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Golden eyes watched me as I mounted the horse, and I smiled once I was settled. "Thank you Claude." Kicking the horse into motion, Claude bowed as I was leaving. It almost felt like a death march, leaving that place and heading back to Ciel's home. I had been looking for a ticket into hell, and Claude was more than willing to offer it to me. For a moment I wondered what was wrong with me, making a deal with a demon. And for power, no less. However, it was never really for me. I was being filled with the lies that I would see my brother again when I came to pass from this place, and now I was going to be where he was.

The horse I was riding was to fatigued to make it all the way back to Ciel's so I just went home for the night. However I needed to make sure Sebastian didn't find out about my deal, so I would have to return at the break of dawn. Abby welcomed me in the house once more, the poor girl confused once more.

"My lady...where is it that you went?" She asked, taking my jacket. I sighed, and slipped off my gloves.

"Just went to see" The reaction she had was not one I was expecting. Her blues eyes got really big, and a smile formed on her mouth. She took in a big gasp of hair, and grabbed onto my hands.

"Has my lady finally found a suitor?!" Abby practically yelled, and I stood there dumbfounded. How did she come to that conclusion?! I tried to hush her, but she went into a major girly mode. She was jumping on the spot, talking about how nice my wedding dress would be. Suddenly I grabbed onto her shoulders, and she stopped and looked at me confused.

"No, suitor.." I said, speaking a little slow so she would understand. I had to hold back a laugh at how innocent she looked, did I ever look like that? Finally she sighed and looked irritated with me, but I knew she was just joking. Shaking my head with a smile on my face, I released her shoulders and went up stairs.

I went to my room, eager for sleep. Flopping down onto my bed, I didn't bother changing my clothes. Falling into sleep was felt like a blessing, but the dreams I had made me wish I hadn't.


A haunting melody was playing, surrounding me in it's morbid tune. My feet were I was in someone's arms, being led around the area we were in. My eyes tried to peer into the darkness, but it was the only thing I could see other than the floor. I looked down at myself, and I was only wearing a pure white dress, it twirled with the movement, being easily manipulated by the one dancing with me. I found it hard to breathe, but the dancer I was with didn't stop. I couldn't see him, he was shrouded in darkness.

The music was going faster, and I was being pulled around the room faster. During a turn, thing suddenly moved very slow, and my partner came into view. The white hair and striking blue eyes very familiar.

"Charles?" I whispered, and he smiled down at me. Suddenly a hand shot through his chest, but the blood didn't spatter onto me. I gasped, and tears filled my eyes as I watched him fall to the floor.

Claude stepped up, his hand dripping with blood and the expressionless face he always wore around others. He pointed behind me then, and light flooded the room. I turned, and my heart stopped. Everyone I cared about, they were all there....dead on the ground. Even Stephen was there, one of the people closest to me. We were in a grand ballroom, the walls golden and decorated with flowers and paintings of a majestic nature. Sebastian stood before me in a blink of an eye, and reached his hand out to me. I went to grab it, but as soon as our skin touched he fell to the ground at my feet. I stood staring down at him, and the various people around me.

"Do you even know what that means? I would be bound to you, yes, the end I would get you...." Using a hand, he lightly traced a finger along my neck in a slicing motion. "...devour you..." He grabbed onto my throat then, pressing me against him as his bloody hand was laid against the base of my throat. His words were a horrible sense of deja vu. The blood from his hand travelled downwards, and as soon as it hit my dress something odd happened. I was staring, transfixed as the once white dress soaked in the blood, staining the entire thing red.

"..destined to be mine, and mine only."


My eyes shot open, and a gasp escaped me as I sat up straight in fear. I was breathing hard, and I looked to the brightness of the window. It took a moment for me to realize I was home, and I shot out of bed. Pulling my hair into a rather messy bun, I ran downstairs and out the door to the stables.

I wasn't sure when Ciel was going to be home, but I had to beat them there. By the time I was panting in the main hall, bent and my hands against my legs for support, Finny was asking me questions.

"You didn't come here last night...where'd you go?"

"" I wheezed, trying to stand. There was a sharp pain in my stomach and I untied my strings that were in the front for my corset.

"You stayed there over night!? Woah, woah woah, what's wrong?!" Finny cried, going slightly red as I tore my corset off. My white shirt was stained with blood, and I was staring transfixed, horrified as it reminded me of my dream. "You probably popped a stitch...hey, are you okay?" Finny said, observing my reaction. I opened my mouth to answer, but the sound of the front door opening beat me. We turned to meet the head of the household returning home.

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