Character Introductions

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Ok Author here I am doing Character introductions since it would probably be a good idea

Kayla Uzumaki Namikaze

Age: 15

Likes: Naruto, Ramen, Kiba, the rest of rookie nine, dango, apples, Yuzuki, her team, training, telling people off, fighting, and missions.

Dislikes: When people hurt her friends, When she doesn't have ramen and has to wait for it, When people steal her dango, when people hurt her ninken partner Yuzuki, when there are no apples, when people talk bad about her family, being sent on missions one right after the next.

Personality: She gets pissed quick if someone messes with her family or tries to turn her into a traitor. She's usually happy and fun to be around and she can be bipolar at times. She's caring and loves to help people and she loves to disrespect Itachi like always.

What she looks like: She has firery red hair like her mother and lilac eyes like her mother. She usually wears a black short sleeve with Minato's old jacket that he gave her over it but she wears it open. She wears black shorts that stop about mid-thigh. She wears black ninja sandals that come up to below her knee. She wears her Konohagakure headband on her forehead. She usually leaves her hair down unless she's on missions then she either puts it in twin tails or a pony tail. She wears her Jonin Vest on missions and around the village just incase something happens. She wears a fishnet t-shirt under her black short sleeve shirt. She has her weapons pouch on her right leg full of sebon and kunai and it goes right wear her shorts stop and has badages wrapped around her leg wear the weapons pouch is. She keeps another pouch attached to belt type thing and has it on her hips and the pouch has scrolls with her stuff that she takes everywhere.

Parents: Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.

Siblings: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.

Self proclaimed siblings: Hinata Hyuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka. Shikamaru Nara

Yuki Sunókuran

Age: 12

Personality: Serious, Cool, Caring,

Likes: Many things like her brother and team and helping the village.

Dislikes: dislikes many things

She's from the snow clan along with her twin Isamu

What she looks like: She has snow white hair that she leaves down she wears her Konohagakure band how Zabuza wore it but on the opposite side of her head. She wears a fishnet long sleeve under her black jacket. She wears black standard ninja pants and white ninja sandals. She has grey eyes. Her weapons pouch is on her left leg and is filled with shuriken and kunai and scrolls.

Parents: KIA

Siblings: Isamu Sunókuran

Self Proclaimed Siblings: Unknown

Isamu Sunókuran

Age: 12

Likes: Ramen and Dango his sister and his team and training.

Dislikes: waiting and cooking and people who hurt his sister

Personality: Caring, loud, not serious unless needs to be.

What he looks like: He has brown unkept hair. He wears a white short sleeve shirt with a white trench coat that he wears open and he wears white standard ninja pants and blue ninja sandals. He wears his Konoha head band how his sister wears it but on the opposite side of his head. He has grey eyes identical to his sister and has his weapons pouch on his left leg filled with shuriken, kunai, and scrolls.

Parents: KIA

Siblings: Yuki Sunókuran

Self Proclaimed Siblings: Unknown

Clan: Sunókuran

Yoru Naitokuran

Age: 12

Likes: Many things

Dislikes: Not a lot of things

Personality: Calm, Serious

What she looks like: She has black hair that falls to her knee's that she usually wears in a braid that stops at her waist. She wears a black long sleeve shirt with a black trench coat she wear black short shorts and black knee high combat boots. She has black as night eyes and her weapons pouch is on her right leg and has sebon, shuriken, kunai and scrolls.

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Self Proclaimed Siblings: Unknown

Clan: KIA and MIA


Age: 5

Likes: Many things

Dislikes: many things

Personality: Carefree, Caring, Serious, Obidient.

What She Looks Like: A black wolf with a white stomach and 1 front left white paw and one back right white paw the last two paws are black and one right white ear and the other black ear. She has the leaf symbol in black and white on her forehead above her eyes in her fur.

Parents: KIA

Siblings: MIA

Partner: Kayla Uzumaki Namikaze

Clan: none

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