What Now?

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-The Next Morning-

-Kayla's POV

I wake up around 11 in the morning and I feel some arms around my waist and a furball in front of me. I stir a little and I hear some chuckling.

"So your finally up?"

"Yeah I am up Kiba and why are you next to me again?" I ask my brain to slow to process anything going on.

"You fell asleep here and you looked cold." Kiba says to me smirking.

"You could have put a blanket on me." I say to him as I lay my head on my arms.

"Your still tired." Kiba says to me.

I nod and I get up being careful of Yuzuki and I stretch a bit and Kiba stands up next to me.

"Kayla want anything?" Kiba asks.

"My bed a free day and a hot shower plus a better breakfast than what I run out the door with every morning and I can't get what I want until I go seeady Tsunde." I say and I wobble a bit and I nearly fall but Kiba helps me stand.

"Go see Lady Tsunde then I will take care of Yuzuki until you come to get her after words." Kiba says to me.

"Thanks Kiba I owe you one I guess?" I say and I walk out of the compound like a normal person and I run to the Hokage building and I knock on the door.

"Come in."

I walk in. "Lady Princess."

"Kayla you were supposed to be here a few hours ago." Lady Tsunde says to me.

I laugh nervously. "Sorry I don't have an excuse other than I stayed up last night to make sure a injured wolf pup I took to Hana was ok and I overslept."

"Just like your father always late." Lady Tsunde says to me. "Anways you have today and tomorrow off from missions and helping the village so do what you want."

"Thank you Lady Princess." I say and I jump out the window and I run back to the Inuzuka Compound and I walk back to Kiba who was trying to answer questions from his sister. "Yuzuki." I say and she barks happily limps her way over to me and I bend down and pick her up carefully. And I set her on my shoulder.

"Hey Kayla where did you go off to?" Hana asks me.

"I had to go see Lady Princess Tsunde because for some reason she gave me today and tomorrow off from missions and helping around the village." I say and Hana smiles at me.

"That means you and Kiba can go on a date." She says.

Me and Kiba blush and look away simultaneously. "Hana." We say.

"I'm heading home and I am going to lay around my house doing as I please since its all mine now." I say and I turn around. "Thanks Kiba and Hana. Also tell your Mom I said thanks as well." I say and I walk to my house and I pull the key out of my pouch and I unlock it and walk in and I close it and I relock it and I walk to my room. "Yuzuki stay in here I'm gonna go shower and change my bandages and clothes." I say and I set get on the floor and I grab an outfit from my closet and I walk to the bathroom and I take a hot shower for about and hour and I walk out of the shower and I check my bandaged arm and I take the bandage off and I throw it away and I change into a outfit. (In Media)

I walk to my bedroom and I see Yuzuki asleep and I set all my stuff on my bed and I walk to the kitchen and I make some dango and some tea and I sit down at the counter and I start eating.

"Hey hey hey you you youuuuu."

I turn around and I look down. "Me?"

"Yeah you whats your name?" Yuzuki asks me

His Twin Sister (Naruto Fan-Fic) (Kiba love story)Where stories live. Discover now