You Can Call Me Anytime

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Will cradled his brother's broken phone in his arms as he walked into the cell phone repair shop. A bell jingled which prompted the person behind the counter to look up.

Will almost dropped his brother's phone. Again.

The person working behind the counter was cute. Like, really cute. Adorable, even, with his big, brown eyes and his messy, black hair.

Will realized that they were staring at each other. He quickly sprung into action and walked towards the guy. He placed the phone onto the counter and said, "Hi, can you fix this phone?"

"Well, this is a cell phone repair shop," the guy said in a bored voice.

Most people would be deterred from the guy's attitude, but not Will. He always tries to see the best in people.

"Snippy," Will teased. "Well, uh, this is my brother's but I accidentally dropped his phone in some tomato sauce and now it's not working."

The guy raised an eyebrow, which disappeared into the dark bangs hanging in eyes. "Tomato sauce? Isn't that ketchup?"

Will pretended to be aghast. "What? Pffft, no! Tomato sauce is the thing that goes on pizza. Ketchup goes with fries. Ketchup is...extra saucy!"

The guy's mouth quirked a little at Will's explanation and Will took it as a small victory.

"Hmm," the other guy hummed. He fiddled around with the device and Will took it as a chance to make some more conversation.

"So what's your name, emo boy?"

The guy looked up and squinted his eyes at Will. Will glanced down at the shorter boy's all black ensemble, his shirt decorated with a big white skull in the middle.

The guy sighed and gave Will a dead look. "Whatever, sunshine. My name's Nico."

"Sunshine? My name's Will, but you can call me sunshine all you want," Will said with a playful smile.

"Or," Will added with a twinkle in his eyes, "you can call me anytime."

Nico's pale complexion reddened and he seemed torn between ducking his head down or rolling his eyes at Will's bad pickup line. He decided on making a grunting noise before going back to whatever he was doing with the phone. However, his aloof demeanor was betrayed by a small smile that was taking over his face.

Will beamed even though Nico wasn't looking at him. His stomach fluttered and he bounced a little in place. His heart soared with warmth when he saw the smile on Nico's face, knowing that he was the one who put it there.

"Yeah, so," Nico began, snapping Will out of his trance. "I don't know how to fix this."

Will was a little disappointed. "Aw, c'mon. Do you have any advice or anything that'll help fix my brother's phone?"

Nico seemed to pause while he thought. Then he said, "Did you try turning it off and on again?"

Will stared at Nico and he stared back. A question hung in the air between them. Will was the one who broke the silence. "Was...was that a joke, emo boy?"

Nico huffed and looked away. "Whatever," he muttered, his cheeks tinted pink.

Will thought it was endearing that Nico had tried to make a joke and he laughed. This seemed to jostle Nico out of his mood because his head snapped back to Will as he continued to laugh. Will stopped laughing and looked at Nico quizzically. "What?"

"You're cute!" Nico blurted it out. Then his eyes widened and he covered his mouth with his hand.

Now it was time for Will to blush. Will spluttered a bit from surprise before responding. "I think you're cute too." Will gave Nico a grin.

Nico seemed to relax and returned Will's grin with a soft smile. "Would you, maybe, wanna go get dinner with me?" Nico asked tentatively. He looked away as he waited for Will's answer.

Will took no time to reply and shouted, "Yes!"

Nico snorted at Will's enthusiasm and Will cleared his throat. "Yes, yep, I would love to go on a date with you," Will repeated.

Will recited his phone number and Nico copied it into his phone. Will noticed that Nico's phone case was a collage of a bunch of well-known cryptids, like Bigfoot and something that resembled the Loch Ness Monster. Will smiled at that. He found this endearing too.

Nico handed Will his brother's phone back and before Will exited, Nico asked, "So, I'll text you about the date then?"

"Yeah," Will answered with an excited grin. "I can't wait."

Nico gave Will a lopsided smile and waved. Will waved back and left the store, his smile wide and his heart thumping with eagerness.


A/n: boi I took a science test today and the whole thing wAS BULLSHIT. Like it didn't test our knowledge at all and it was confusing af?? And the teacher didn't give us any specific information on what was gonna be on it and I swear most of the class failed.

Hhhhnnnnnn and after it, my friends and I were so emotionally/mentally drained that we kept breaking down into giggle fits over the stupidest things.

*sigh* I can't wait for the rest of the week..

-Victoria :)

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