Chapter 18. Thoughts

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"I am in a sea of wonders, I doubt; I fear; I think strange things which I dare not confess to my own soul."
My eyes quickly opened as I fell out of the seat harshly, the car stopped which caused me to fall and hit the seat in front of me. I groaned in annoyance as I sat back up giving Anthony an annoyed look, "sorry (y/n), but we're here." Anthony said apologetically as he looked back at me to make sure I was okay.

"It's fine..." I mumbled under my breath rubbing the dust off my pants from falling.

"Can you cut these off now?" Dan questioned looking over at me referring to the ropes on his arms.

I sighed looking over at Chris, "pass me the knife." I spoke holding my hand out in front of him.

"You can't cut him lose, knowing him he'll find a way to escape, we need him to stay like this until we're sure he won't do anything stupid." Chris exclaimed to me.

I sighed mumbling an 'okay' under my breath as I grabbed the rope attaching Dans arms together and pulled it lightly, forcing Dan to follow me out of the car.

"Oh, so I'm a dog now?" Dan questioned sarcastically looking at me.

I mouthed an 'I'm sorry' too him then turned over to see Anthony opening the door and everyone walking in to follow him. I looked around, and holy shit his house was incredibly huge. It had grey walls followed with some Blue ones, there was a beautiful white piano across from the living room which my eyes were drawn too. The kitchen and living room were spotless and a glass chandelier hung above the dinning room table.

"This place is amazing..." I spoke as my eyes traveled through out the room.

Anthony laughed, "it's nothing much, but I'm glad you think so." He said under his breath smiling at me as his cheeks turned a slight rose pink.

Dan squinted his eyes and walked next to me, nudging my arm, "can you two stop flirting and figure out what you're doing already, I want to leave here as fast as I can." Dan suddenly interrupted rudely, causing me too role my eyes in annoyance.

After about half an hour I started getting annoyed with talking to people, I needed some alone time I guess, yet I still had to keep an eye on Daniel. Anthony began to give us a small tour showing everyone their rooms, leaving me and Daniel last to get ours.

"And here is the biggest room in the house, I assume your going to need it while dealing with the child." Anthony joked referring to Dan, causing me to laugh.

"Can you go already?" Dan questioned yet we both ignored it as if we heard nothing.

"Thanks." I spoke while smiling as Anthony shut the door and left. He seemed sweet, considering he's one of Chris's friends. I looked over at Dan who seemed to be mildly annoyed as he looked deep in thought about something. I walked over to him and grabbed the rope, pulling his hands up.

"I need to tie this along the side of the bed, I can't risk you trying to leave." I explained pulling him along with me, yet I then paused as I saw there was only one bed. Dan didn't understand why I paused but then slowly started to get it as he cursed under his breath.

I sighed dragging Dan along and tying the other piece of rope to the bed, giving Dan enough room to be able to move his arms, but not enough to go anywhere.

"Is this necessary?" Dan questioned annoyed as he began tugging on the rope, thinking he could possibly escape.

"Chris's orders." I spoke bluntly as I sat down next to him, I felt awkward, it seemed like I was the bad guy here and I didn't like that feeling. Silence filled in the room and it stayed like this for a while, dan pulling the rope every once and awhile to try and make it more comfortable.

"I don't understand why your even in this group, you don't seem like them, not that you're nice or anything... but you just don't seem as insane as everyone else." Dan spoke as he stared down at the rope tied to his hands, rearranging them as best he could.

"Maybe in your eyes." I spoke mocking his own words.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes mumbling a 'whatever' under his breath. I wish I knew what he was thinking, I have no doubt that he's thinking of a way to escape this place, and I have to be prepared for when that happens.

"Are you and Anthony a thing or something?" Dan suddenly asked breaking the silence, which made me raise an eyebrow at him.

"No, why would you think that?" I questioned.

"You two always seem to be giggling and smiling at each other, I don't know I just kind of got a feeling." He explained looking away, refusing to look me in the eyes.

I hummed in thought, me and Anthony? We just met, I couldn't even think of us together. And it's even worse that Dan asked that. I sighed feeling my arms become heavy, I was extremely worried, what if Dan doesn't come back this time? It was a miracle that he even remembered before, but whose to say he will remember this time?

Without saying anything, I laid down and covered up myself with the blankets, feeling too tired to care about what Daniel was even doing. I rested my head along the pillow and closed my eyes, falling asleep next to Dan.

Maybe I am insane (dan howell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now