Training and Forgivenes

712 17 4

-The Next Day At 10 AM-

Kayla's POV

I walk to the training grounds with Yuzuki next to me.

I get there a few minutes later.

"YOUR LATE." Isamu and Yuki yell.

"Uh you see a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way around." I say to him with a closed eyed smile.

"LIAR." They all yell.

I laugh nervously and I scratch the back of my head. "Ok I guess I have to train you then." I say standing straight and my face turns serious. "Yoru you said you wanted to know Medical Non Jutsu so first I have to see how good you can control your chakra since it takes very precise chakra control for medical nin Jutsu." I say to her calmly. "Yuki and Isamu you didn't specify what type of Jutsu you would like to learn."

"Lady Kayla be wary what you teach them some of your Jutsu could kill them." Yuzuki says to me.

"Yuki you and I have similar chakra but yours is weaker than mine so we have to work on that because I could teach you a few Jutsu also can you use your clan Jutsu?" I ask.

She does some hand signs. "Snow Clan Secret Jutsu: Blizzard." Yoru mumbles and a blizzard of snow surrounds me.

I blizzard turns to ice pins and they stick into me and Yuki makes a silly pose and I do the same. "The fuck?" I mutter and I use my fire chakra to try to melt the ice but it fails. "The hell why can't I melt this ice." The ice hardens and sticks to me harder.

"Snow Clan Jutsu: Shell." Yuki says and the ice around me shells around me and hardens to make it look like plastic wrap.

"Release." I put my hands in the release sign and the Jutsu wears off. "Good my fire can't melt your ice and my fire is stronger than any Uchiha fire and that's their specialty to." I smirk. "Now I assume Isamu you have your clan Jutsu or is your sister ahead of you?"

"I'm still working on the Jutsu of my clan my sister just happened to perfect the Jutsu before me." Isamu sulks.

I chuckle. "Alright I know what I'm gonna teach you three." I say crossing my arms. "Yuki once I perfect a Jutsu I have been working on I will teach it to you. Isamu I'm gonna teach you some advanced Nin Jutsu and Yoru I will teach you Medical Nin Jutsu and I am going to teach you all a Jutsu that will help in case you happen to go against a poison user like me." I say to them calmly. "Well technically its basic medical Jutsu that every ninja should know but they don't and Lady Princess wants to change that but she can't and since I can't change that either I am just teaching you basic stuff for now even though I would like it if every ninja knew medical Jutsu it would be helpful." I explain to them and they nod determined. "But first." I throw kunai in front of them. "Go climb a tree with no hands." I say to them and they look at me as if I were crazy. "What? I don't see any problem here."


I sigh. "Use your chakra idiots." I say to them and I gather chakra in my feet and I walk up the tree and I hang upside down on a tree with my hair falling down. "See simple just gather chakra in your feet now find a tree and run up the tree and when your about to fall mark where you last were." I order them.

"Sensei with all do respect we just graduated the academy a week ago and you have hardly trained us so how are we supposed to do that?" Yoru asks me.

I sigh and I fall to the ground with my hands in my pocket and I flip at the last second landing on my feet. "This was probably easy for Kakashi since I just ignored him most of the time and his team was somewhat stupid."

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