Are you ready?

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"'s..." I forced my brain to come up with something reasonable. Nothing but stutters came from my lips. My dark brown eyes looked past Sebastian, and to the open Balcony window. The light shone through, giving the room life. It was beautifully decorated, nothing compared to the dream I had had last night. I looked back at my hand, it was still holding the feather. Was it a dream? Had to have been...A hand gripped my chin, and titled my direction upwards. Sebastian's eyes bore into mine, and my breathing became deeper. He was making me nervous as hell, and there was still that smirk on his face. His thumb moved to trace my lips, and he leaned in closer to me. The voice of the Phantomhive butler was nothing more than a whisper now.

"It's a feather. Are you afraid?" Despite it being a whisper, his tone was husky.

"Depends entirely on your intentions, Mr. Michaelis." I muttered, and my answer caused a dark chuckle from him.

"Far from innocent, I assure you." There was something cleverly and masterfully wrapped around his words, a hidden meaning behind everything he said. I felt like a mouse trapped by a playful cat. A knock hit the door I was against, causing me to flinch at the sudden loud noise by my ears. Sebastian sighed, and pulled away. There was a lingering look in his eyes, I couldn't place it though. I turned, and immediately went to open the door. Before I could pry it open, however, Sebastian's hand held it shut. He bent down, hot breath tracing my ear.

"We aren't done here." A shiver ran down my body, one of fear and excitement. I watched Sebastian retract his hand, and I eagerly opened the door. My nerves were making me a twitchy mess.

"I have a dress for you..." Charles began, stepping into the room forcefully. I turned back around to face the other butler in my room, only to find him gone. I frowned, and looked around. What the hell? Charles snapped his fingers in my face, gathering my attention again.

"A dress, from your host. Are you alright?" Charles asked, lifting the dress that was over his arm. I turned my head to him and plastered a very fake smile.

"Naturally." I said, then I pointed to the dress. "Let's get me into something more decent, yes? I feel terribly exposed at the moment." Charles nodded, and began to help me into my dress. What fun that was~

"I'm going to do it harder, my lady. Are you ready?" I gripped the bedpost tighter, and groaned. He took that as a yes, apparently.

"Charles! God! You're...going to make me pass out. Let me go on the bed, please?"

"Not until I'm finished." Damn him, he always has to satisfy himself. Nevermind me. If the strings aren't tight enough, he's not satisfied. Jerk.

I hate corsets. However I was finally into my pale blue dress. I like to think it looked good on me, it went well with my dark brown hair. Then the pale blue design was breathtaking. I didn't know how I was going to repay Ciel for this one. I headed out my door, but paused to see Charles staring at something in my room.

"You alright?" I called out, and went to turn around once more to continue walking. "God!" I yelped, nearly walking into my brother. Charles was at my side in an instant, but sighed to see it was Stephen. The three of us went downstairs, my brother and I chatting away. Grabbing onto my arm, he began laughing and pointed at something a head of us. Charles sighed and I shook my

Mey-Rin was on the ground, pieces of a once beautiful vase surrounding her. "Ohhh..." Was the only thing she could say. I shook my brother loose, and ran over to her. I went to bend to her level, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. A shock of thrill ran down my body. I looked up to see the smiling face of of none other than Sebastian.

"Breakfast is ready, my lady. Please don't worry about Mey-Rin. She'll be just fine." I nodded to his words, and walked back over to by brother and Charles.


My father looked to me, and smiled. "My sweet, I've been talking to Ciel all morning. I believe it would be a good idea for you kids to catch up, become close as you once were. Your mother and I will be leaving for home, after we're done eating actually. But Stephen and you will be staying an extra week, along with Charles. Does that sound agreeable?"

What? No. I want to go home, I need a break from Ciel-acutally, it was just his Butler I needed a break from. "Of course, father."

"Yaaaaay!!~" Stephen yelled, surprising everyone in the room. "I mean, you're great and all sister, but you're a girl." I rose a brow at my brother's words, and rolled my eyes. But a smile curved my lips. I failed to notice my lips weren't the only ones curved into a smile.


My father was a kind old man, always caring. I got my dark hair and eyes from him, my brother the blue eyes from my mother. I smiled, and waved as they went down the path in the carriage. My arm was around Stephen, and he sighed deeply.

"Finally. Now maybe I can experience a man's life, drinking, smoking, women!" My brother clapped eagerly. Charles looked down at him, his face stern. My musical laugh filled the air after Charles' remark.

"Not a chance, master Stephen."

A human soul, so temptingWhere stories live. Discover now