Black feather

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I was half asleep, gripping tightly onto Charles' tailcoat as we walked down the large hallways. Exhaustion curled around my bones and muscles, I didn't even want to walk anymore. To much dancing I think. "Charles? Will you carry me?" I asked shyly, trailing off into a yawn. I felt hands grip me around my waist and near my legs, about to lift me. I heard a door close to my left, behind me.

"Miss Vanessa?" I heard Charles' voice, only it wasn't in front of me like I thought it would be. In fact, it was...behind me? I yelped, and let go of the person holding onto me. I spun around, my pale face even more pale.

"Charles?" I asked, confusion clearly clouding my tone and eyes. I slowly turned back around, only to see the smiling face of Sebastian. "I'm so sorry, Sebastian!! I thought you were Charles!" I said, heat finally flooding my face. Before Sebastian could respond, however, Charles had grabbed me and placed me on his back. It had happened so fast it took me a minute to realize what had transpired. Sebastian's hair swayed slightly from the small bout of wind that had been created. I eagerly clasped my hands around Charles' neck to secure my position on him. It was awkwardly silent for a moment, I was breathing heavily looking towards Sebastian.


Charles had been tucking his young master into bed, when he realized Sebastian had already taken Vanessa further along towards her room. He sighed, and parted from the room silently. The young boy already sleeping, such an exhausting night. The door clicked behind him, and he looked down the hall. He called out to his lady, and she seemed mildly confused. Charles looked to Sebastian as Vanessa called out to him, Sebastian's eyes flashed a red color. Annoyance formed on the Kingsly butler's face, and when Vanessa looked back to look at Sebastian, he took that moment to grab Vanessa. Seeing as Sebastian was distracted, smiling down at the young woman before him. Now it was silent.


"...My apologies Charles. I meant no harm, only wished to spare you the trouble of having to rush with Master Stephen. Come, this way to Vanessa's room." Sebastian finally said, adding a smile to his words. They were cheerful, and I heard Charles grunt in reply. Sebastian grabbed a candle and continued showing the way to my room. My family's butler followed, but did put a good distance between us and Sebastian. The tension could have been cut with a knife, it was terrible.

"Here it is. I will awaken you in the morning Miss Vanessa. Have a good night." Sebastian cheerfully said, holding open a bedroom door. Charles walked straight in, sitting me on the stool in front of the vanity.

"Thank you~" I called, before Sebastian disappeared from the door frame. Charles came over, with a bowl of water and a cloth, and kneeled down. He removed a glove, and held the cloth and dipped it in the water.

"You didn't have to react in such a way, Charles." I said, as the makeup was removed from my face. Charles glared at me for a second, before giving a sigh. Once all traces of feline whiskers were off my face, Charles casually grabbed the cat ears and tossed them to the side. "Never were a cat lover, were you?" A smirk appeared on his face, and I waited silently.

"No, I'm not. I don't see your obsession with them. It's unhealthy." Charles claimed, looking down at me with a raised brow. I rolled my eyes, and once my dress was undone, I shooed him out of my room. I slipped out of it casually, and placed it on the stool gently. I then jumped into the bed, relishing in the warmth the blankets brought me. The slip I had been wearing was very light, and hugged my body like it wasn't even there.


Charles closed the door to Vanessa's room silently, and looked to his left. His gaze was sharp and icy, his light blue eyes narrowed slightly.

"I suggest you stay away from my young master, and his sister, Mr. Michaelis."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sebastian laughed, and blew out the candle that was in his hand. The hallway went dark, and the only light came from a window down the hall. The moon was full, and Charles sighed deeply, for he was alone now.


The sound of a crow jolted me awake. The room around me seemed fuzzy, like it was threatening to fall apart at any time. I barely managed to sit up, the balcony window was open, a breeze swaying the white curtains further into the room. I didn't remember that being open. A haunting piano melody began to sound from outside. It was slow, and dangerously alluring. I made my way to the balcony, but I thought I was going to be sick with the movement. The room moved with me. I stepped onto the stone, the cold sending a chill up my spine. The forest was thick with fog...and that damned melody. I leaned over the railing, trying to get a view of the music source. I couldn't see anything, I leaned over more. Still nothing.

The crow cawed once again. I groggily looked upwards, black feathers started falling around me. The balcony disappeared, the room behind me vanished, the view of the forest of the Phantomhive estate, gone. Just the fog and the feathers remained, and the music. I caught a feather in my hand, and noticed a figure walking towards me. Tall, black outfit and as they neared, the black feather fell harder. They reached out a hand towards me, and I went to them. I was getting closer, I could almost see them. One of my hands stretched out, and the other against my chest, still clutching the feather. My heartbeat mixed with the melody that was still playing. They twisted together to form a sort of waltz, and I suddenly wanted to be in that person's arms more than anything. I was getting closer...



"Ew! What? Why are you dreaming of Ciel's butler? Sorry you had to hear my sister say that Sebastian..." My eyes snapped open, and I screamed, falling off my bed. A pair of blue, playful eyes had met my mine as soon as I had opened them.

"Stephen! I'm going to kill you!" I cried, jumping after him. I completely ignored the fact Sebastian was in the room, a dark smile on his face. Stephen ran out of my room, and I slammed it shut.

"What's that, in your hand, Vanessa?" His voice said in my ear, causing me to blush and turn. Sebastian was so close, I slammed myself against the closed door in surprise, and looked down in my hand. A black feather.

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