Only natural

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"What were you doing speaking with the butler at the Trancy estate?" Sebastian snapped, then forced himself to take a few deep breaths to calm himself. It wasn't like him to lose his control. However, Vanessa just seemed to push all sorts of buttons in various categories. He knew of the butler that worked there, but he hadn't dealt with him recently. For a moment he wondered why it was he was so irritated with her, she hadn't actually told him her intentions yet.

"I..uh.." Vanessa stumbled over her words, and was trying to back up. Sebastian met her every step back with a step forwards, his glare burning into her. He sincerely didn't hope she was foolish enough as to go to that demon for a contract.

"Come now Vanessa, you aren't afraid to tell me, are you?" Sebastian taunted, his fake tone pleasant. All formalities were dropped with him, right now Sebastian was a demon after his prey. She breathed out, unable to find any suitable words for the moment. Her back hit the wall of books, and he edged closer to her.

"N-no.." Brave girl, but currently a liar. The thought caused the look on his face to darken, and he stared down at her as he got closer. The fear was radiating of her body, and it sent a pleasant tingle down Sebastian's body. It had been awhile since he last toyed with a female in such a manner. Smirking, he placed a hand just beside her head and bent to his face was level with hers. His dark strands of hair fell forward slightly, his eyes now shinning with a morbid pleasure.

"Then tell me. What did you need to talk to the butler about?" His voice was a deadly, and attractive whisper. Glancing down at her lips, he watched them open slightly and he glanced back up at her with his demonic eyes.

"I...I had to speak with the butler...about..making a contract."

Sebastian grunted, and stood back up. Raising a hand to his face, he began to chuckle darkly. She just never gave up, did she? What a defiant little flame she was. Sighing, he dropped his hand to see she had relaxed and was breathing a little deep. "And? Did he accept?"


"Uh...sort of?" I said, trying to calm the beating of my heart. Sebastian rose a brow, and I sighed in defeat. "I asked him to make a contract with me when he was done his contract with Alois. He agreed." My voice was quiet, and I looked down at my feet awkwardly. Hair had fallen into my face, and I looked up when Sebastian brushed my strands of fallen hair behind my ear.

"Such a foolish child." He said quietly, his eyes back to normal once more. His hand cupped my chin, and I suddenly glared at him. Anger flared up in my body. I slapped his hand away, and he smirked down at me.

"Foolish? How dare you! I know what I am doing!" I protested, crossing my arms. My face was red with embarrassment, and the nerve to call me a child.

"No. You don't. You almost traded your soul just so you could get to hell. Do you think it's pleasant, to have to sleep every night knowing that one day your soul is going to burn? The eternal flames of hell tormenting you now that they have you in it's grasp? The nightmares that you will get, the feelings you will have to control. The demon that accepted your offer will bend you to it's will. You're a fragile sort, but with a defiance in you that excites us. Something to tame, to control. The the purity in you would sicken an angel. Something that makes you all the more tempting." Sebastian said, smiling at my anger.

"You perverted bastard!" I hissed, pushing him in the chest as hard as I could. He chuckled, and grabbed my wrist. Tugging my hands downwards, I tried to escape his grasp.

"Do you not realize it? How moronic you're being by making a contract with this demon?" He said, his voice a regular tone. I wasn't sure if it was his tone that annoyed me more, or the smile that had formed on his face.

"I don't care. I'm not leaving my brother alone to be tortured." I said flatly, my hands still pulling. A look of understanding now passed Sebastian's features, and his gripped softened which allowed me to be freed from his grasp within my next tug.

"Do you think your brother would want you there, side by side in damnation? You're a kind person, Vanessa. And your heart is in the right place, but you need to think things through. Once you form the contract, a piece of that lovely pure soul will vanish. That's something you won't ever be able to get back." He looked down at me, as if he was scolding a young child. Slowly his hands reached out to me, and I stood defeated as they cupped my face. As much as I hated to admit it, Sebastian was right. However, I wasn't a child my purity would vanish sometime soon, for one reason or another. I still intended to go through with my promise with Claude though.

My thoughts were running through my mind so quickly, I didn't notice Sebastian sigh and lean his forehead against mine. I realized though that he was right, and I had no valid agreement against his words. I was mad because he was right. Sighing, I noted that I wanted to go home, despite this estate becoming like my second one.

"No matter, I will just have to take you as mine before your contract is initiated." That sentence brought me back to reality, and I stared at Sebastian silently. I was always attracted to Sebastian, don't get me wrong, however I only had girlish fantasies. The sudden infatuation he showed towards me, well, my soul rather, was unexpected every time he made an advance.

Shaking my head, I pushed him away with an annoyed grunt. "Good luck." And moved passed him. The sound of his footsteps were closely heard behind my own.

"I don't need it. I'm one hell of a butler after all. I already have you under my wings, I just need to lay a claim." There was even a smirk in his voice. God, he drove me insane and not always in a good way. This was one of those annoying times.

"Your ego is going to be the death of you. I'm returning home today, by the way. Thank you for" I said, tossing him a glance behind my shoulder as we exited the library.

"Home?" A new voice said, and I turned to meet Ciel with a smile on my face. Walking over I wrapped my arms around him in a quick hug.

"Yes. Thank you so much for your help, my friend. I don't know how to repay you." Ciel waved my words off, and walked with me to my room.

"Our families have been friends for a very long time, Vanessa. It's only natural for me to extend that very same hospitality. However, I do hope to see you at the Curry festival in a few days?" Ciel probably wanted to go to see the Queen, and I smiled lightly down at him.

I mulled over his words, I would have to bring Abby with me, seeing as how my parents wouldn't be back yet. And the festival was in just a couple of days. In the end I shrugged. "Naturally."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2012 ⏰

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