Chapter 35. You all wanted an ending

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"Suddenly my world was darker than before."

"I don't know. She walked in on me as I was about to escape, I couldn't risk her telling anyone." I spoke bluntly seeing through my own lies.

He smirked, "that's all I needed." He stood up pulling something else from his pocket.

"Don't worry Mr. Howell, in a few minutes you won't even remember this."

I didn't have time to respond or react in any way. I felt the pinch of a needle stick it's way into my arm. And just like that I was out like a light.

I woke up a bit after that. The medicine wasn't strong enough to put me to sleep for that long. But my eyes slowly opened to see that same man. That same, crooked, man. He seemed more twisted than myself. But as I was barley able to speak clearly do to all the drugs that caused my voice to sound scratchy and low. I managed to make a deal with him knowing that his plans for me were inevitable.

I saw him grabbing another needle to put me out, with whatever strength I had left I grabbed his hand harshly. Stopping him. Looking up at him with the most intimidation I've ever felt.

"Please...I don't care what your plans are for me, death, torcher, whatever. Just keep her out of this." I spoke as my eyes began to feel the need to shut.

He looked down at me as if he was debating on this. I felt my breath hitch as my hands grew shaky.

"Please...." I whispered. I begged.

"Jesus. You're so pathetic." He laughed putting his arm down for a slight moment causing me to be able to let out a sigh of relief.

"Risking your own life for such a small thing. And why? Cause you love her?" He continued to go on.

I sighed. "I drugged her. I forced her to think differently. She's not stable because of me. I brain washed all of them." I lied. But no matter how I did it, I put her though all of this...

And I'm getting her out.

"You..drugged her?" He questioned.

I stayed silent, nodding slightly.

"I also killed multiple people including Anthony Padilla and Pj Liguori. I did all of this."

My mind began to ache, pounding intensely. I wasn't feeling the best right now, I honestly don't know how many days it's been since I last ate. How long have I even been here for? Multiple questions began to absorb into my head as I tried to focus on the conversation. My bipolar ness is getting the best of me.

"If you really wanna do the world a favor kill me." I spoke looking him dead in the eye.

His head turned, intrigued in my words.

(Y/n p.o.v)

I was in a room handcuffed to a desk. My eyes focused on the camera that was located above my head in the corner of the room. A lady about my age walked in, maybe a bit older. Her ginger hair moved along with her, as she entered the room she sat down allowing the place to take up in silence.

"I know everything Ms y/l/n. But I need you to tell me what it is that you remember. Without leaving out any details." She spoke while placing a small recorder on the table and clicking the play button.

I narrowed my eyes, staring at her. I didn't speak. Which yes was awkward, but I wasn't answering anything until I knew where Dan was.

She turned her head to the side, "damn, you know, I was really expecting you to be smarter. I mean you're boyfriends going to be dead in the next ten minutes and you're choosing to play the silent treatment. What a pity." She spoke snidely.

I looked up at her in a panic, "what do mean? They can't kill him!"

"Well of course they can, he broke out of an insane asylum, breaking multiple laws and is a known murderer. And yet somehow you still think he's a good guy. Forget it (y/n), it's over now." She spoke leaving the room, before she left her head turned over to look at me. "We're doing you a favor." She sighed while leaving the room.

I looked down at the table feeling my fists firing up, my heart was beating quick. This couldn't be happening, after all we've been through, it can't end this quick.

I began to start yelling, I tried pulling my hands out of the cuffs as if it was realistic for me to get out of them. I was freaking out. Majorly...

"No! You can't kill him! He's all I have!" I yelled loudly with rage, but my body slowly tensed up and I rested my head on the table trying to control my tears. I was crying out to someone who wasn't even here.

Moments later the same lady walked in, but someone was behind her. My eyes widened.

"Dan?!" I yelled while wiping away my dried tears.

"You two can have your goodbyes." The lady spoke while walking over to un-cuff me. I ran over, wrapping my arms around him tightly as if we were inseparable.

"I don't want to lose you..." I cried out into his shoulder. I could feel him resisting the urge to cry too, but he gave up.

"I'm so sorry I put you through all of this." He spoke as his eyes began to water up.

"No." I spoke looking into his eyes. "This was the most fun I've ever had. Don't be sorry for it." I spoke while kissing him one last time. The guards suddenly pulled us both away from eachother. I yelled out to him, I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

But there it was, my "happy" ending.


But suddenly it was as if god himself had saved us. I heard gunshots throughout the hallway causing me to step back being cautious. My immediate thought was Dan getting shot. Tears fell down my face as I knew it was true. Yet the door swung open, I saw him standing there. His arm shot up and pointed the gun right in front of us. I thought he was about to kill me, but the bullet missed and shot the woman who sentenced him.

I ran up and hugged him, "we need to go now." He spoke while letting go and grabbing onto my arm tightly. Pulling me along with him. I already knew we weren't going to make it out of here alive, but at least now we have a chance.

As we ran throughout the station, Dan shot guards one by one. He told me to pick up one of the dead guards ammo, which I quickly did following his instructions.

We had made it. After all of that we were running right to the exit. I felt my breath fasten as the adrenaline kicked in. But my excitement was surely stopped. As we opened the door to run out, we were surrounded by multiple police cars. Several cops outside holding guns to our heads.

"Y/n, I love you." Dan spoke looking over and staring into my eyes. His words confused me, yet I suddenly understood.

He pulled the gun from his pocket in attempt to shoot a cop yet it was too late. Three cops shot him first. I immediately dropped to the ground seeing his lifeless body on the floor. Tears rushing down my face as I began to feel anger throughout me.

I grabbed the gun in which Dan attempted to kill with, quickly aiming it at the one of the police officers who shot him. I pulled the trigger witnessing the bullet go through his head. But seconds later I felt a bullet in mine.

Suddenly my world was darker than before.

I was dead.

Maybe I am insane (dan howell x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora