Chapter 25. Be quick

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"What's more deadly, A bullet or a thought?"

I looked at Dan, our hands were together as he tried to pull me with him. I contemplated on what to do, I couldn't just leave Chris and Phil to die, I couldn't live with myself. I froze, looking into Dans eyes, he knew I wasn't going to just run away.

"Dan, we cant just leave them." I whispered giving a final sigh as I escaped from his grip and ran into the forrest. I heard Dan call my name, expecting me to walk back, but I kept going. Dan chased after me, but I eventually lost him as I continued to run deeper and deeper into the forrest. I felt the leaves crinkle under my feet. I heard my breath go heavier as I tried to run quickly looking for my friends.

I paused and held my breath in trying to stay still and quiet. I looked in front of me too see Chris and Phil standing with there hands in the air. but I couldn't get a clear enough view to see who else was with them. Phil was standing up anxiously shaking, and I saw two other people who's faces looked unclear, one was holding a gun out, which made me a bit scared at the thought of the trigger being pulled. Were they cops? Someone trying to hurt us? Who are they? I tried taking a couple steps closer to get a better view but I was stopped by Dan grabbing my arm and pulling me behind a bush. I cursed under my breath as his sudden action had startled me.

"Dan, what the hell are you doing?!" I questioned in an aggressive whisper.

He put a hand over my mouth to silence me, "shhh, if we are going to do this, we need to do this right." He spoke in a soft quiet tone as he looked around cautiously. I grabbed his hand and took it off my mouth, then turned my head to look at them.

"Look, we were just walking around, okay?!" Chris said aggressively staring at the two men. I got a closer look at them, and noticed how there clothes looked regular, "they don't look like cops..." I whispered looking over at Dan.

Dan scoffed preparing to stand up, "well if they're not cops, then I'm not going to waste any time on them." He spoke as he stood up and began to walk over to everyone. I whispered Dans name loud enough for him to hear, trying to call him back over to me yet he just ignored me and continued walking towards them.

"I think you might want to put the gun down.." dan spoke smugly as he just walked up to them as if everything was calm. He was acting so collected and somewhat cocky to the fact that these people had guns.

One of the two men quickly spun around and pointed the gun at Daniel instead, "who are you?!" The man questioned sternly as he squinted his eyes some.

"That's not important, just put down the gun and we can all just walk away." Dan smirked putting his hands in his pockets as he dared to look up into the mans eyes.

" way, you seem just as shady as these two." The man spoke walking closer towards Dan and holding the gun at his head.

This sudden move made my stomach turn, this was a stranger, there was no way he would back out of shooting Daniel. What the hell is dan doing? He's going to get us all killed! It's the alcohol, he doesn't even realise what he's doing does he? 'Shit' I cursed under my breath anxiously after having this realisation.

Dan smirked at the man and scoffed, thinking this was "childs play." And in a quick motion he grabbed the gun from his pocket and shot one of the men. Causing me to jump as I heard the bullet leave the chamber. I began to get dizzy, I hated when this happened. Yet, it's terrible to say I've gotten used to it. Everyday I see another person die....I'm sick of it.

I looked up slightly from the bushes to see what else was going on, the other guy quickly dropped his gun, feeling obligated to do so as he didn't want to get shot by Dan.

Yet Dan didn't care, it was as if he felt relief from killing people. He gets this look in his eyes that just make it seem as if he's even more crazy than I originally thought he was. As if he gained joy from taking the life out of people.

"Stay still." Dan joked as he saw how the man was practically trembling in fear. Dan shot the bullet yet missed as the man jumped out of the way before it could hit him. I gasped seeing that the bullet actually went and hit Phil.

My eyes started tearing up uncontrollably, and I thoughtlessly ran over to him, ignoring everything else going on around me. Dan cursed under his breath and gave Phil a quick concerning look, but then Dan realised he hadn't killed the man yet. But it just so happens the guy had ran away to quickly for Dan to run and find him, as if he just disappeared out into the darkness.

Dan gave up on it, and instead leaned down to Phil, as a sigh of relief escaped his pale lips. "I think he'll be okay..." he spoke in a panicking breath. "I-it only hit his arm." Dan stuttered happily yet still concerned for Phil.

"Chris, give me your jacket." Dan demanded not even bothering to look up at him, yet Chris did as told and handed Dan his dark grey jacket.

Dan tied the jacket along Phil's arm, "hopefully this can buy us some time, we need to bandage him up before he loses too much blood." Dan exclaimed grabbing Phil and helping him get to the car. Phil was in a bunch of pain, I could hear small sniffles coming from him as we walked back to the car. Hopefully he doesn't lose to much blood, I can't lose another person...

"A gun gives you the opportunity, but a thought pulls the trigger."


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