Karaoke Night

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The muffled pounding of the music reverberated through Nico's skull and the smell of alcohol overwhelmed his nose. The lights were dim, save for the bright lights that illuminated the stage and the colorful, neon glow lights that were scattered throughout the private room. Nico was crammed between a rowdy Percy and an enthusiastic Will. All around him were his friends having fun and drinking and egging each other to go up on stage and sing.

Currently, Hazel and Frank were in the spotilight, singing "Love Is An Open Door" togehter. Their cheeks were both flushed but Nico thought that it had little to do with the alcohol and more to do with their underlying feelings for each other. Nico looked around the huge table that held a slightly bigger party. Percy, even though it hadn't even been an hour yet, was already drunk and was begging Jason to sing something with him. Jason, who was also a little tipsy, happily obliged and together they practically tripped over to the stage. Nico rolled his eyes at his roommates. How they both had girlfriends were beyond him.

Speaking of, Annabeth and Piper were snapping pictures of their respective boyfriends who were up on stage and singing a horrible rendition of "Don't Stop Believin'." Nico could hear Annabeth making teasing remarks about Percy and Piper laughing about how much blackmail material she was going to have on Jason.

Meanwhile, Leo was busy showing off one of his new inventions that sparked a huge flame everytime someone said "everybody loves Leo" (Nico doesn't even know how he managed to sneak that into a karaoke bar). Calypso rolled her eyes at Leo's antics while Cecil whooped everytime the device lit up.

Lou Ellen was talking to Will when Kayla nudged her and whispered something into her ear. Lou Ellen's eyes lit up and she nodded and followed Kayla onto stage. They started singing, which earned cheers from everybody. The duo was actually really good. Will clapped and cheered the loudest and shouted encouraging things to them. Nico stared at how his eyes lit up from the neon lights. He stared at his bright smile that seemed to shine, even in the dim lighting. Nico stared at how awfully happy he looked and a small part of Nico wanted Will to look at him that way.

That left Nico, who was painfully aware of what everybody else was doing and how he was the only one doing nothing. Will, as if sensing his discomfort, poked him in the side, which made Nico looked up at him. "Betcha can't drink more than me." Will challenged in a low, gravelly voice. His eyes were filled with smug determination.

"Oh, you're on," Nico replied, a grin already taking over his face. He was never one to back down from a challenge. Plus, how can he resist Will? The next hour passed by in a blur. He downed shot after shot of alcohol and his mind was in a state of blissful fuzziness. He distinctly remembered his friends cheering him and Will on and placing bets on who could drink more. Just as Nico was about to surrender, Will held up his hands and said, "Okay, I give up." It came out as a drunken slur but Nico responded excitedly with a fist pumped in the air. "Hell yeah!"

Nico didn't know what happened but the next thing he knew, he was shoved onto stage and Will was yelling at him to sing something. Soon, everyone joined Will's chanting and that, combined with his drunken state, made Nico agree. He chose the song and started singing "Fergalicious" perfectly and in time with the lyrics. The number of hours spent listening to Percy sing this song on repeat in the shower payed off and Nico didn't even have to look at the lyrics anymore. After the song was over, Nico was panting and grinning so wide, his cheeks hurt. He stumbled around a bit but otherwise, he was having a great time. He received thunderous applause and whoops. Someone whistled at him and Nico turned his head to see Will smiling goofily at him and his heart just couldn't take it anymore. God, he just wanted to kiss Will.

And so he did. He marched down to him, grabbed his face with both his hands, and smashed his lips against his. Will was stunned for a moment and Nico was quickly sobering up from his sudden, bold move. But after a moment, Will wrapped his arms around Nico and pulled him closer until Nico was sitting on his lap. Their kisses grew more feverish and hungry. Nico tangled his hands in Will's soft hair. He could hear their friends whistling at them and congratulating them but he didn't care. All he cared about right now was Will.

They broke apart after what seemed like an eternity. "So, you like me, huh?" Will whispered, out of breath.

"I thought that was established," Nico teased.

"Oh ha ha," Will said sarcastically. Then he added, "I like you too."



Nico was sporting a shy smile while Will was beaming so hard, it was like the actual sun was in the room. Nico admired Will's flushed cheeks and his freckles and his smile and his bright blue irises. And that was when Nico knew he made the right decision by kissing Will.


A/n: I just wanted Nico to sing Fergalicious. *whispers* just imagine it...

Also, thank you for 1k reads!! It makes me immensely happy to see that you guys are enjoying my stories!

-Victoria :)

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