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"This is going to hurt, my apologies." Sebastian's voice drifted through my head. I barely managed to mumble out a response, when there was a sharp sensation in my stomach. That woke me up. My immediate reaction was to sit up, but a firm hand held my shoulder down. I cried out, again as the pain shot through me."Just like sweet music~" Sebastian mumbled, and I glared deeply at him.

"You sadistic bast-ah! God, be careful!" I threw my head back, the pillow preventing me going back to far.

"I already retrieved the bullet. Just stitching your skin. The pain will ease momentarily my lady." The candles barely gave any light in the dark room, but this didn't faze him at all. We were the only two in the room, and I was tempted to fall back to sleep. "Now. Would you be so kind as to indulge me with my inquires?"

"What'd you want to know?" I answered, my hands gripping the sheets at my side. Having the feeling of a needle piercing your skin wasn't the greatest, and I looked over to him. His face was glowing because of the candle light, a small smile on his face as he worked.

"How is it that you came to possess such ancient books on demons? I found them in your bag." He didn't even look at me, and I sighed deeply. "Please hold still." Holding my breath, I waited a few short seconds before Sebastian told me that it was alright to move again.

"I'm borrowing them." I replied, hissing in pain as a bandage was wrapped around my stomach.

"For what purposes?"

"Curiosity." My response was a little quick, but he said nothing until he tied the cloth. Sitting back in his chair, he let his eyes flow over my body until they met my own.

"I take it Charles left then? Seeing as how you could've asked him...or myself." He had a point, and I said nothing. But I doubted that Sebastian would have been anymore helpful to me than Charles had been. Sebastian still had a master to take care of, a contract to fulfill.

"However, let the matter rest. We are to celebrate the young master's birthday. If you feel well enough to attend."

"Yes, of course." I said, sitting up with a little difficulty. Sebastian helped me up, and was quick to put a dress on me. It was loose, but still appropriate. I noticed it was one of mine, I must have left it here.


The servants of the Phantomhives, Lizzie and her servant, Ciel and I all sat at the dinner table. Supper had been prepared quite late, but everyone was pleased to be able to celebrate Ciel's birthday. Even though he looked bored with the idea. But there was laughter and good times from everyone else. My head was rested against the palm of my hand, and I was letting my elbow rest on the arms of the chair.

"I have informed your parents of your safe return. However I told them it was not advisable that you travel anytime soon. So you will be staying with us for a while until you heal. Your parents will visit in the morning to see you." Sebastian had bent to my level, and I smiled gratefully at him.

"Thank you Sebastian." He nodded, and went to serve tea to Ciel.


Despite my stomach protesting in pain, I was on my hands and knees looking for my bag. It was underneath my bed, clumsily kicked there by accident on my part. My hand reached out, grasping and pulling it towards me. I allowed the old books to gently slide onto the floor, and I began skimming through them.

I was in the third book, nearly falling asleep at this point when I found what I needed. I grabbed the book in my arms, and stood. The pain was killing me, and I was sick of playing games. I made my way outside, into the forest.

I now leaned against a tree for support, and tucked my hair behind one of my ears. Opening the book, I began to recite the words written. I could only hope I was saying them right.

Nothing happened, and I tossed the book to the floor with anger. I leaned my head back, so it rested against the trunk of the tree. Closing my eyes, I felt really drowsy. I probably should have waited until I was a little more healed. The wind picked up and caressed my body. There was almost a whisper carrying with the wind, and I opened my eyes at the sudden loudness of the words.

"You wish to make a contract, child~?" The voice was dark, deep and yet held a soothing tone. The forest area that had been surrounding me was now gone, a black void surrounded me and this new demon. Snow crunched beneath my feet, and snowflakes seemed to form in the air out of nothing. But they disappeared before they hit the ground. I was struck with awe, and I heard the voice chuckle deeply. Giving a nervous laugh, I bent down and picked up the book and held it close to my chest. All the pain I had was now gone, almost like my body was in a numb state here.

"Y-yes. I wish to make a contract."

"No. She does not." The new voice startled me, and the book that I was clutching deeply was ripped out of my hands by a hand that reached over my shoulder. "Leave now. This was a mistake on the human's part."

"My my, girl. Seems as though you already have a demon in your life. Pity, your soul smells so good~ You know how to contact me if you change your mind."

"Leave." The image around us began to shake, before it shattered like a million pieces of glass. I was left with a winded feeling, but a gasp escaped my lips as a hand clenched around my throat and I was pushed against the tree.

"Miss Vanessa. Please explain to me your desire to make a contract?" My eyes glanced up at him nervously, and I let out a squeak of pain. The hand loosened it's grip, and I glared at him.

"How dare you, Sebastian?" I said, pushing him further away. I walked out of there, not answering his questions. I was going to be stuck in this mansion for a while, I can deal with him later.


I climbed into bed, Sebastian close behind me with a lit candle. After making sure I was going to stay in bed, he gathered my books and held them in his arms.

"I suggest not doing that again, miss Vanessa. It would be a foolish mistake on your part."

"Why? Because then you couldn't touch me?"

"You think that would keep me at bay?"


"Good night miss Vanessa." Sebastian left with a chuckle on his lips, and the room was plunged into darkness. I sighed, and let sleep and dreams overtake me.

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