Chapter 9. Scared of everything

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"I'm laughing, I'm crying, it feels like I'm dying."
It's been a couple hours, me guessing of course as I don't really know the exact time. I sat in the cell, anxiously yet impatiently waiting for Dan to show up. I pondered how I would tell him, it seemed impossible. He would think I'm even more crazy then I already feel.

My thoughts were interrupted as I jumped slightly after hearing a knock on the cell door , Daniel smirking of course as he realised he startled me.

"Took you long enough." I mumbled under my breath as I was mildly frustrated.

He unlocked the door and walked over, falling onto the bed as he looked at me smirking. It fascinated me how his attitude can change so fast.

"So do you wanna tell me now?" He asked smugly as he folds his arms and looks over at me.

I feel myself become anxious as my hands start shaking. My heart drops as I began to think of how I was going to tell him.

"Dan...this is going to sound really weird....and you're not going to believe me....but we-" I began to say feeling the words come out of my mouth until I was interrupted by someone's voice.

"Dan?" I heard a females voice, making my head turn as I saw the familiar girl I've seen before.

"Cat?!" Dan says questionably as he turns his head over to me then back at cat, he stands up and walks over to her, then unlocks the cell as he allowed her to come in. I sat back and stayed quiet, folding my arms as I felt a slight bit of jealousy run through me.

"W-what are you doing here?" He questioned.

She rolled her eyes and smirked, "you're not the only one who knows how to steal keys daniel." She said while holding a key in her hand to show him. She smiled then gave him a huge hug, making me turn my head away as I couldn't even look at them.

"Why are you with her?" I heard cat whisper as if I wasn't even in the room, which made me told my eyes looking away.

"Because we need to take care of something... I'll meet you at my cell okay? Just be there." He said in a way that sounded more demanding then Caring. Yet she smiled kissing  him on the check and walking out. Glancing at me as she did so.

"You're seriously screwing her after you leave?" I questioned, absolutely silenced by Dans actions.

Dan rolled his eyes and smirked, "no, I just said that so she'd leave, why do you want to instead?" He laughed slightly while walking over to me and putting his hands on my arms, making me blush slightly, yet I pushed him off pretending it was nothing.

"You make things way to easy..". He laughed but then paused as he looked away.

My heart dropped as I released he's said that before too, is he remembering?

He paused for awhile, and stayed silent as he avoided eye contact with me, "w- why do I remember saying this to you..." he mumbled to himself yet loud enough for me to hear.

I took a step back, without saying a word as I could feel my heart beat become faster, my breath stopped as my eyes met with his.

A couple seconds past by of pure silence and it seemed as if dan snapped out of it.

"Dan?" I questioned breaking the silence, he looked up at me and went back to pretending nothing happened.

"I need to go..." he said mindlessly as he rushed out the cell, opening the door and walking out, I tried to follow him but the door shut to quickly before I could. My heart went pounding out of my chest and I fell to the floor trying to calm my brain down. Yet it was uncontrollable, and I felt myself become shaken. I sighed as I looked down at the floor feeling extremely confused I contemplating everything through, what clicked inside his brain, did he remember?

Maybe I am insane (dan howell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now