Chapter 26. Tears that fall

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"Please don't go."
"We need to get him to a hospital! Now!" Dan shouted as he held the jacket closer to Phil's arm, pressing against it tightly as if it was his last hope.

"A hospital?!" Chris questioned defensively as his head quickly turned around to look at us, yet Chris still kept his hands firm on the wheel as he drove.

"Is there a problem with that?" Dan asked while raising an eyebrow.

Chris squinted his eyes as he turned his head back around to face the road, "well we can't just go into the hospital with our reputation...we need to fix this ourselves." Chris spoke sternly as he picked up the speed by pressing his foot aggressively on the pedal.

I could feel myself press back slightly as the car sped up, "and how do you manage we do that?!" I questioned looking over at Chris.

"Anthony would always keep an emergency safety kit in the trunk of his car in case something were to happen. I'll pull over." He spoke suddenly as he spun the wheel and pulled over to the side of the road quickly.

When the car stopped I quickly jumped out of the door and looked through the trunk searching through the mess, papers, trash, and a shovel....

I ignored the negative thoughts that interrupted my head as I quickly pushed them away. I continued scattering through everything until I eventually found a red and white box in which had everything we needed for Phil. I grabbed it quickly then ran back to dan and Phil.

"Here." I said heavily as I handed the small box to Dan in a panic. I was anxious to the thought of it not working and it sent anxiety through my veins. Dan opened the box impatiently and began to look through everything.

Needles, bandages, rubbing alcohol, hopefully this can work...

"Chris, get over here and help me." Dan shouted demandingly looking over to him. Chris quickly followed and I took a step back feeling scared to even look at what was going on.

My heart started racing as they began to take off the jacket, dan grabbed some tweezers that were in the box and started to take the bullet out. Immediately blood started leaking out and without a warning Dan started pouring rubbing alcohol on it.

Phil cursed under his breath as the pain was unbearable, he started to daze off and eventually passed out to to everything going on, he was loosing too much blood...

"Shit." Dan spoke as he quickly grabbed the needles and started sewing the torn skin together.

"Please work.....please work....please work.." I heard Dan begging under his breath as he continued sewing, then afterwards put bandages along the bullet mark.

The blood was cleaned up yet he lost a lot, I was shaking out of fear for what was happening, tears starting to form in my eyes as Dan and Chris turned around to look at me with saddened faces.

Chris slowly shook his head as he looked down, "h-he didn't make it...."

Without any words being said I quickly turned over to Dan and hugged him tightly hiding my tears in his chest as he embraced me tightly.

"I'm sorry.." his voice strained as he was lost for words.

Everyone was silent on Phil's behalf, to scared to speak for the fear of making matters worse.


"Mommy?" I heard a familiar baby soft voice ask, but couldn't be....


Hmmmm what could this mean????

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