Chapter 11. A stranger is watching

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"I'm losing my mind, and all I can do is keep quiet and smile."
Daniel looked at me blankly, he squinted his eyes as he tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Yeah right." He scoffed sarcastically rolling his eyes as he started to think this hole thing was one giant joke.

"We escaped." I suddenly said, "it was me, you, Chris, pj, and Phil. We all left....this place is hiding things from us Dan, it's hiding things from 'all' of us." I said avoiding eye contact with him, scared to see his reaction. Yet when I turned my head over it was surprising, he didn't even seem to care, he shrugged then smirked at me as he stood up and began walking to the door.

"Where the hell are you going?" I questioned completely confused as too what he was doing.

He turned his head around and looked at me laughing psychotically, "you don't believe me do you?" I questioned in a defensive tone while clenching my fist and walking up to him.

He smirked, "obviously not, love. You sound crazier than me." He spoke as his face got closer to mine, causing a small blush on my cheeks yet I ignored it as I was trying to stay focused on telling him.

"I'm telling the truth dan!" I yelled frustratingly as I folded my arms and sat down on the bed in annoyance.

"Well Phil will be here any minute so, I can just ask him about this." He smiled cheekily, making me even more pissed then I already was.

"How do you know Phil will be here?" I questioned.

"He shows up every couple days, I'm almost positive he's already here, so if you're not lying, he can tell me." Dan explained as he leaned in closer to my ear, "and you don't want me to catch you lying." He smirks while winking as he walked out.

My head hurt, he wasn't taking me seriously which made this whole situation worse. I groaned falling back onto the bed, hiding my face in my hands as I felt tired and restless.

I heard the cell door open yet didn't remove my hands from my eyes as I already assumed it was Dan coming back from the lobby.

"What do you want now, Dan?" I questioned in an annoyed tone.

A couple seconds of silence went by and I heard the cell door shut again, then heard foot steps walking along the floor.

"It's not Dan." I heard a families female voice say, I removed my hands from my face and jumped up as the voice was a shock to me. My eyes opened to reveal Cat leaning against the door with her hands behind her back as if she was hiding something.

I raised an eye brow staring at her, "what do you want?" I questioned bluntly rolling my eyes as I looked over at the wall.

"Oh nothing, I just think me and you need to talk about something." She said smoothly while removing one of her hands out from behind her, I saw the light in the room reflect off it, it was a sharp metal knife that cat had in her hand.

my mouth dropped slightly as I watched her every move, "so what are you gonna do? You're gonna kill me?" I questioned standing up as she walked around the room smiling to herself cheekily.

Maybe I am insane (dan howell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now