Chapter 29. Real

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A month later

I woke up, my eyes adjusting to the natural sunlight beaming through the window. This was the first time I've actually felt well rested. It felt amazing. We were in Vegas, and for the first time in a long time, everything felt normal. After we had taken the money we got a nice hotel, Dan thinks this won't last long, yet everyone else seems too be happy for once. I've never seen Phil the same as before until now. He's full of life and happiness just like before. Everything felt back too normal.

Except Dan. Something was off with him. He and Chris have been keeping things from me. A couple nights ago I heard them whispering about something that I couldn't make out clearly.

"Good morning." Chris spoke walking in as he checked his phone looking at the time. "Damn, You woke up early, it's seven." Chris exclaimed.

I slowly got out of bed, stretching my arms across from each other.

"Where's Dan?" I questioned.

"Out right now. Wouldn't tell me where he was. I mean hell, do we ever know with him?" Chris spoke jokingly as he searched through his pile of clothes for a shirt.

"He said he needed you tonight for something though." Chris spoke looking over at me and winking.

I rolled my eyes as I walked over too the kitchen wanting some food, yet I was interrupted by two arms circling around me and hugging me tightly.

"(Y/n)!" Phil's child like voice spoke joyfully.

I turned around giving him a big hug, "hey Philly!" I spoke enthusiastically as I playfully messed with his hair.

He then ran off holding his stuffed bear leaving me alone in the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and began too take a bite as Chris interrupted me.

"It's Dan, he needs to talk to you." Chris spoke handing me his phone.

I put the device up too my ear, "Dan?" I questioned.

I could hear his breath racing. "I need you to help me with something." He spoke in that cold tone I know too well.

"Why?" My voice spoke slightly cracked out of worry.

"I can't explain everything right now, not on the phone, but there's a package outside for you. And whatever is in it, I need you too put on. Okay?" He explained demandingly.

I sighed as my anxiety grew. "Dan, no, I-" my lips began too day until I was interrupted.

"(Y/n), I need you to trust me. Just open the package and meet me down stairs." He spoke.

I stayed quiet as I debated on whether I should go.

"Please." I heard Dan mumble quietly.

I groaned, "alright, I'll be there as fast as I can." I spoke hanging up the phone as I walked over to open the door. There was no one, I looked around and noticed a medium sized box on the floor with my name written in sharpie.

I quickly grabbed it and brought it in, using a knife too open the tape that was concealing the box. It was a long silk red dress with a pair of heels and a diamond neckless. What has the bastard done now?

I picked up the red dress too reveal a shit tone of guns. My mouth fell slightly open as this was unexpected, yet without hesitation I quickly did what I was supposed to do and put on the dress along with the heels and accessories.

I looked in the mirror, "what the hell is this for?" I questioned under my breath, looking into the mirror as my breathing grew faster. I grabbed the guns attached them too different parts of me. They were hidden and undetectable.

It's time to go.


Guess who's back?

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