Be My Study Buddy

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Nico trekked across the 4 inches of snow all the way to the campus library. He desperately needed to study but no, the Stoll brothers, who lived in the dorm besides his, decided to be obnoxiously loud. Right in the middle of midterms. (He was a bit concerned when he heard "Oh no, don't let it fly away!" followed by a series of squawks that sounded suspiciously like a bird.)

Nico grumbled past the front desk of the library and clutched his coffee like it was his lifeline. He sat down in the midst of a bunch of sleep-deprived students on the verge of breaking down. He took no time taking out his calculus textbook out of his bag and started reading from where he left off.

He was about to take a sip of his precious coffee, his eyes glued to his the page, when someone snatched it right from his hands. Nico looked up in surprise and said ever so eloquently, "What the fuck?"

Another person had taken his cup and he was now feverishly writing on it with a sharpie, his tall frame hunching over the plastic container. Some of the coffee had sloshed over onto the wooden table but the guy didn't seem to notice. His crazed eyes twitched and his mouth formed a hysterical smile as he finished writing down whatever he was writing.

"Oh my god," the guy whispered. "I did it. I solved the question." He looked like he had discovered the Holy Grail.

Nico watched the whole thing with curiosity and a bit of amusement. But then he remembered that the jerk had interrupted his studying and he had stole his energy source.

Nico cleared his throat and said grumpily, "Are you done with my coffee, jerkwad?" He added in a glare for good measure.

The blonde looked up and his eyes widened in realization. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry. Crap, I just, I came to the library to find a book and I was thinking and then I figured out how to do this stupidly hard chem problem that my professor gave for extra credit and boy, I need that extra credit and I needed to write it down before I forgot."

Nico was a bit taken aback by the guy's rambling. But he had to respect his need for extra credit. Even if he did rudely steal his coffee cup by doing so.

"Whatever," Nico sighed. "Just try not to steal other people's coffee again."

The guy smiled crookedly. "I'll try. And thanks for the coffee." He raised the coffee cup as a goodbye before hurrying out of the library doors, cradling the cup in his arms like it was a baby.

Nico smiled a bit at the memory of the stranger's disheveled hair and the happy expression that took over his face when he figured out the problem. But he quickly wiped the grin off his face and went back to studying.


Nico wanted to throw his textbook out of the library window. Maybe someone will shovel it away along with the snow. He was managing pretty fine, but he could not for the life of him understand one particular part. In fact, he was staring at the same page for half an hour but nothing was sticking. Sighing in resignation, he decided to take a break. Math can wait for five minutes.

He stood up and stretched, his back making a satisfying popping sound. He looked up at the giant clock that hung above the library's doorway and saw that it was noon. He must've been so engrossed in studying that he didn't notice how much time had passed. Right at that moment, Nico's stomach rumbled.

He made his way over to one of the various vending machines and absentmindedly inserted a dollar bill. He randomly chose a bag of chips, too tired to care about what it was as long as he ate something. He waited as the whir of the machine sent his bag of chips down. But then, disaster struck.

Really, it wasn't that big of a deal. The bag of chips just got stuck. But Nico was mentally tired and frustrated and this wasn't helping. Groaning, he pounded on the vending machine, partly out of irritation and partly to get the bag of chips down. It didn't work.

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