?"

Nico looked up from his place on the couch to see Will bending down with an arm outstretched towards him. Nico quirked an eyebrow.

"C'mon, c'mon! Get up!" Will encouraged. Nico obliged and stood up with an amused huff. He watched as Will dimmed the lights and turned on some soft, jazzy music on his phone.

"What are you doing?" Nico asked, his arms crossed.

Will turned around from where he was pushing back the curtains, revealing the flurry of snow that was currently raining down upon them. He gave Nico a smirk. "I'm setting the mood," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Nico snorted. Will sauntered over to where Nico was standing and uncrossed his arms. Without a word, Will guided one of Nico's hands to his shoulder and slipped his own hand on Nico's waist. Will grabbed Nico's other hand and paused.

"Dance with me," Will whispered. And off they went, dancing around their living room.

Nico let out a happy laugh as Will attempted to dodge their coffee table but instead, hitting his shin against it. Will doubled over in pain but he was laughing in amusement too.

Then without warning, Nico wrapped his arms around Will's waist and dipped him. Will squealed a little and his arms immediately found their way around Nico's neck. He looked at Nico with startled eyes. Nico, on the other hand, looked smug with his gleaming eyes and quirking lips.

"Hey there beautiful, you come here often?" Nico mused in that husky voice of his.

Will laughed a little. "Who knew you were so smooth, Mr. Dark and Brooding."

Nico rolled his eyes and smiled fondly at the nickname. Then he lifted Will up until they were both standing upright again. Will took this opportunity to twirl Nico around. Yet again, Nico laughed and god, if he didn't look amazingly beautiful at the moment. His eyes crinkled around the edges of his eyes and his dark bangs framed his delicate face. There was a rosy hue coloring Nico's cheeks even though they turned the heat on. In fact, Will thought Nico looked ethereal in that moment.

What he didn't know was that Nico was thinking the same thing about Will. The soft glow of the lights made it look like there was a golden haze surrounding Will. His blue eyes shone and his smile stretched across his whole face. And even though it had been years since they first met, Nico still got a fluttering feeling in his gut whenever Will smiled at him.

They twirled and danced more around their living room. They talked and laughed occasionally but mostly they just let the background music fill the silence and just enjoyed each other's company.

As the night dwindled on, so did their dancing. Now, Nico was resting his arms on Will's shoulders and his head on Will's chest. Meanwhile Will was hugging Nico close by the hips. They swayed along to the music and Nico found this situation really intimate but he didn't mind.

"How did I ever find someone as amazing as you?" Nico asked absentmindedly.

Will chuckled. "Well, you almost hit me with your bike when you were riding it while half asleep."

Nico poked Will's chest playfully. "Shut up, we're having a moment here."

Will laughed again before saying, "You know, you're pretty amazing too."

Nico looked up to Will and smiled. They must've been staring into each other's eyes for several long moments before Will leaned down and planted a kiss on Nico's lips. Nico gladly returned it and when they broke apart, both of them were smiling. They continued dancing all the way through the night.


A/n: mmmmmmmmmm I love it when there's just plain, unfiltered fluff

Also, I've been going over my previous stories and editing them and GOD THEY ARE SO CRINGY LIKE I AM SO SORRY YOU HAD TO READ THOSE

It is currently New Year's Eve where I am so I just want to wish you all a Happy New Year!! Let's hope that next year will be a good one!

-Victoria :)

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