Day 2

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Day 2 - Puppet


The empty tea cup rested on my knee, one hand holding it steady. My other hand was against my cheek, allowing my head to rest. Ciel and Stephen were discussing an Italian that had visited before us. I shifted in my chair when Ciel was explaining he had starting acting oddly, screaming about ghosts and demons.

"Demons? Where'd he get that idea?" I asked, sitting

straighter as Charles grabbed my empty cup. The two boys stared at me, silent. "What?" I asked, staring back at them. Heat was rising to my cheeks, they were making me feel like a moron. Charles chuckled, and I snapped my gaze onto him. "Would you like to clarify that for me?" Charles opened his mouth to answer me, when the office door opened. Sebastian came in, that ever present smile on his face. It was beginning to irritate me how he could always smile. He seemed so innocent at times, but I think we all knew better.

"Young master, it is now time for your instructions."

"Not now, Sebastian."

"But I must insist. It is scheduled for today after lunch and tea. Please, we will be in the grand hall today, make your way there."

"Tch, not another dance lesson." Ciel sighed, standing up. Stephen gave Charles his cup, and jumped up too. I lunged for him, I knew what he was going to say.

"Vanessa's quite skilled in the area, can we come- ack!" His sentence suddenly cut off, trying to swat me away. Charles sighed, and lifted me by the waist and placed me on the other side of him. Then he dusted off Stephen.

"If Miss Vanessa and Master Stephen would like to join, feel free." Sebastian threw a smile in our direction, and led Ciel out of the room. I sighed, and grabbed the shoulder of my brother, pushing him out of the room as well.

"Since we're going, you are going to practice as well."

"Whaaa? Sister!"


"A standard Waltz, young master. Please place your hand around my waist."

"What?! I don't want to dance with you!"

I snickered, watching from the stairs. I sat on one of the few last steps, grinning from ear to ear. My brother was with Charles, and Ciel with Sebastian. I wish I had something to paint this picture with, it was a scene I found hilarious. After only a few moments, Ciel fell before me, on all fours. He looked up, and glared at my laughing face.

"Ciel, this does not seem to be one of your strong points." I said, helping the boy up.

"No, the young master never did like dancing. He has two left feet, I believe." Sebastian said, sighing at the hopeless dancer that was his master.

"It just takes time, Ciel. Come here." I lifted him, and I put my arm around his waist. He looked embarrassed, but if we were going to get anywhere I was leading the dance. I smirked at the light red tint his cheeks had. I began twirling around the room with Ciel, but he was a horrible dancer. We ended up tripping onto a heap on the floor when his foot caught my dress. Stephen howled with laughter, and Charles was actually chuckling. Sebastian had a look in his eye, I couldn't place it. But it resembled envy quite a bit, but that couldn't be possible. Hands reached out for us, and we both got up.

I was smoothing out my dress when Sebastian spoke up.

"Miss Vanessa, if I may, perhaps we should show the young master what a successful dance looks like?" I shrugged, and looked over to Ciel. He was red with embarrassment, and looked mad.

"Or I can dance with you, Miss Vanessa?" Charles spoke up, moving to come closer. However Sebastian moved and blocked Charles from further advancing. Sebastian reached out, and grabbed my hand and placed a hand around my waist. I swallowed deeply, and Sebastian began moving around the room. It was slow at first, but it sped up rather quickly. Much like my heartbeat had.

"You see, young lead the woman around the room. Direct her into the steps.." Sebastian said, stealing a glance at his master. "Always look at your partner." I had been looking away, and that caused my gaze to snap back to him. He lightly chuckled, and moved me closer to his body during a turn. No one noticed, or made any signs that they did.

"So, the lady is like a puppet then? And you their master?" Stephen called, a grin in his voice. I moved my glare to my brother.

"In a sense, I suppose."

"Sebastian!" I snapped, my glare turning on him. "I am not your puppet! And you are most certainly not my master!"


Sebastian laughed, no, he wasn't her master. Not yet.

"Forgive me, my lady. I meant no offense. I was simply trying to help the young master and your brother understand the partnership between dancers." He smirked when she scoffed.

"Mr. Sebastian. I have you know that the relationship between dancers is one created by the music. They become one as they dance on the floor together, moving to the speed of the music. The hold eachother, for eachother is all they see." Vanessa spoke rather strongly, fierceness in her voice.

"Like lovers, then?" He asked, raising a brow. By now the two had stopped dancing, and were simply holding eachother in the waltz position. A deep glare and anger was in Vanessa's eyes but her face flushed, and amusement in Sebastian's eyes as he stared down at her. Charles was simply watching, not offering his input. The two young boys watching with slight amusement, and irritation from Ciel.

"I...I think I preferred the term puppet, more." Vanessa said, and Sebastian chuckled as he pulled Vanessa around the room once more, continuing the lesson.

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