Chapter 14: Blame It On The Alcohol

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The past two days had been lovely. That day Matt came to apologize Zayn had gone upstairs and woken the boys. We all decided to go to a zoo.. yes a zoo! (Louis’ and my idea) and then we all went out to dinner. It actually was good fun and not once did we have any problems. Matt was even beginning to loosen up around the boys. That didn’t mean they loved him or anything, just tolerated him more or less. Ella came with us too and Mark ate with us at night so Matt got some relief with that. The next day which was yesterday, Louis had to leave because his little sisters Daisy and Phoebe had a dance recital and he promised them he’d make it. Too adorable. So that’s why it was just me, Zayn, and Harry at the house seeing as mum had gone off to Robin’s family’s house for the rest of the week.

Today was the day of Matt’s office party over at the firm and that’s why we spent the rainy day inside watching movies and ordering take-out. Ella had joined us for that as well. I wasn’t too upset that Louis was leaving because I knew I’d see him in three weeks for Mum’s wedding. However, the house did seem quieter without him.

Tonight was the night of Matt’s office party so I was in my room getting ready. I had already slipped on a black lace and gold sequence dress with different metallic tones all throughout. My makeup was already done and I was putting the finishing touches to my hair when a loud knock sounded.

“Come in!”

Harry’s head peered through the door before he came in and sat on my bed. He was dressed in a black dress shirt and red skinny slacks and of course his white converse.

“What are you looking all dashing for?” I smiled into the mirror as I adjusted my fringe.

“Eh, might be going on a date. Maybe not.” He winked.

I rolled my eyes. “Caroline?”

He shrugged cheekily and I shook my head at him, turning around and slipping on my bracelets.

“You are bad. But have fun.” I patted his shoulder. “Where you two going?”

“Somewhere in Stratfordshire she told me about.”

“Hmm, well have fun. Make good choices” I joked.

He smiled and nodded, “You too. When’s Tildie coming to pick you up?”

I laughed at the variation of Matt’s nickname and looked at my wrist watch. “Should be now, but we know him don’t we?”

“mm, so in an hour, yeah?”

“I hope not. Did you need something?”

He shook his head, “Nah, just wanted to see if you’re okay for tonight. I can always tell him you had a bad fall or something.”

I laughed and playfully ruffled his hair. “You are bad. As much as I hate going to these stuffy parties, I promised him.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s broken a few promises himself.”

“Ah, you see that is how I keep something over him, though.” I winked.

He smiled cheekily pointing at me, “My sister, the minx.”

I laughed. “Genetics never fails us Harry.”

He chuckled his loud chuckle “You sure about that, 140 centimeters?”

“Shut up” I pointed warningly at him. “Now where’s Zayn?”

“Downstairs on the phone with Geneva” He shrugged.

Geneva was Zayn’s recent girlfriend. They’ve been dating for a few weeks I think. He never really talked about her to me, but according to the boys she was great. Good for him. There was no side of me wanting to find her and threaten her to never hurt him, or anything. No, not at all.

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