He's Back

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-2 1/2 years later-

3rd Persons POV

"Well well its been a long time you two. Your training proved to be fruitful I hope."

"Come back empty handed never."

"Mission acomplished Grandma"

"Good you better show us what ya got kid."

"What right now?"

Blah blah blah. Door opens Shikamaru Temari and me enter.

"Hey Shikamaru, Temari, Kayla look who the cat dragged in."

"Is that? It is Naruto it is you."

"NARUTO." I hug him tightly with a grin.

"Is this really the kid from all those years ago?" Temari asks herself

Me and Naruto laugh a little as we hug each other.

More stuff happens everyone laughs a bit Naruto asks a question Shikamaru explains Naruto looks out the window and she's Kakashi.

"Kakashi." I say and I jump out and hug him. "Naruto is back." I say happily.

"Wow Naruto you went and grew up." Kakashi says.

I stand behind Kakashi.

I tune out for a bit and then I see Kakashi disappear and I freak out mentally and I jump inside and me Shikamaru Temari Sakura and Naruto walk around town.

I tune out for a while until Shikamaru explains everyone's ranks and Naruto freaks out.

"You havent even heard the half of it Kankuro Temari Kayla and Neji have been made Jonin." Shikamaru explains.

I laugh nervously and scratch the back of my head. "Hurry up Naruto or I will be Hokage instead of you." I joke.

"What about Gaara what's he?" Naruto asks.

Some more stuff happens I tune out and I continue walking. "See ya guys later I'm gonna go watch some clouds or go get Yuzuki from Kiba."

"Kayla are you and Kiba going out?" Naruto asks and the others lean in curiously.

I blush a lot. "No now shut up." I mutter and Naruto laughs seeing how embarrassed I am. "Not funny Naruto." I say to him still blushing.

"I ship it." Temari says.

I blush more.

"Ok guys leave her alone."

"But Neji you can't say you don't ship it." Sakura says.

"Ok I'm going now see ya." I say and I hightail it out of there and I stop in front of the Inuzuka clan and I see Kiba watching Akamaru and Yuzuki play together. I walk over and sit next to him.

"They have gotten big." Kiba says watching our dogs.

I chuckle a little. "Yeah but guess who's back." I say to him.

"Who?" He asks looking at me curiously.

"He has blonde hair and whiskers I give you one chance." I say to him.

"NARUTO?" Kiba asks.

"Yeah he's back." I say laughing a little. "He has grown so much but yet so little." I say with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Kiba asks.

"He's like a foot taller than me now but definitely changed a lot he even asked if we were dating to that I replied with a blush and a 'no now shut up' as usual then he laughs along with the others and then Neji comes to my rescue and I hightail it out of there to stop my blushing and to find you and Yuzuki." I say to him and he laughs.

His Twin Sister (Naruto Fan-Fic) (Kiba love story)Where stories live. Discover now