Why the hell am I here?

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-1 Month Later-

I walk into the Hokage office and Lady Tsunde nods. 

"Kayla, I suppose you want to go visit the Sand." Lady Tsunde says to me.

"Yeah, might as well. I mean you said Gaara wanted to ask me something right?" I ask her.

"Alright you may go but be back as soon as possible." Lady Tsunde says to me.

I nod. "Alright." I jump out the window and I slide down the roof and I run to the Inuzuka compound and Midnight nods and we run to the gates. "Yuzuki, we are headed to the Sand." I say to her.

"Why?" She asks as we run out of the gates.

"To visit, why else? I mean we have nothing to do right? And it will be fun to see how much Gaara has changed." I say to her with a grin.

"Fair enough. You have been gone for 3 years." She says to me.

We get to the Sand 3 days later and of course the guards stop us.

"WHO ARE YOU?" They yell.

I sigh and walk up to them. "Seriously does no one recognize me. Its been 3 years people, do I seriously look that different?" I ask.

"Lady Kayla?" A guard asks.

"Has she returned?" Another one asks.

I roll my eyes. "I'm just here to visit the Kazekage." I say to them.

"So she has returned from where ever she disappeared off to." A guard says.

"I can hear you." I say to them.

"Right this way Lady Kayla." A guard says to me.

I nod. We walk to the Kazekage office and the guard knocks.

"Come in." 

I take a deep breath and let it out and we walk in.

I blink once, then twice, then three times. "Who are you." I point to the red head with his hair smoothed down behind the Kazekage desk.

Everyone falls over.

"I'm Gaara." He says to me. "Who are you?" He asks me.

I step back shocked and I accidently fall on my ass. "Damn SO NO RECOGNIZES ME I HAVENT CHANGED A BIT." I yell.

Everyone falls at my outburst.

"I mean what the hell you think you would recognize my red hair and my lilac eyes. Not to mention MY WOLF." I say to them standing up. "Seriously have I been gone so long that my appearance has changed? Last I checked my hair is still firery red and my eyes are still lilac." I say to them.

"Your personality hasn't changed clearly." Gaara says to me. "Nice to see you Lady Kayla." 

I huff. "And I had to make a huge deal about this too." I say to them annoyed.

The elders and the siblings bow to me in apology.

I sigh. "Whatever, anyways Lady Tsunde said you wanted to ask me something, what was it?" I ask him.

"What happened when you were supposed to protect me on that mission almost 4 years ago?" Gaara asks.

"Well, when I was trying to get into the village Sasori of the Red Sand blocked my path. He knowing who I am moved out of the way since he didn't want to fight just yet. But as I was walking in he nicked me with his poison and then he just smirked through his puppet I guess since he knew even though I was highly immune to poison, this one would get me. When I got here to the Kage building I blacked cause of the poison and I woke up three days later after Sakura extracted it from mine and Kankuro's bodies. I then left seeing as I had almost little to none chakra, so I couldn't help rescuing you." I say to him and Yuzuki nudges me. "I felt useless after that happened since I was supposed to protect you but I failed. Therefore I failed my mission and everyone in my village knew and taunted me about it. And before I went on that 3 year training trip with my students my missions weren't as dangerous as before I failed that mission." I say to him.

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